I, Dimension Breaker, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 34:

Aizen: [Otherwise, how do you explain that some worlds have changed, and some have not? It’s like Uchiha Madara’s world. , and it\'s still immortal, right? 】

This is where Aizen has always felt weird.

Obviously according to Naruto\'s setting.

Opening the eight doors is basically tantamount to death.

Unless it\'s Naruto\'s Six Paths Power, which extended Maitekai\'s life back then.

But even so, Matt Kay will spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair.

But Nagato is different.

He has opened eight doors, and he is neither dead nor disabled.

Uchiha Madara: [I agree with your idea, I am dead, how else can I change the plot? The changes in the plot are incomprehensible, especially the actions of Nagato and Hachimon are very wrong. 】

Before Aizen said, he had already guessed that maybe there was something in it.

None of them are fools.

Is Uchiha Madara stupid?

He wasn\'t stupid at all, even though he was used by the hacker in the end.

But except for this time, basically Uchiha Madara\'s IQ is definitely online except when he encounters Senjujuma\'s encounter with the halo of reducing intelligence.

Qiu Zixi: [In other words, there has always been a man behind the scenes manipulating the changes in the world? 】

Yakumo Zi: [It\'s not impossible, these worlds seem to have big problems, and the changes are too great! 】

Saitama: [The man behind the scenes is still the same? 】

Saitama, who was already lying flat, suddenly became interested.

It never occurred to me that there are still people in these worlds.

Aizen: 【It’s a little too much to say that the mastermind is behind the scenes. After all, we are not a positive person. There may be one or many, but I always feel that these changes must be man-made...Of course I have no proof, this It\'s just my guess...]

Yakumo Zi: [First of all, I want to clarify here that I am definitely a positive person! 】

Tony: [Please! I\'m a superhero who saves the world! 】

White Beard: [Gu la la la la la, if it\'s according to what you said, why didn\'t this person show up? 】

Aizen: [Maybe you don\'t have the strength, or maybe you just want to play...]

I don\'t know what the other party\'s purpose is.

But he felt that there were only two possibilities.

One is that the opponent has no strength and can only hide behind the scenes.

The other is a little more terrifying.

The other party just wanted to play, cultivate people in their world, and watch from behind the scenes.

Aizen: [It doesn’t have to be a person, it may also be something similar to a chat skirt, or the golden finger mentioned by the owner of the skirt before. I guess Nagato probably has one, and Whitebeard’s world, such as Enel, is still there. There are Dahe people who are different from the original and have no contact with you, and it is probably the same! 】

Hearing what Aizen said, everyone suddenly became enlightened.

Qiu Zixi: [Then the plot is useless at all? 】

Uchiha Madara: [I can\'t say it\'s useless, but it can\'t follow the plot, like Esthers, I guess Leonie\'s departure must have something to do with that, there is always an ominous premonition! 】

White Beard: [Gu la la la la la, this feeling is really unpleasant! 】

Speaking of it, it seems that there is a black hand behind it all the time.

And they seem to have fallen into a passive state.

Aizen: 【The most important thing is to enhance your own strength, and the second is to find out why they have such a change. It\'s better to just grab one of them and ask. 】

His world hasn\'t changed.

So he can\'t see it.

But we\'ll find out later.

Yakumo Zi: [This is actually the benefit of knowing the plot. If we don’t know the plot, we may be killed inexplicably. 】

Uchiha Madara: [That’s right, it’s better to scratch it. After all, it can become stronger. I’ll watch it after I’m resurrected. 】

Qiu Zixi: [When you say this, I suddenly feel a little pissed, I won\'t be bullied, right? 】

Tony: [There is LYB, what exactly does this guy want to do! 】

Aizen: [Suggest that you can find Leone quickly in Esdeth. Maybe that person is still in your world. Arya just died not long ago, and now Leone is gone, and the contacted person They are all people related to the plot, I have a bold guess, maybe he... knows the plot! ! 】

Aizen\'s words instantly shocked the entire chat skirt.

Such a wild guess.

Probably only Aizen can think of it.

But he was right.

That person may still be there, or it may not be a person, or it may be a person.

This is behind the scenes.

It must be found out.

Otherwise, their scalps are still numb now.

Being calculated, and now it seems that there is a pair of eyes staring at them in the dark.

This feels bad.

Estes: [I see, I will send someone to look for it! 】

She thought for a while, and accepted Aizen\'s suggestion.

Really something to do.

It\'s not in her character to be so passive all the time.

Qiu Zixi: [But I have a little doubt...that is, what is it doing this for? 】

There must be a purpose in doing things.

According to Aizen\'s speculation, if there is really a black hand behind it, what is the purpose of doing this.

She really can\'t figure it out! .

Chapter Forty-Second - The Imperial Revolutionary Army is just a chicken of the same species!

Aizen: [The purpose is unknown, and these are all my guesses. Before there is no stone hammer, you don\'t need to believe too much. 】

Everything is guesswork, too.

He couldn\'t be 100% sure.

Qiu Zixi: 【This can be regarded as a constructive guess. Now that you say it like this, I seriously suspect that it is so! 】

There is actually an existence similar to a traverser.

Although I don\'t know if it is really like guessing, it is already very scary.

Estes: [Wait for my good news, now I will take people to raid the night raid! 】

She also now knows the address of Night Raid.

In order to avoid the same situation as before.

Estes decided to leave now.

Kill them before they may have time to react.

This time, she will definitely not fail.



On the other end, Leonai brought Bai Ye to a valley.

Here, Najie Xitan has already been waiting.

In addition, in Bai Ye\'s perception, there are many people lurking around.

It seemed that the people who attacked at night were hiding around.

If there is any change in Bai Ye, it is estimated that there will be a fight against Bai Ye immediately.

"Hello, my name is Najie Xitan, Leonai said that you want to cooperate with me, may I ask?"

Najie Xitan was very polite, and put her hand in front of Bai Ye.

Bai Ye also reached out to shake her hand, and said, "Bai Ye, how about calling everyone out to talk?"

Najie Xitan:? ? ?

Not only her, but also the night raid members lurking around were a little surprised.

Was it discovered by Bai Ye?

"There\'s a pink sniper looking at me in the bushes in the back right, and there\'s a black-haired girl hiding in the trees above us, and..."

Bai Ye told their locations one by one.

Only then did they dare to be sure.

It turned out that Bai Ye really found out.

"Wow, you are really amazing, have you discovered all this?"

Leonai looked at Bai Ye in surprise.

Even she didn\'t know about these arrangements.

Although it was probably a guess, she didn\'t know the exact location.

He did not expect Bai Ye\'s perception ability to be so strong.

"Have a good chat?"

"it is good!"

After finishing speaking, Najie Xitan waved her hand and said, "Come out!"

Chitong, Maine, Lubbock, Hill, Brand and Chelsea.

Did the people who were not supposed to be in the night raid come early?

"What do you want to do with us?"

Najie Xitan looked at him solemnly, with a serious expression.

The observation ability displayed by Bai Ye is simply not too strong, and I heard from Leonai before that the little girl brought by Bai Ye seems to be a Teigu with fire.

"Overthrow the Empire."

"Welcome to Night Raid!"

Saying that, Najie Xitan stretched out her hand, and at the same time she was a little relieved.

If Bai Ye\'s dream is this.

Then Night Raid is of course welcome to join him.

"No! Listen to me, I don\'t want to join the night attack, but I want you to join me!"

What\'s the meaning? "

Najie Xitan was a little puzzled.

He wants to overthrow the empire, and then join him in night raids, doesn\'t it mean...

Suddenly, she seemed to have reacted, and asked, "Do you want us to betray the Revolutionary Army?"


Before waiting for Najie Xitan to say anything.

Others simply refused.