I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1074: Magic Silver Essence

The latest website: Most of the items that the flame demon blasts are related to the flame attributes. The equipment is equipped with fire breams and weapons with flame damage. Even one-off items also cause an explosion damage to targets within range, and they also have a burning effect.

However, these items are quite high in grade 75 and above. Song Jian either tossed in the warehouse and pressed the bottom of the box, or went to the capital of evil. There are many auctions in big cities like Fengming City. NPC adventurers will be interested in them, but NPC adventurers' purchasing power is not high. Unless they are lucky, nobles who are interested in these items may sell for a good price.

Song Jian was picking on the side, and the robot Nafiboya stood motionless, without any cleverness when she evaded the attack.

For a long time, Song Jian picked up all the spoils and returned to the robot Nafiboya.

"You have a halo of ridicule, so far away, you can attract so many monsters under siege?" Song Jian asked looking at the robot Nafiboya.

"During the **** process, all the monsters encountered will actively attack me. This is caused by the power of the rule, not my cause!" Nafiboya said seriously: "Just **** me out of the scorching canyon. , This power will disappear, and those monsters will no longer actively attack me! "

"My mission is also completed after the escort, it doesn't matter if you can't attack you ..." Song Jian muttered quietly and turned to continue to move forward. This time, he dare not let go of the speed, otherwise he will attract a lot of monsters .

Although he surpasses level 30 to fight monsters, Song Jian can gain a lot of combat experience, and the monsters here do not pose a threat to Song Jian, but the robot Nafiboya may not be able to carry the siege of these monsters, although it performed well Flexible, but with more monsters, it is too late to dodge.

The two walked forward slowly like this, gradually deep into the jungle.

Just then, the robot Nafiboya suddenly said: "A rare ore was detected nearby, please pay attention to collection!"

"Rare ore?" Song Jian shook his head immediately, then shook his head: "We still have to complete the **** task as soon as possible. The collection of ore is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it is too time-consuming ..."

The reward for the **** mission is Song Jianzhi's must-have, and there is no room for loss. Everything else must lean back. Song Jian does not want to delay the progress of the **** mission for some ore.

The robot Nafiboya walked directly in front of Song Jian, bent over and picked up a fist-sized mud block, and gently squeezed it. The thick mud covering the surface of the ore broke instantly, exposing the silver metallic light inside.

"The essence of magic silver is one hundred times the effect of ordinary magic silver. It is the best material for the professional production of personal armor in the French system. It not only has defensive power beyond metal, but also has excellent magic power, which will not cause spell backwash. Such a quintessence of magic silver could buy a mansion with an area of ​​more than 500 acres a thousand years ago ... "Robot Nafiboya turned to look at Song Jian and said," According to the calculation, the weight of this piece is now 23.75 grams. The essence of magic silver will be more valuable than a thousand years ago ... "

"Is it so expensive?" Song Jian's eyes showed a surprise look. As his level got higher and higher, he had found that the purchasing power of Doomsday Coin was declining. Many times, some advanced equipment and skills were sold. Often people are more willing to sell these items in barter, and the essence of magic silver belongs to the items that most people are willing to exchange, especially legal professionals.

You should know that almost all legal professionals are representatives of attacking and defending against the weak. They must not have a trace of metal on them, otherwise the release of spells will be affected, and the failure rate will increase significantly, causing spells to backfire, so except for some special ones, Legal professionals, most mages are accustomed to wearing armor defense. You must know that the armor defense is the lowest of all equipment, which also causes most legal professionals to be very afraid of the super high assassins. Professional.

This item of Magic Silver Essence perfectly solves this problem. Excellent transmission of magical power is comparable to the defensive ability of plate armor. If you use Magic Silver Essence to make a set of equipment, a mage can definitely have a melee heavy armorer. Defensive capabilities.

It ’s just that the magic silver essence is too rare, not to mention a whole set of equipment, even a piece of equipment is difficult to build. You must know that to use magic silver essence, the entire equipment must use it as a forging material. Once mixed with other materials , The magic guide attribute will be greatly reduced, and the gains will outweigh the gains.

"Is there a lot of magic silver essence around here?" Song Jian was surprised to wipe the dirt on the surface of this magic silver essence in his hand, exposing a piece of silver metal the size of a fist.

"There are a total of six similar pieces of magic silver within a hundred meters nearby, and the total weight is expected to be 795 grams ..." said the robot Nafiboya.

"More than seven hundred grams? We're rich, so much is enough to create a magic silver inner armor, haha ​​..." Song Jian laughed, and put the magic silver essence in his hand in the parcel box, in the robot Nafiboya. Under the guidance of, began to collect other magic silver essence.

This is why, although the hot canyon is dangerous, a large number of adventurers enter each year. Although the hot canyon is dangerous, there are also many treasures like the magic silver essence. Once you are lucky, you will change one immediately if you find one or two fate.

After picking up four pieces of Magic Silver Essence, Song Jian continued to walk towards the next one. The other two pieces of Magic Silver Essence were at the root of a large tree, half exposed outside and half buried in the soil of the root of the large tree.

What surprised Song Jian was that beside these two pieces of magic silver, there was a treasure box the size of a human head. The surface of this treasure box was covered with a thick layer of dust, which looked inconspicuous, and there was no quality light. .

After looking at the treasure chest, Song Jian stared at the big tree on the side. The big tree is 20-30 meters high. The crown is like a giant umbrella that is spread out. The thick trunk needs five or six. Individuals can come together, and the dense roots of the tree have a part of the fruit exposed on the surface, which looks like a thick giant snake surrounding the big tree.

Beside these tree roots, there are many animal bones scattered, two pieces of magic silver essence and that treasure chest are all around these bones.

Song Jian looked around for a while and did not find any monsters. Soon, his eyes fell on this big tree. You know, there are many monsters like cannibals in this forest. No one knows , Is this big tree in front of you the treasure chest ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Nafiboya, can you open the treasure chest and take out the contents? Song Jian asked Nafiboya, pointing to the small treasure chest under the tree.

The robot Nafiboya was motionless, as if she had lost all her power.

"I knew it would be like this ..." Song Jian poked his mouth, summoned the Heavenly Sword, and chopped it down towards the big tree. A dazzling pale golden sword gas was directly chopped on the trunk of the big tree.

With a bang, a flare of Mars popped up. This sword seemed to be cut on steel. You know, even steel, Song Jian can cut it into two sections, but now it is only here A light white mark was left on the surface of the big tree.

"Sure enough, weird ..." Song Jian's mouth slightly tilted, and he began to control the Moon Precision Wheel and Skybreaker Sword, and continuously bombarded the tree in the past. After a while, the rumbling explosion sounded in the jungle.


PS: Thank you for the "100% Coins" rewarded by "The Joy of Real Fire"