I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1058: Thunder Light Beast

"what is this?"

Song Jian glanced at the Datura beside him and asked softly.

"The killing light curtain, this is the killing light curtain!" Dodor said with a look of despair: "A king-level boss will be born in the scorching canyon. This is a special phenomenon that only appears to allow it to accumulate promotion power. Only wait until If it succeeds, the light curtain will disappear ... "

"Why call it the killing light curtain?" Song Jian frowned.

"Because during this period, the monsters covered by the light curtain will lose their senses and become violent. They will attack any living object around them, even monsters of the same race, and they will attack each other until the light curtain disappears! "Dodor seemed to think of some bad memories, and could not help but shiver:" We are dead, dead ... "

Xilin and Tuguman's faces also became difficult to look at. After looking at each other, Xilin nodded slightly, and Tuguman shouted, "This task will double the rewards for everyone, as long as our young master can Leave the scorching canyon safely and reward each one with a piece of dark gold quality equipment! "

Not to mention the doubling of rewards, just a piece of dark gold quality equipment, for adventurers, it is already a very rich reward, they are not necessarily able to buy a dark reward for completing a dozen tasks. Gold quality equipment.

However, the crowd did not show a happy look, but they all looked sad. Most of them were living in Fengming City. They are no strangers to the light curtain of killing. Every few years, there will be monsters in the hot valley. It may succeed or fail, but as long as the killing light curtain appears, it is a desperate thing for adventurers in the hot canyon.

At this moment, an adventurer suddenly rushed away in the direction of the arrow, and left the team directly. After a short time, he disappeared in front of everyone.

"Huh, stupid!" Datura glanced at the adventurer who was about to disappear, with a look of irony in his eyes.

"What is he doing?" Song Jian was a little strange. In such a dangerous situation, he dared to move away from the army alone. Was he arrogant?

"During the killing of the light curtain, the monsters will attack all creatures madly. The more places where the creatures gather, the more attacks they will receive. With so many of us gathered together, it is easy to attract the surrounding monsters ..." Dodor explained "The stupid person just wanted to be alone to avoid being besieged by monsters, but at this time, the more people there are, the greater the power, and the monsters will not be united. When we gather together, we will have survivability. Greatly improve……"

After Datura spoke, several adventurers who also wanted to leave the team suddenly changed their faces and became quiet.

"Master, the situation has changed. It seems that you can only capture the three-tailed fire scorpion next time. The most important task now is to ensure your safety!" Tu Guman whispered.

Xi Lin's face showed an angry look, but he was helpless. In this case, going into the scorching canyon was not to capture the three-tailed fire scorpion, but to commit suicide.

"Only so ..." Xilin hesitated for a long time before finally nodding.

A strange smile appeared in the corner of Tu Guman's mouth, but soon disappeared. He turned around and shouted at others: "The content of the mission changed. Everyone aimed to protect Master Sirin as the first goal and captured the three-tailed fire scorpion. Mission aborted! "

Everyone heard that the content of the mission changed and suddenly felt relieved, with a relaxed look on their faces. Even if the reward of the mission was generous, it was meaningless to the dead.

If you do n’t go deep into the scorching canyon and just stay there waiting for the killing light curtain to disappear, there will still be a vitality, coupled with the temptation of dark gold equipment, the morale of the adventurers will immediately increase a lot.

But Song Jian's face became ugly. He didn't come to get rewards for completing the task, but just wanted to use these people's strength to search for Master Coulomb.

If these people just want to stay at the entrance of the hot canyon, then for Song Jian, they are useless.

"Will you use force to force them into the depths of the scorching canyon?" Song Jian's face was cloudy and his thoughts fluttered, but soon he gave up this idea. If he did, then this group of people would be one. They can't survive. Under the persecution of death, they can do everything. Even if they are physically coerced by Song Jian, they will not be able to work at that time, and there will be no efficiency at all.

"It seems that I can only look for it alone ..." Song Jian sighed in his heart and decided to act alone.

Just as he was about to leave the team, a **** monster rushed towards the crowd.

This monster looks like a huge rhino, flashing electric light, and three rhine horns with a length of more than one foot on the tip of the nose continue to blast thunder, making a rumbling sound.

"Thunder beast, it's thunder beast!" Everyone's face changed greatly. This is a thunderbolt of level 120, and a lord-level boss, level 120, which is already at the peak of the third-level combat power. The beast, half-foot has stepped into the legendary realm, and now under the blessing of the killing light curtain, it has become furious and its strength has soared.

If this group of adventurers can work together, it might still be possible to kill this thunder beast, but how can a group of people who can be rushed to a hot valley by a group of rift beasts?

The morale had just increased a little, and it suddenly collapsed. Many people had already begun to plan how to escape, and no one at all considered **** the Lightning Beast in front of them.

"Brother Song, let's run away together!" Dodor whispered, "This is not something we can deal with ..."

Song Jian didn't speak, but just pulled out a dark gold-quality sword and slashed fiercely at Lei Guangbei.

Countless spirit swords condensed in the air, flying towards the Thunder Beast like a meteor shower;

Click ~

A crisp crackling sounded, Song Jian looked at a long sword in his hand, and a seven-inch-long crack appeared on the blade, and some small metal fragments continued to crack open around him.

"Sure enough ~ www.novelhall.com ~ can't bear all the influx of sword gas ..." Song Jian's face suddenly became difficult to look.

This Lightning Beast's level is too high, and the level of suppression is very strong. If the karma red lotus sword array cannot be cast, it will not be able to cause fatal damage to it, but the spare long sword in his hand cannot bear all the sword gas at all. Into two-thirds of the sword gas, the long sword was directly damaged, and Wan Jianjue was released in advance.

More than two hundred spirit swords flew towards the Leiguang beast, the roar continued to sound, and all adventurers were stunned. They had never seen such a powerful skill.

"Here, is this the sword mystery?" Xilin opened her eyes wide, her face unbelievable, and Tu Guman's face was so dreary and terrible that she thought it was only bait cannon fodder. This is beyond his plan.

"Damn, there are variables again. Why do I have similar variables every time I plan ..." Tu Guman cursed in his mind, his thoughts fluttered in his mind, and he must take targeted measures as soon as possible, otherwise If this plan fails again, he wants to leave a complete corpse, it will become a delusion.
