I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1067: Sharp stone

"Hey, there are people who arrived earlier than us!" Kansa glanced at Song Jian, with a smile on his face and shouted.

"What's the use of coming early? Without soul energy, there is still no way to enter, well, I won't tell you more, I'll go ahead!" After finishing, a strong man holding a heavy hammer, pulled open the soul bag, Thirty soul light **** floated out and merged into the red beam of light. The figure of the brave man also turned into a white light like Tu Guman, and entered the red beam of light.

Among the newcomers, one after another took out the light ball of the soul, white and blank, floating towards the red beam of light, and most of them turned into white light and flew into the red beam of light.

"He, why do they have so much soul energy?" Stan Lee rubbed his eyes, some could not believe what he saw.

"Did these people have been prepared for a long time?" Dadora's face was gloomy and terrible. You must know that the time when the curtain of killing light appeared, unless someone could find and determine that in the scorching canyon, a monster could break through King level, otherwise, it would be impossible to prepare so much soul energy in advance.

"What are we going to do, are we really stuck here?" A second-order peak adventurer with a look of despair on his face.

"What are you afraid of? There is plenty of time, even if you go hunting monsters now, hum!" Said another adventurer, humming coldly, holding his face complexion.

"Three months, we only have three months to gather our soul energy and enter the killing tower within three months, and then we have the opportunity to leave here, otherwise, we will wait for the sage to be wiped out and become a walking dead and become hot The lowest walking corpse in the canyon, "murmured some adventurers.

At this moment, a skinny old man slowly walked over from the opposite crowd, and smiled and said to Song Jian and others, "Did you, anyone needs soul energy, a soul light ball, it only needs 100,000 doomsday? Currency, good quality and low price, child-friendly, limited quantity, you can buy it quickly! "

Datura stunned: "There is such an operation. Where does this old man get so much soul energy ..."

Song Jian glanced at the old man and suddenly he found out that after the old man approached, his task reminder showed that the task of finding the forging master Coulomb had been completed, and the next step was to hand the scepter and sword to the master Coulomb. .

"Excuse me, are you Master Cullen?" Song Jian pushed everyone out and asked.

Cullen froze, looked up at Song Jian, squinted and looked for a long time to find that he did not know each other, and said with a cold face: "Little guy, I am Cullen, but I don't know you at all ..."

With a slight smile, Song Jian drew a scepter with a length of one foot long and inlaid with various gems from the parcel, and passed it.

This scepter sword is of very high quality. Song Jian even wanted to use it as his spare weapon for a time, but after he received this task, he would have been free to switch back and forth between the scepter and the sword. The magic sword, as if sealed, can no longer detect the blade, which makes Song Jian very depressed, and can only be placed in the parcel as a task item.

"This is a symbol of the rights of the Wallen Empire ..." Master Corum suddenly became inexplicable when he saw the scepter in Song Jian's hands.

He took the scepter with a trembling hand, and Cullen stroked every gem on the surface of the scepter, sinking into deep memories.

It took a long time for Cullen to recover from the memories, raised his head, and looked at Song Jian with a pair of red eyes and said, "Young man, you can send it to me, I am grateful, I can promise you that it will be done for you It's not an overkill. "

Song Jian stared at Master Coulomb, but he could not see the other party ’s attributes, but Song Jian believed that Coulomb ’s forging level at this time, even if he did not break through to the Grand Master, must be at the peak of the master level. There is a good chance that you can forge an epic gear.

Even if the equipment is not forged, in this situation, it would be no problem to ask him for thirty soul spheres.

However, Song Jian has worked hard to find Coulomb, not for these trivial matters.

"Master Cullen, I want to get information about the sword fairy suit!" Song Jian said respectfully.

"Sword immortal suit?" Master Corum trembled, staring at Song Jian, looking up and down, a smile appeared on his gully face: "Yes, yes, another Mu Dao ready to embark on the ancient road Or just don't know how far you can go ... "

Speaking of which, Cullen found a gem from the package and handed it to Song Jian: "This is the sharp stone. The material used to make it is one of the materials for the sword forging suit. With it, you will Can sense the position of the sword fairy suit! "

Song Jian reached out to take over this white jade-like stone and examined its properties carefully.

This gem looks like the tusks of a beast. It is white and crystal-clear, with a round luster on the surface. There is a small hole at the top of it, which seems to be hung by a silk thread.

[Feng Rui Stone: Strange Object, Use Requirement: Sword Qi Value 1000 Points]

[Item description: Pursue the dusty ancient road and look for the traces of the only occupation that ever existed. It is a great existence that can stand side by side with the gods, but be careful, this road is already covered with the dead body of the Taoist, I wonder if you will become one of them. 】

[Item Attributes: Attack +300, with Skill 1, Sword Qi aspect, causing 5000 points / second of continuous damage to all hostile creatures within 10 meters, duration 10 seconds, skill cool 12 hours; with skill 2, search, cast After the skill, the position of the sword fairy set component within a 500 km radius is displayed, and the skill cooling time is 2 hours;]

[Item usage requirements: Complete the Legend of the Road mission, and get the approval of Master Coulomb]

In the task bar, the epic quest of Legendary Road appears with the word "Done" and then slowly disappears. The ultimate reward of this quest is this sharp stone. With it, you can step on the hunting sword The way of fairy set ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Thank you Master Cullen! Song Jian held the sharp stone in his hand, bowed slightly, and said to Master Coulomb.

"Hope you can succeed, boy!" Master Coulen laughed.

"Oh, by the way, this is the forging hammer that Tarov, the branch president of the Blacksmiths Union asked me to give you, and he hopes that you can settle in the city of hope after leaving the scorching canyon. Song Jian took it from the parcel box A palm-sized forged hammer came out and handed it to Cullen.

"The high-level imitation of the artisan's hammer, I didn't expect that the little guy Tarov was willing to spend such a large amount of money, hahaha!" Master Coulomb took the forging hammer, and laughed, with a very happy expression: "Come here It just happened that I searched in the scorching canyon for more than ten years, and finally I had enough black iron source iron ore. With this forging hammer, I have a greater grasp on the impact of the guru level, thank you, young man! "

Cullen was very happy. He took 30 soul light **** directly from the soul bag and handed them to Song Jian. "There is a sword fairy suit hidden in the killing tower. I hope you can get him. This is me. Thank you, please do not decline! "
