I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1063: Killing heart


With a loud noise, the flame rhinocerose slammed into the bell-shaped energy, and a crack like a spider web suddenly appeared on the surface of the bell-shaped energy. The bell-shaped energy that was able to persist for 30 seconds was now unexpected. With less than fifteen seconds, he is on the verge of fragmentation.

Tu Guman's body shook, his face suddenly turned pale, his mouth twitched, and he couldn't help spitting a small mouthful of blood, and the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes quickly deepened at the speed visible to the naked eye, like traces of time, He suddenly accelerated in general.

A series of lingering curses emanated from Tuguman's mouth, blended into the bell-shaped energy, and soon filled the surface cracks.

However, this time also caused Tu Guman to directly lose his life span of nearly ten years, his heart could not help but hate it!

His eyes quickly fell on Song Jian, who was hiding aside. If it was not Song Jian who was unwilling to take the shot, he would not be able to cast a magic spell like a forbidden spell-sleepy!

From the release of the magic curse-sleepy, to the previous sustainment, Tuguman lost more than fifteen years of life. As a human being, how many fifteen years? This is also the reason why he is trying to find other types of power and want to be transformed into other creatures. The life span of humans is really too short, and the mantra cannot afford to splurge.

The fire and blood value of the flame rhinoceros keeps falling, but it is a BOSS known for its strength and physique. Even if it passively withstands the attacks of dozens of adventurers, it is only adding some insignificant scars on the body surface. In seconds, its blood value dropped by less than a third.


A crisp crackling sounded, and the bell-shaped energy enveloping the body's surface collapsed directly. The adventurers who were originally attacking were suddenly delayed, and some adventurers who had begun to release their skills were shocked, regardless of their skills. Directly interrupted the release of skills.

"Dammit, didn't you say thirty seconds, that's only twenty-five seconds passed!" An adventurer spurting blood from his mouth, sulking Gu Tuman in midair, cursing in his heart.

Tuguman also couldn't tell the bitterness. The power of the flame rhinoceros exceeded his expectations. The magic spell-sleep can't restrain it for how long, and the longer the trapped, the more violent the rhinoceros is. The deeper it will be, each time the last collision, Tuguman spurted blood, and it really couldn't persist.

After the fire rhinoceros got out of the trap, almost all adventurers began to retreat. Although Kanval had a new shield with superb attributes, he knew that once he rushed up, he would delay the escape of other adventurers for more than ten seconds. Time, without Song Jian's shot, their group of black people, it is impossible to kill the BOSS in front of them.

Just when everyone was panicking, this flame rhinoceros suddenly turned around and fled away, and at the stun of everyone's work, this flame rhinoceros ran so fast that it was left to everyone. Back view.

"It, it actually escaped?" Tu Guman was so excited that he couldn't help but spit out another blood. This is the flame rhinoceros. It is too cunning, and when it detects the threat, it runs away directly. You know, the average humanoid monster Can escape, and also escape when the blood value drops to one tenth position, but this seemingly stupid flame rhinoceros just lost one third of the blood value, directly Escape, beyond everyone's imagination.

At this moment, in the depths of the scorching canyon, there was a sudden "bang", a huge red beam of light rising from the ground, in the beam of light, you can see the pavilion, the pavilion, Qionglou Yuyu, like Mirage in general.

The light bloomed in Tu Guman's eyes, and his whole body trembled with excitement: "Out, appeared, finally appeared ..."

Most of the frightened adventurers were relieved after the flame rhinoceros escaped. After the red beam of light appeared, the adventurers were already a little like a bow-struck bird and began to panic again.

"This is, this is the tower of killing, this is the tower of killing!" An adventurer stared at the red pillar of light in the distance, with a look of horror in his eyes.

"Killing Tower, what is this, is it another secret?" Someone did not know what the Killing Tower was, and asked directly, the scene suddenly became noisy.

"The Tower of Killing, **** it, our luck is really bad!" Dodor said at a low voice with a bitter smile on his face when he appeared beside Song Fitness again.

"Do you know what this killing tower does?" Song Jian couldn't help asking.

"The Tower of Killing is a trial tower. Every time a king-level monster is born in the scorching canyon, there is a certain chance of it appearing. It is dangerous, but it is the only exit from the scorching canyon ..." Despair revealed in his eyes. Look, with his strength, I am afraid it will be difficult to pass the trial of the Tower of Killing.

"Even after the birth of the king-level boss, the killing light curtain will not disappear?" Song Jian frowned. He came here to look for Master Cullen, only to complete the task, but he did not want to stay in the hot canyon. The temperature here was extremely high. , The environment and the abyss **** are a bit similar, not very suitable for human survival.

"If there is no killing tower, you just need to wait patiently, after the birth of the king-level boss, the killing light curtain will disappear naturally, but ..." Datura sat on the ground as if to say to himself. : "But as soon as the Tower of Killing appeared, all the creatures in the scorching canyon became maggots. If they wanted to leave, they could only go through a lot of trials and deaths after **** killing ..."

"Is it so cruel?" Song Jian frowned slightly, and asked in disbelief: "How can the scorching gorge be so wide, and how can all the creatures be thrown into the tower of near killing?"

Datura glanced at Song Jian and smiled bitterly: "The Tower of Killing is only aimed at outsiders, and at those creatures who want to leave the Scorching Canyon, the creatures that originally existed in the Scorching Canyon will have no effect at all ..."

Song Jian suddenly understood that the creatures in the scorching canyon did not care if the tower of killing appeared. Only adventurers like himself would care about leaving.

"Does it say that ~ www.novelhall.com ~ The Killing Tower will exist until the next King BOSS is born?" Song Jian asked with some surprise.

"No ..." The color of despair in the eyes of Datura became more apparent, and said sadly: "The Tower of Killing will only exist for three months. After three months, without leaving the alien creature, it will never be Will be thinking about going out, because they have become monsters in the hot canyon! "

Song Jian suddenly felt a little creepy. What kind of power can directly transform an ordinary adventurer into a monster?

"Looks like we have to break through this killing tower!" Song Jian said with a sneer. "These ground-splitting beasts drove us in before. Do these monsters know in advance that the killing tower will appear?"

"There must be some manipulators behind the Earth Splitter! Their purpose is probably the tower of killing that is about to open!" Dodor took a deep breath and said, "You must know that to open the tower of killing, you need to absorb enough killing breath to open it. Some people hope that we kill each other, provide enough killing breath, open the tower of killing, and get the heart of killing! "
