I, Dimension Breaker, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 35:


They don\'t want to be traitors.

"That\'s what it means."

"Sorry, if that\'s the case, then we can\'t cooperate!"

A wry smile flashed across Najie Xitan\'s face, and then she also rejected Bai Ye\'s request.

Although Bai Ye wanted to overthrow the empire, it coincided with their purpose.

But if they were asked to withdraw from the Revolutionary Army and join the White Night, that would definitely not work.

"As killers, you are useless after overthrowing the empire, and then you will face the endless pursuit of the revolutionary army. They are the light, and they need to stand under the light to enjoy the treatment of the savior, so there should be no darkness on them.

So you have already prepared the bird bow, the cunning rabbit dies, and the good dog cooks the end? "

at last.

After the revolutionary army defeated the imperial army and successfully took the imperial power.

The living members of the night attack were hunted down by their former superiors, the Revolutionary Army, who bore all their sins.

Chitong also lived in exile since then.


Because the revolutionary army represents the forces under the light, and the night raid is just a killer organization.

When they are needed, Night Raid is to help the Revolutionary Army cleanse the threat.

After winning the imperial power, the light cannot tolerate darkness, and someone must be responsible for what the night raid did.

Wouldn\'t it be someone from the Revolutionary Army who would recite it by themselves?

Dirty politics!

"What do you mean?"

Ma Yin stared at Bai Ye with a strange look and asked.

How come there is a feeling that I can\'t understand what the other person is saying.

"Najie Xitan, as a former general of the empire, you should know what I said, didn\'t you tell your subordinates?"


A trace of hesitation flashed across Najie Xitan\'s face.

Of course she had thought about this kind of thing.

Also ready to sacrifice for the revolutionary cause.

But others may not think so.

So I never said it.

"Think about how sad it is that after defeating the empire, you did not die at the hands of the empire, but at the hands of your own people. The so-called revolutionary army is nothing more than the reincarnation of the empire. If you want to eliminate injustice, you must To achieve real peace!"

Peaceful world 3.0.

Take out Nagato\'s theory and give them a wave of brainwashing.

"Boss, what exactly does this mean?"

Ma Yin was a little puzzled, but the others more or less knew what it meant.

"It means that even if the revolution wins, you will be abandoned by the revolutionary army because your identities are not visible. I\'m right, Najie Xitan."

Bai Ye looked at her with a smile, and spoke directly.

At the end of the day, it\'s just a struggle for power.

After listening to Bai Ye\'s words, Ma Yin\'s worldview collapsed in an instant.

She was discriminated against since she was a child. After the Revolutionary Army allied with the minority, she joined Night Raid to fight for no children like herself to be discriminated against.

Also hate cheating and betrayal.

Now, hearing Bai Ye say that, his faith suddenly collapsed.

Looking at Najie Xitan, she wanted an explanation.

"Boss, he\'s talking nonsense, right?"

Ma Yin quickly grabbed Najie Xitan\'s hand and said.

"Brother Bai Ye, is there nothing good in this world? You say that the empire is bad, and the revolutionary army is also bad."

Sha You always thought that if the empire was bad, then the revolutionary army must be good.

But looking at the situation now, I suddenly feel that there seems to be no good or bad.

"This world is already sick. Whether it is the Revolutionary Army or the Empire, after all, the Revolutionary Army is better than the Empire. Could it be that the Revolutionary Army is full of righteous people, and the Empire is full of bad people?

Do not!

If you want to cure the disease, you can only root out all the corroded roots, so that the big tree can grow vigorously! "

The so-called revolutionary army is nothing more than a new empire.

So righteously said.

Even his former revolutionary partners can be directly abandoned.

Bai Ye simply didn\'t believe that such a person could be much better than the empire.

"What is your purpose?"

Najie Xitan couldn\'t hold back any longer at this moment, she knew that if she didn\'t say anything, her heart would probably be lost.

Moreover, she is also eager to get an answer from Bai Ye.

"Work with me to help bring true peace to this world!"

Of course, helping him get behind-the-scenes points will turn the world upside down!

But of course there are more reasons to speak.

Chapter 43 - The night attack is hooked!

Every white night of the world is propaganda to lead them to peace.

But in fact, Bai Ye doesn\'t care whether the world is peaceful at all.

It\'s about getting behind the scenes.

Of course, their dreams, as long as he gets the desired behind-the-scenes point, then he can help them realize it.

"So, are you ready to sacrifice yourself at the hands of your own people? Look at what the revolutionary army did, and what is the difference between what the nobles of other empires did?"

With that said, Bai Ye put some pictures collected in the past few days in front of them.

Although it is said that the revolutionary army has people who are really for justice.

But there is also dross in it.

Bai Ye only needs to find the evidence among this group of people.

in front of them.

Looking at the high-level people I have seen before,

Najie Xitan was lost in thought.

Then, she looked up at Bai Ye seriously and asked, "Even so, how can you guarantee that you won\'t do this in the future? Even if you don\'t, then the people in the team you formed won\'t?"

She admitted that there must be filth among the revolutionary army.

But at least it is better than the empire.

At the same time, she also knew that they would be abandoned by the revolutionary army in the end.

Night Raid is a killer organization.

They cannot see the light.

In the end, what happened in the dark of the revolutionary army was ultimately someone who needed to be blamed.

And this must have fallen on Ye Xie.

"I will not form a so-called revolutionary army, I just need your night raiders to join!"

"Impossible! How can the revolution succeed just by relying on us!"

Najie Xitan directly refused.

What are you kidding.

Although they are very powerful individually.

But in the face of hundreds of thousands of troops, how could the revolution succeed.

"Capture the thief first and capture the king. As long as you want to defeat the strength of Esdeth, then there will only be General Bude in the imperial capital, and Bude\'s strength is definitely not as good as Esdece\'s. After that, the ministers and the little emperor will not be there. Is it easy to solve it?"

"Besides, I will ask Shayou to help you. Her ability is very suitable for eliminating a large number of miscellaneous soldiers."

Saying that, Bai Ye raised his hand to touch Sha You\'s head, and then pulled her in front of him.

Her fire ability is very powerful in a large area.

Under the right environment, tens of thousands of troops can be burned to death in an instant!

"Shayou\'s words...she has the ability of flames, and the range is very large."

Leonie said in a low voice.

She has seen Sha You\'s ability before, and of course she knows what Sha You\'s role is.

"We are no match for Estes!"

Najie Xitan knew very well that they were not Esdeath\'s opponents.

If she wins the fight, she won\'t hide with the night attack.

"I said you can do it, as long as you cooperate with me, of course it doesn\'t matter if you don\'t cooperate. Anyway, I will not cooperate with a group of people with bad brains. If you want to go back and work for the revolutionary army, go back."

At worst, I went to find Estes.

Anyway, the last time I sensed it, I already sensed that Esdesh was back.

Therefore, Bai Ye has no shortage of partners.

It\'s just easier to attack at night.

Convincing Estes may be more troublesome.

After all, in the original book, Esdeth\'s head is more axial, but it is not impossible.

"I want to know, what is your so-called peace? And what will you do when it is realized?"

Najie Xitan didn\'t want them to be betrayed.

Those who attack at night are like their own children. ,

She was recruited one by one.

She can accept death in battle.

But he couldn\'t accept being betrayed by his own people.

"Eliminate the revolutionary army and those incorrigible people in the empire, leave some righteous people to manage the world, cancel all the nobles at the same time, and use powerful fighting power to deter the entire world! "

"This is not peace at all!"

After all, use force!

Najie Xitan\'s expression changed immediately, she thought of Esdesh.

"Strength is the ultimate way to achieve peace. As long as there is strong deterrence of force, no one dares to act rashly. But if you don\'t have force, do you have to rely on your words to persuade others to abide by peace? Don\'t be kidding! If so, you are still doing revolution What, just go directly to the empire and say no?"

Bai Ye\'s words slapped Najie Xitan\'s face fiercely.

He made a lot of sense.

If peace is spoken by lip service.