I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1066: enter

Tuguman simply killed Xilin, regardless of the warning of the Earl's Phantom, and extracted his soul. At the same time, Xilin's last piece of defense equipment also set a tracking mark on Tuguman, which is the last in Earl's Mansion. Means, you can use this tracking mark to avenge Xilin in the future.

Anyone who kills the earl's son will be hunted endlessly, but Tuguman can't care so much at this time, even if he let go of Celine, the earl's house knows that he used Celine so much, he will not let it go. Pass him.

A dozen fist-sized soul spheres floated from the dead adventurer and surrounded Tuguman's side. Originally, Tuguman wanted to use another spiritual curse to let everyone kill each other. But after seeing Song Jian's violent attack power, Tu Guman gave up this idea. He was afraid that once the killing started, I was afraid that the last person would not be him, but Song Jian. If this scene appeared, then Embarrassed, he made a wedding dress for nothing.

Looking at the surrounding soul spheres, there were only sixteen, which made Tu Guman's face suddenly difficult to look. Originally, fifty adventurers were recruited, but as they came along, there were more than a dozen who died. , The rest are relatively powerful, in general, the powerful, the perception ability will not be too weak.

He can kill these dozen adventurers. On the one hand, these adventurers have no defense against him at all. Even if they feel danger, they only think that they are monsters around them. Generally, when this happens, everyone Not to escape, but to gather together to confront the enemy.

However, they never thought that those who threatened them would stand in the line. If Song Jian was not the first to stay away, I am afraid that more people would be killed by Tu Guman.

Uh ~

Sixteen soul light **** automatically fly into the crimson sky-high beams of light. In the eyes of Tuguman, the numbers appearing on the surface of the beams of light soon changed. He was only 14 away from 30 souls. Already ahead of most people.

"Kill him, he has taken refuge in the abyss hell, and is no longer a human." An adventurer roared angrily, if it wasn't for the ghost to send God to follow Song Jian and run out, he may now have become a sacrifice. .

"Damn, everyone besieged together. He cast a forbidden spell. He has little power ..."

A group of people held weapons and rushed towards Tuguman. Although the magic curse is powerful, it takes longer to launch skills than common law professions. Only legendary magic curses can do what they say. Tu Guman's strength, now it is impossible to reach this level.

Tu Guman saw the crowd rushing towards him, and there was a gloomy look on his face. At this time, he was not the opponent of more than a dozen third-order strength adventurers.

I saw him take off a flannel pocket from his waist, and after opening the pocket, a soul light ball slowly floated out.

Tu Guman saw that these soul light spheres were dripping blood, but it was a soul light sphere that he condensed with spells. You must know that only by killing creatures near the tower of killing can you obtain a complete soul light sphere, and killing a creature from the outside, except for the soul overflow, can only get a little soul true spirit, which requires a lot of soul true The spirit can condense a light ball of soul for such a person.

Tokuman killed about one hundred people outside to gather such a one-person soul sphere. It is too wasteful to use it here.

But he couldn't do anything. The reason why he did this was just in case, if he didn't get enough soul sacrifices in the tower of killing, then he can only use his inventory, you know, these soul light balls, After being transformed into an abyss, it is also very useful, not only can it be swallowed, but it can also be traded as currency.

When he is completely transformed into an abyss, he will not be able to collect human souls as recklessly as before, and when he appears, he will be chased by adventurers.

"Damn, this is equivalent to the loss of 1,400 human souls ..." Tu Guman looked at the sphere of soul light floating out of his soul bag, his heart was bleeding, but he had no way, only in this way he could quickly Enter the Killing Tower, otherwise he will be divided by the rushed-up adventurer.

Dididi ~

In Tuguman's eyes, the numbers on the Tower of Killing kept beating, and soon reached thirty. The original red color turned into green at once. Tuguman was sucked into the beam of light by a strong force. The tower has not yet formed, but he has met the entry conditions and can enter the beam of light.

The time flow in the beam of light is not the same as the outside world. Enter now, and then enter after the killing tower is formed. There will be no difference in time. Whether you enter first or enter later, you will only feel the moment of time. Gone, there won't be a long stay experience.

Seeing Tu Guman turned into a beam of light into a beam of light, the rest of the adventurers suddenly stopped, at this time in their eyes, the number of souls on the tower of killing is still zero, which means that every time they Individuals who want to enter the Tower of Killing and leave here must kill another 30 creatures to gain its soul power.

At this time, the original companion can also become a prey. Each adventurer clenched his weapon and became vigilant. The distance between them began to widen, and they were guarding other people against themselves.

"Brothers, we don't need to guard each other like this at all, it's just thirty souls, we can easily get it, but here is the scorching canyon ..." Datura stood out, waving his arms and shouting loudly.

What is the hot gorge? This is one of the largest spawning areas in the world ... Although the environment is harsh, the number of monsters is extremely large. Even under the influence of the killing light curtain, the monsters are killing each other. But if you only have thirty souls, it's still easy ...

"Damn, the monsters here are all BOSS, the lowest are the second-order peak combat power, eighty-level BOSS, do you think we have this strength, even brush hundreds of BOSS?" One of the adventurers was furious Shouted.

Datura suddenly spoke, you know, these people are good, as long as they work together, if only hunting a few ~ www.novelhall.com ~ even a dozen BOSS, there is no problem, but according to the head, every Thirty bosses are like this, and more than three hundred bosses need to be hunted. This is an impossible task!

"Hehe, it ’s not just monsters and our adventurers here. There are tens of thousands of people who come to the hot valley every year. We do n’t need to focus on those bosses. As long as we put on other adventurers, things will happen. It becomes a lot easier ... "Stan Lee, in black, stood up with a faint smile on his face and deliberately glanced at Song Jian when he spoke.

"Stan Lee is right, there must be other adventurers here, then ..."

Before the words of another adventurer had finished, I saw a crowd of black people walking in the distance, at least 500 people!

"At that time, at that time ..." The adventurer was about to sweat coldly, and his tone was getting weaker and weaker. Looking at the crowd, he stepped back directly and closed his mouth tightly.


PS: Thanks for the 100-Year Coins for "Yeququ Chaoran" ~