I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1064: Sacrifice

Song Jian repeatedly asked, and the Datura also wanted Song Jian's favor, so he told Song Jian all the information he had without reservation.

The so-called Killing Heart is actually a passive skill. It can only be obtained after leaving the Hot Canyon through the Killing Tower, and the faster it passes, the greater the chance of gaining Killing Heart.

The killing heart effect obtained by each class is different. Even if the same class is obtained by different people, there will be slight differences.

But in general, it is the effect of increasing attack damage, and the increase is large. Adventurers with a heart of killing, at least single out the boss of the same level. There is no problem at all. As for other players of the same level, Adventurers, even if one enemy is ten, there is no problem. If using complex terrain environment, even one kill is not a problem. It is a horrible killing machine.

"There used to be a legend that there was a group of people with the killing heart skills, and a killer organization was formed. The name is called killing heart!" Datura looked around carefully, as if the members of the killing heart were hiding around. , Whispered: "This news has not been confirmed, but the assassination of many big men is said to be related to this organization ..."

"Is it the killing heart?" Song Jian said to himself, looking up at Tuguman floating in the air.

Soon, the news of the Killing Tower spread among the adventurers. People who have been mingling in the hot canyon for a long time have heard of various legends about the hot canyon, and the birth of the king of boss, the killing tower appeared. , Is the most attractive of many legends.

"Everyone, the Tower of Killing is about to show up. If you want to leave here and not be transformed into a monster in the scorching canyon, we must go to the Tower of Killing and leave here through the Tower of Killing!" Tuguman was in midair Shouted loudly.

"Yes, this is our only way of life ..."

"Through the Tower of Killing, I gained the heart of the killing. By that time, I can also challenge myself and challenge the boss ..."

"Damn, I just want to leave this ghost place as soon as possible. What killing heart is good to keep my life!"


A group of people talked, no matter what kind of thought, they must go to the tower of killing.

Soon, the remaining thirty or so people made a decision and went to the Tower of Killing together. Song Jian glanced at Gu Guman, but did not speak, but he felt that all of this seemed to be controlled by someone in secret, and he The most suspicious person is Tu Guman, an adventurer who is a spiritual curse.

"Even if Xilin is probably concealed in the drum, he has been used by others! This family member who has been protecting his earl's house may have betrayed him a long time ago ..." Song Jian glanced at Xilin, at this moment The count's son was bewildered and didn't seem to know what was going on.

A group of people rushed towards the sky pillar of light and saw many monsters in the scorching canyon tearing at each other along the way. These monsters who can live together in peace usually became violent under the influence of the killing light curtain. Except for some monsters who still barely have sense, most of the monsters are like an indomitable battle. In the end, one of the two monsters fighting will always be killed and the corpse will be swallowed by the winner.

"Sure enough, it's like a nourishment ..." Song Jian saw with his own eyes that a monster that devoured his opponent has increased his thick breath by a few points. It seems that he will soon break through the ranks. You know, ordinary It is difficult for monsters to get the promotion of the rank. The ceiling of the strength of ordinary monsters is the elite level. Once they grow to the elite level, the ranks will rise very slowly, and some will even stagnate directly and never break through. .

But under the killing light curtain, the ceiling that restricts the monster's promotion seems to be broken at once. As long as any monster can defeat the opponent and devour its body, it can get unlimited promotion.

Most king-level monsters have the potential to advance to the king level when they are born. If not, then it will not be possible to advance to the king level in their lifetime. The light curtain of killing gives these mediocre monsters a glimmer of hope.

This is a carnival for the monsters in the hot canyon, but it is extremely unfriendly to the adventurers who entered the hot canyon during this time. The violent monsters will burst into the strength of 120% under the curtain of killing light and advance to the ranks. The longing has been incorporated into their blood and penetrated into the bone marrow. To the monsters, these adventurers entering the hot canyon are the real prey, and they are the hunters.

Fortunately, the killing light curtain will appear for decades, even once in hundreds of years. Otherwise, the scorching canyon will be occupied by king-level monsters and become a restricted area for adventurers.

But even so, there have been more than ten king-level monsters that have been confirmed in the hot canyon. There are still many king-level monsters that are hidden in the canyon and have never appeared. Therefore, the hot canyon is well-deserved as the game One of the scariest leveling areas here.

Song Jian and his team walked for more than an hour before they came to the red pillar of the sky. Before, I only felt that the pillar of sky was very high in the distance. But after approaching, all the talents found that this red pillar of sky was not only It's tall, but also extremely stout. The diameter alone exceeds one thousand meters. The light and shadow flowing on the surface of the beam of light are like waves, constantly rippling away, blocking all creatures from entering.

Within the beam of light, the killing tower has not yet condensed and formed various shapes, and at the same time, no matter what direction and angle, a large line of prompt characters can be seen;

[To enter the Tower of Killing, you need to sacrifice thirty soul energy. Your soul energy is now 0]

Seeing the line of characters in front of him, a smile appeared on the corner of Tu Guman's mouth. He had waited for this time for a long time. If it was not for entering the tower of killing, he would not betray the earl's mansion, and the earl's son Xilin would flicker into the heat The canyon, if the old count is told about it, I am afraid that they are not close to the scorching canyon, they will be caught up and killed by the earl's guard.

"As long as I have a killing heart, I can enter the ranks of the legendary assassin and transform into an abyss shadow body. At that time, life will no longer be my biggest weakness, and I will be able to freely release the magic spell at will ..." Tugu In the eyes of Man ~ www.novelhall.com ~, a strange look bloomed. He has waited too long for this moment. In order to make up for his professional shortcomings, he was tempted ten years ago and chose to betray the earl's house. Now, although the Tower of Killing has not yet formed, he can't wait any longer.

Standing in the crowd, Tu Guman's lips moved slightly and began to meditate on a kind of magic spell he has the most lethal power. This is a large-scale spell that can instantly kill all creatures within a range of 30 meters!

However, when he started to perform the magic spell-ghost slain similar to the magic forbidden spell, some adventurers with strong perceptive power perceived the threat, their faces changed greatly, their arms clenched, and they were vigilant. Looking around.

At this time, Song Jian, the hair on the back of his hands stood up one by one, and there was a tingling sensation all over his body. This is a sensation that will only be felt when a lethal threat comes, and he was told like a beast. He is in a situation where he can lose his life at any time.

Unlike other adventurers, Song Jian's eyes locked on Tu Guman's body for the first time. When Tu Guman's lips moved slightly, no sound was heard, and Song Jian's face appeared a gloomy look .
