I Have a Doomsday City

~: One thousand and sixty

Latest URL: Because the Lightning Beast was killed by the entire team, everyone can see the attributes of the explosive items. A dark gold quality weapon equipped with a level of 93, and the attributes are superb, not to mention 100,000. Doom, even the one million Doom Song Jian, feels a little loss.

These people just saw that Song Jian's level was too low, and wanted to take advantage of it. As for the strong attack power that Song Jian showed before, in the eyes of these people, it was just that Song Jian used mystery to sacrifice The weapon broke out at the cost of his weapon. Now that his weapon has been destroyed, it may not be so easy to cast it again.

In the eyes of these people, Song Jian is now a beast that has lost its minions, and there is no threat to them. If you change to a second-order strength peak or a third-order strength person, several of them will definitely not come up to trouble However, Song Jian is now only a level 50 "rookie". The greedy desire has defeated reason. If this longbow can be grabbed, then even if the mission fails, a few of them will make money.

"Sorry, I will not sell it for less than 5 million doomsday coins." Song Jian looked at the three men coldly, but they were in their early eighties, and even failed the third-level assessment. Can be regarded as the "loser" of the second-order peak, dare to be crazy in front of him?

Yes, in general, level 50 can participate in the second-level combat assessment, level 80 can participate in the third-level combat assessment, and level 120 can challenge the legendary level.

But in fact, this kind of assessment will become more and more difficult in the future. There are very few strong people who can challenge the third-tier combat ability assessment at the 80th level. Ordinary adventurers will challenge at the 85th level or even the 90th level.

As for the legendary level, let alone the 120th level, even if the 150th level has not passed the legendary level, there are a lot of people, the legendary level is no longer powerful enough to pass, in addition to the strength, it also needs a certain Luck!

"Boy, it seems you don't know the situation yet, let me scar Billy give you this rookie a good lesson, let you know what rules to follow in the wild adventure ..." The thief profession with a scar on his face The adventurer, with a vulture-like cold smile on his face, slowly disappeared.

The other two also had cold smiles on their faces, took two steps back and gave up the venue to Scar Billy. In their opinion, a god-familiar who has just stepped into the second-level strength at level 50 It is impossible to be Scar Billy's opponent.

With more than 30 levels of suppression, Song Jian couldn't detect Billy's position by perception, but it was difficult for Song Jian. With a heart motion, Song Jian's eyebrow cracked a pale golden gap. His eyes slowly emerged, blooming.

His eyes have been strengthened twice, and his investigative ability has been greatly improved. Song Jian easily captured Billy's figure. At this time, he had already circled to the left of Song Jian. It seemed that he wanted to go to Song Jian. Attack behind.

The biggest feature of the rogue class is that attacking from behind, you will get super high crit bonus and damage bonus, plus the level difference between the two, maybe Song Jian can be dropped in one stroke.

Of course, this is an estimate made only when Billy does not know Song Jian's blood value. At this time, Song Jian's blood value has exceeded 10,000 points. Even if he is standing still, let Billy Assault, even a set of moves down, it is impossible to spike Song Jian.

Coupled with Song Jian's defensive resistance and excellent equipment, it can completely bridge the level difference between the two.

Song Jian was holding a broken dark gold-quality long sword, and a coldness appeared in the corners of his mouth. At this time, it is not when he pays attention to his mercy, he must show his strength and deter others, otherwise, such things will still happen. Happen once again.

A weapon of dark gold quality may be admired by many adventurers, but they do not care, but if an epic or even legendary equipment is present, I am afraid that all adventurers present will not be indifferent, even if it is the son of the earl. Lynn can't be indifferent.

After detecting Billy's figure, Song Jian directly cast the Xuanyue Streaming Sword without any delay, and the figure rushed towards Billy's side like a lightning.

When Billy saw Song Jian open his eyebrows and raised his eyes, he realized that he was wrong. People with this pupil-like technique would have the lowest effect of stealth, and once the thief lost his stealth status, he could not sneak attack on his back. Strike, lost the ability to attack, the actual combat effectiveness is much lower than other melee occupations.

This is why most thief professions are good at failing to hit, far away, and the high explosiveness also determines their weaker combat durability. Once the battle enters a deadlock stage, many thieves will choose to hide away.

"Damn, he found me!" Although he didn't know the true effect of Song Jian's eye-opening, Billy knew that Song Jian had determined his position.

However, at this time, Billy did not put Song Jian in his eyes, thinking that even if he was fighting directly, he could not beat the opponent, so he directly gave up the back attack and chose the front bar.

When he was about to rush forward, Song Jian had turned into a lightning bolt and rushed in front of him. In stealth state, the speed of movement would be weakened a lot. Up his chest.

A puff of blood shot out, and Billy was surprised to find that his 80-level blue-quality leather armor did not have any defensive effect, and was directly torn apart by a broken sword.

When Billy was about to fight back, he suddenly found that he had lost control of his body, and his feet had become frivolous. The whole body floated upwards into the air involuntarily.

Uh ~

As long as the first hit hits and causes damage, the subsequent attack, Billy, can't escape at all. Nine blood arrows shoot out from Billy. One by one, high damage floats from the top of his head. Kung Fu, Billy lost two-thirds of his blood value, and was almost killed.


Billy, who had already shown his physique, fell to the ground fiercely. In the face of a "rookie" of level 50, he did not have the slightest power to fight back and was severely injured by the opponent.

Song Jian looked at Billy falling from the air with regrets. If he has a sky-sword in his hand, this trick can directly kill Billy, unfortunately ...

Just when Song Jian was about to go forward to harvest Billy's last blood value ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Billy's two teammates burst into a scream: "What do you want, stop me!"

The two opponents withdrew their weapons and were ready to help Billy attack Song Jian together, but at this moment, Kanval jumped out, holding a silver shield, stopped in front of them, and said with disdain: "Now It's a heads-up time, and if your hands are itchy, I can play with you. "

Kanval's class is a light defender. Compared to the Paladin, the attack power is weak, and the effects of various attack magic can only play 80%, but the defense and resistance are more than the Paladin. It must be much higher, plus various auras of slowdown, reduction, and reduction of the aura BUFF, which can absolutely torture people to suicide.

Although it is difficult for Canval to kill these two people, it is even more impossible for these two people to kill Canval. At least for two and a half hours, Canval is absolutely confident.

By the time Song Jianteng stepped in, the two cooperated, not to mention that they only had two, and even if it doubled again, Canval was confident to kill them all.
