I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1059: Booty

The latest website: The Spirit Sword is chopped on the Lightning Beast. Each Spirit Sword can only cause hundreds of points of damage to it. The level of suppression is too great. More than 200 Spirit Swords cannot kill this Lightning at all. beast.

The additional karma damage has also been weakened a lot, Wan Jianjue only slightly blocked the footsteps of the Thunder Beast, and the blood value was only less than one-third, but this left the remaining adventurers seeing hope, long-range The attackers also started to attack and attacked the Thunder Beast.

All the hatreds were on Song Fitness, and the others started to attack with confidence. The reason why they did not dare to attack before was because they were afraid that their attacks attracted too much hatred. Lei Guangbei only stared at himself. Now Song Jian Attracted a lot of hatred, others can naturally attack with confidence.

Bang Bang Bang ~

Thunder Light Beast was provoked, and the three rhino horns at the tip of the nose burst into dazzling electric light, and a piece of power grid was scattered towards everyone.

"Thunder network, everyone be careful!" Exclaimed an adventurer, and the whole person suddenly turned into a smoke, drifting quickly toward the rear.

"Don't be afraid, keep on attacking, I'll stop it!" A big man holding a shield jumped out suddenly, and the shield in his hand bloomed with a glazed light. For the overwhelming Thunder Power Grid, he went back and held the shield. Shooting fiercely towards the Thunder grid.


A huge roar sounded, and Thunder Grid and the shield in the hands of the big man collided fiercely. The power grid wrapped the adventurer directly, and the sound of blasts began to change. The faces of some adventurers who had wanted to get closer to support changed greatly Involuntarily stopped.

Lei Guang roared for five seconds before gradually receding. The brave man holding a shield was covered with blue smoke, and his skin was covered with burnt scars. On the shield in his hand, the original glass-like light also disappeared. No, replaced by a faint golden quality light.

This is the light that can only be revealed after the adventurer has exerted his full strength and the quality light can no longer be hidden.

"He, is he alive?" An adventurer asked tremblingly as he watched the big man curled up into a ball, hiding his entire body behind the shield.

"Alive, cure, where's the cure dead, hurry up!" Someone shouted.

Lights of healing flashed on the big man. The big man slowly stood up, opened his mouth and exhaled a sigh of sigh, and suddenly a smoke sprayed out of his mouth.

"It's really fun!" There was a weird smile on Dahan's face. This man's resistance was extremely high. Even without the healing profession behind him, he would not be in danger.


Before he could stand still, Lei Guangshou hit him severely and knocked him out.

Seeing Lei Guangbei rushing over, the adventurers panicked and evaded one by one. Lei Guangbei's goal was clear, which was Song Jian that had caused him a lot of damage. At this time, he originally had a pair of bright blue eyes Beast, a scarlet look had emerged from the depths of his eyes, screaming wildly, rushing towards Song Jian.

The polydala crawled toward the direction away from Song Jian. At this time, the sword in Song Jian's hands was damaged and he could no longer perform any swordsmanship. No matter how he looked at it, he had to wait for the ending.

At that moment, the big man who was hit by a fly gave a soft shout to Lei Guangbei: "Hey, grandson, come here!"

Lei Guangbei, who had originally rushed to Song Jian, turned around strangely and rushed towards the big man, rumbling like a row of armored vehicles driving to the maximum block.

"You continue to attack!" The strong man yelled, his muscles were tight, and his two stout arms were firmly against the shield, exhausting all his strength and preparing for the next impact.


Lei Guangshou once again hit the big man severely, but this time, instead of knocking the big man out, he rushed forward a distance of more than ten meters against him, and the violent rush was slow. disappear.

At this time, countless long-range attack skills have fallen on Lei Guangbei's body, a number of wounds burst apart, blood flashing with electric light kept spraying, and thousands of points of injury figures floated above Leiguang's head.

These adventurers themselves are not weak, but they lack a leader-like character. Song Jian's first shot let other people put down their psychological burden and start an active attack. The shield soldier who jumped out gave all People are confident that before he falls, everyone can be assured of a bold attack. As for OT, it is even more impossible. Song Jian's injury is at the bottom. Even if MT falls, Thunder Light Beast can only rush to Song. Jian, until Song Jian fell, everyone else was safe.

With double insurance, these recruited adventurers still exerted their original strength.

Ten minutes later, the Lei Guangbei fell down in a scream, and the shield warrior limped over to Song Jian, stretched out his hand and said to Song Jian: Kanvar, Light Defender of Level 97! "

Song Jian smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and held him together, and said, "Fifty level, Yu Jianshi!"

"You are one of the most hurt swordsmen I have ever seen, none of them!" Kanwal held out his thumb and admired Song Jian with a look of admiration. If Song Jian was not the first to take the shot, I am afraid that Kanwal would only watch the whole process. After all, the law does not blame the public, and everyone is at large. Why should he go forward to resist?

After the fall of Thunder Beast, more than a dozen pieces of equipment were directly dropped. One of the most noticeable is a long bow with golden light. This long bow is more than one meter long and looks very humble. It is as if a branch of a tree is bent into an arc and then tied with a rattan.

But the golden quality light has attracted everyone's attention.

"The Ranger Lei Guangbow, equipped with a ninety-three level equipment, automatically generates three thunderbolts every second, hurting more than a thousand, the best!" Someone stared at the attributes of Leiguang bow, eyes full of greedy look.

In addition to this thunderbolt, there is also a silver-quality shield that is not bad. The others are just white and green gear and some materials.

Someone reached out to grab the longbow. At this moment, all the spoils of war spontaneously flew up, the longbow flew towards Song Jian, and the silver shield flew towards Kanval.

At this time, the adventurers suddenly thought that when they entered this adventure team before, the distribution principle had been determined ~ www.novelhall.com ~ is based on the contribution value. When hunting monsters, the loot was distributed according to the contribution value. Song Jian has the highest damage to the Thunder Beast, and has the highest natural contribution value. He obtained a golden-quality Thunder Light bow, and Canval attracted monster hatred throughout the entire process. His contribution value was second, and he obtained a shield with a slightly lower quality.

"Hahaha, the thunderous cage, the best shield!" After reading the attributes of the shield, Canval laughed and replaced his shield directly, holding up the newly obtained shield, and exclaimed in exclamation.

Song Jian glanced at the Lei Guang bow flying into the parcel column at random. The attributes are really good, but it is not useful to him. Even if he throws it at the auction house, I am afraid that not many players will buy it. After all, the weapon's equipment level And usage levels are too high, I am afraid that no one will buy them within a year or two.

Just then, the three NPC adventurers came to Song Jian with a dark face.

"Boy, that longbow is good, sell it to us and let you take advantage, one hundred thousand yen!" An adventurer with a scar on his face, playing with a silver quality dagger, staring at Song Jian said, his eyes were like a poisonous snake staring at a frog, with a hint of wickedness in his greed.
