I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1065: Curse

"This guy ..." Song Jian was anxious to slash at Tu Guman at this time, but the Skybreaker Sword was still merging the sword spirit and could not be used. Song Jian could only avoid it and stay away from here.

When he thought about it, "Boom", two hot flames rose after Song fitness, forming a flame wing, a little under his feet, Song Jian rose into the air and flew towards the distance, in a blink of an eye Hidden a hundred meters away.

After far away from the attack range of Tu Guman's "Spell Curse-Ghost Scream", Song Jian's panic slowly eased. At this time, many adventurers have felt the threat of life, but they were wrong. I thought that the threat came from other monsters. When Song Jian suddenly fled, some quick-thinking adventurers understood that the area where they were located was the biggest threat.

Suddenly, an adventurer used various means, some of the accelerated escape skills used to save his life, all did not show up and kept away.

In just a few seconds, more than a dozen adventurers left their place, leaving only some unreacted adventurers, looking stupidly, these are adventurers with weak perception, just a little faint Uneasy, but did not feel that his life was about to be threatened.

Datura saw Song Jian's flaming wings of flames, away from hundreds of meters in an instant, his face changed greatly, he was the first person to react, and rushed towards Song Jian in the direction of escape .

Originally, the image of a Datura was a burly strong man, but only after real contact did he realize that this guy has more than one acceleration skills. There are only three acceleration skills displayed all the way, and he is also good at two types of improvement. For your own defense and resistance defense skills, if you want to save your life, Datura definitely has rich experience!

"Huh, huh ~" Datura was sweating all over his face, sitting on the sand not far from Song Jian with one buttock, looking at Song Jian with a grudge on his face and saying: "You, you have to run, and talk to me Say hello, so caught off guard, my little heart can't stand it, hey hey, what the **** did you find, what is threatening us? "

Dodor's perception is not weak. He is probably the first person to perceive the danger, but he doesn't know where the danger comes from, but he is very good at holding his thigh and seeing Song Jian escape. He said nothing, tight Immediately after Song Fitness, he was the second adventurer to escape the danger zone.

Song Jian nodded towards the place where Tu Guman was. "I felt Tu Guman had some problems along the way. I didn't expect that his purpose was to kill us and collect enough soul energy to enter the tower ..."

"Is he crazy?" Datura's face showed a surprised look, turned his head and looked at Tuguman. At this time, Tuguman's body surface had begun to exude a faint black breath. At first glance, he was doing his best. A certain skill leads to the inability to control the strength in the body, causing the breath to leak.

"Isn't he afraid that others will find out that using this method to trespass adventurers will be wanted by the adventurers' union. Besides, beside him is Sirin, the count's son, is he going to kill him? A look at the lunatic looked at Tuguman and was surprised: "Offensive to the adventurer's union, maybe he can escape, but offensive to the earl, the end of the earth, he has nowhere to escape unless it is ..., damn, He will betray humanity! "

Dodor seemed to have guessed something, and his face changed dramatically. In this world, do n’t have too many people who betray their own race. As human beings, they have transformed themselves into creatures of other races for various reasons, giving up their identity as human beings. ".

Seeing that many people left the place, Tu Guman's face suddenly became difficult to look, but once the magic spell-Ghost Shadow Slay was cast, it was difficult to stop. If he stopped halfway, he would be severely backstabbed. At that time, even if he could not kill him, he would be killed by people around him.

"Damn!" Tu Guman cursed inwardly, but the magic spell was still fully exerted, and the ghostly howling sounds rang out, and a gray breath began to emerge from nothing, quickly around him. Fly up.

"Spit, spit Guman, what the **** is going on?" Xi Lin suddenly noticed that the surrounding temperature seemed to drop by dozens of degrees at once, and changed directly from summer to cold winter. The skin on the outside felt a while. There was a ruthless chill.

You know, this is a scorching canyon, and the temperature has not dropped below forty degrees all year round. Now, Xi Lin has even found a thin layer of gray ice on the ground.

The adventurers around seemed to notice the strangeness, and they scolded Tu Guman in anger, some even took out their weapons and looked at Tu Guman with a look of vigilance.

"Tucman, what are you going to do, do you want to kill us?"

"Tucman, did you do all this, why did you do it!"


Until now, some people did not believe that Tuguman was going to kill everyone, and they surrounded Tuguman one by one, and at this moment, a translucent white bone arm suddenly stretched out on the ground and surrounded the surrounding area. Adventurer grabbed his legs tightly.

"Ghost shadow, howling!" Tu Guman finally spit out the last syllable, and his face became difficult to look at once. This time, he directly lost his thirty years of life. At this time, Tu Guman had become white. Haired and wrinkled, his body curled up, and it looked like he was an old man in his sixties.

Tu Guman looked at Xilin beside his eyes with a muddy eye, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said softly, "Master Xilin, the three-tailed fire scorpion you want, I'm afraid to catch it in hell! "

"Tucman, you betrayed the earl's house, you will definitely be chased by my father ..." Xilin also seemed to understand, from the previous suggestion to capture the three-tailed fire scorpion, to the formation of such a team of adventurers, this Everything is behind Tuguman pushing, the purpose is to kill everyone at this moment, become a gift of sacrifice, and open the passage to the tower of killing.

The feeling of coldness spread from Xilin's calf. After a while, he was soaked by the coldness of the whole person. The whole person's face became pale, and his body trembled slightly. With his strength, It is impossible to resist such a powerful skill.

Other adventurers are also in danger. Some adventurers cast their hole cards and directly crush the ghost hands that bind their legs. They want to escape, but have not yet taken two steps, and have been caught by countless ghost hands. Endless entanglement.

There was a roar of wailing ghosts ~ www.novelhall.com ~, which sounded disturbing in the ears of everyone, as if a big stone was pressed on the chest, even breathing became difficult.

"Tuguman, you must not die ..." An adventurer suddenly vomited blood, his body fell down softly, and he was immediately grasped by dozens of ghost hands. The body broke down at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. Turned into a pool of blood.

Each adventurer died miserably, Xilin's body flashed, her ring, necklace, and jewelry burst out. These were all defensive protections, but in the face of powerful magic spells, she could only persist for a few seconds. The clock ran out of power.

When the last necklace was broken, an illusive old man emerged into the air, staring at Tuguman and shouting, "No matter who you are, if you hurt the family of the Iver family, you will be hunted forever!"

At this moment, a hot mark was engraved on Tuguman's eyebrow. This is the hunting mark of the Aiweier family. Only those who are stronger than the Earl of Aiweier can be eliminated. You must know that the Earl of Aiweier is a A legendary strongman, if he wants to get rid of the mark he released, it is impossible to achieve the strength of Tu Guman.
