I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1076: Legendary weapon

The latest website: The tree demon almost resisted Song Jian's Wan Jianjue in a self-harm manner, but the moment it attacked Song Jian, the power of the rule was not protecting it, and its tree roots were also limited, in front of the spirit sword It's not vulnerable at all.

Bang Bang Bang ~

Countless spirit swords are chopped on the tree demon. If it is not too large, I am afraid that it will be cut directly by the spirit sword in the first round of attack.





More than five thousand points of damage floated from the top of the tree demon. The tree demon desperately controlled the roots of the tree to attack Song Jian, but Song Jian's position at this time was beyond the range of the tree demon's attack. No matter it is working, there is no way to attack Song Jian and the robot next to him, Nafiboya.

"Isn't it good for me to get the contents of the treasure chest? I must fight to death and see, this is the end of my own power!" Song Jian pointed to the distance and was besieged by the Red Lotus Sword Formation. The tree demon said to the robot Nafiboja beside him.

At this time, Nafeiboya's two eyes blinked frantically, and she did not respond to Song Jian's question, as if she had used all her energy and computing power in Wan Jianjue's analysis.

Although the level of the tree demon is high, the rank is only the lord level, only insisting on the moment when the yehuo red lotus sword appeared, and there was still time to make a sound, it was directly cut into two sections by the red lotus sword, turned into a raging flame, and burned .

Song Jian took a look at his experience value. This BOSS provided a wealth of experience value, and because he surpassed 30 levels to kill monsters, the experience value increased by 30 times. The lower third is progress.

Shaking his head, Song Jian stepped towards the tree monster's remains. At this time, the flames had gone out, leaving only a plume of green smoke. A huge deep pit was left on the ground, and a black body was rolling. Aside.

Two pieces of 85-level gold-quality equipment were left on the ground. Their attributes were average. Song Jian just glanced at them and put them in the parcel box.

In addition, there is a piece of dead wood with a thick arm, and the surface has flame-like texture. This is a fifth-level dark gold quality material that can be used for forging. If used, there is a certain chance to produce epic-quality equipment. Of course, make epic-level equipment. The equipment must have the corresponding drawings and forging skills, otherwise, this material can only improve the properties of the forging equipment, and will not make the equipment that was only golden quality, upgrade to epic level.

Putting all the items of the tree demon burst into the parcel box, Song Jian walked towards the treasure chest that was only opened for a small part. At this point, the tree demon has been killed, all its roots have been burned, and the treasure chest full of the style of the undead empire has fallen from the tree pit.

Song Jian bent down and started to open the treasure chest. At this time, there should be no more monsters to disturb him to open the treasure chest.

The forgotten key at this time is still inserted in the keyhole, and Song Jian only needs to press his hand on the treasure chest.

Ten minutes later, the treasure chest was opened with a click.

Song Jian fished in the treasure chest and took out a bent wooden stick from the inside. This stick looks like a stub of the tree demon, and the lower part is exactly the same as the material that the tree demon burst. It is very hard. The top of the stick is a palm-sized white skull. The whole body is silver. It seems to be made from the essence of magic silver. In the eyes of this silver skull, a dark red flame is burning, beating constantly.

"A wand of an undead mage?" Song Jian shook his head slightly. The undead mage profession can be said to be a very rare occupation. To become an undead mage, he must first be prepared to change his own ethnic attributes. Once he takes office successfully , Mastering the power of death, then the player's body will be constantly transformed by the power of death, and eventually become an undead creature.

This process is very painful, and all who can persist are ruthless people. Undead mages are relatively weak in the early days. They can only summon low-level skeletons. They are good at using corrosive magic. They can weaken the defense and resistance of the enemy. Generally they can only play the role of auxiliary mage in the team, but the role of undead mages will become more and more Great, mastering the Scourge of the Undead, and the undead mage who died in the clouds of death, whether they are singled out or sworn, the victory rate is very large.

However, as before, the number of undead mage is very scarce, so their equipment is often cheap.

Song Jian looked at the attributes of this staff, turned out to be a fragment of the legendary staff.

"Glory of the Kansar Empire (Broken), Quality: Legendary Item Fragments, 1/3, Equipment Requirements: 200 Intelligence, 180 Constitution;"

"Item description: This was the king's staff of the undead empire Kansal VII, destroyed by an enemy in one battle, the undead empire was destroyed, and this staff was forced to be dismantled; if you can collect the kulsa The glory of the empire (staff), the majesty of the Kulsa Empire (death skull), the hope of the Kulsa Empire (stone of the undead), can compose this legendary quality king's staff! "

"Item Attributes: Magic Attack 1100-1500, Undead Will +10, all attributes increase by 30, Undead Magic Effect + 30%, incidental skills: Pollution (active), causing 10% of target's blood value damage to a target If this skill kills this target, it can summon a Wraith from the target corpse to assist the user in combat. Wraith cannot be locked and cannot be harmed for 10 minutes. This skill can only be used once every 12 hours. "

"Conditions of Use: Undead Mage"

After looking at the attributes, Song Jian flashed his eyes instantly: "Legendary weapon turned out to be a fragment of a legendary weapon. As long as you collect two other items, you can synthesize a legendary weapon ... Haha, get rich!"

Legendary weapons can be said to be very high-end items for today's players. Many people have not even seen dark gold-quality equipment. Legendary items are almost no different from artifacts in their eyes.

And this staff in front of itself is no worse than an epic weapon, if sold, it can be at least 30% or more.

However, it is not easy to use this staff. Song Jian has reached level 50, and has passed two combat performance assessments, once at SS level and once at S level. At this time, his master The spirit of attributes has just passed 200 points.

If you want to use this staff, Song Jian estimates that you must reach at least level 70 or above to be able to exert its full power.

Of course, the tyrants who use attribute fruits as snacks at UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com are not in this range.

Throwing the staff into the parcel box, Song Jian continued to dig into the treasure chest. He just felt that there was more than one item in the treasure chest.

After a while, I found a drawing from the treasure chest. This drawing is a forged drawing. It can forge an epic death shield, but this drawing is also incomplete and must be collected. The remaining four can only be forged if they are completed.

And in the forging process, this drawing is also a forged material. That is to say, this drawing can only forge a shield of death. It cannot be like other forging drawings. As long as you learn and have sufficient materials, you can forge unlimited. Corresponding items.

"It seems that the acquisition of epic and legendary items is much more difficult than other quality equipment. Whether forged or otherwise, there is no way to obtain it directly ..." Song Jian secretly looked at the two fragments in his hands.


PS: Thanks for the "Book Friends 20190112152719964" for the 500 starting coins.