I, Dimension Breaker, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 36:

They went directly to the empire to say.

"How can we be sure you won\'t abandon us?"

Maine said quickly.

She trusts no one now.

Even the revolutionary army that he once belonged to.

She did not expect that after the revolution, she would be abandoned by the revolutionary army.

This reminded Ma Yin of some bad memories from her childhood.

"Because I want you to become that powerful force deterrent, I will not manage this world, nor will I interfere with anything in this world, of course... If this world exceeds my foreseeable assumptions, I will intervene , What about night raiders, you choose to fight for yourself or for the revolutionary army!"

Bai Ye didn\'t tell them to fight for him.

It\'s about fighting for themselves.

There is an essential difference between the two.

Listening to Bai Ye\'s words, they all fell into deep thought.

Because it\'s just too tempting.

"What do you think?"

Najie Xitan sighed, feeling a little helpless in her heart.

It seems that the hearts of my team should have dispersed.

He took a deep look at Bai Ye.

This guy\'s mouth is really powerful.

Just a few words, as a result, my own people have two hearts.

"I want to fight for myself!"

Ma Yin looked at Najie Xitan seriously and said her choice.

She didn\'t want to be betrayed by her own people in the future.

She believed in the night raiders, but she could no longer believe in the words of the revolutionary army.

"I want to fight for myself too!"

Hill said.

"I...you decide, I\'ll think about it later"

"What about you Chitong?"

Everyone looked at Chi Tong.

Waiting for her answer.

"I also can."

Chi Tong didn\'t know either, she didn\'t want to be betrayed, if it was the same as what Bai Ye said, maybe this was the best choice.

Several people gathered together for a while to discuss.

In the end, Najie Xitan came to Bai Ye on behalf of everyone and said, "We agree with your request, but how can we trust you?"

Although I agree, but I haven\'t been in contact for a long time, and there is no way to build trust with Bai Ye!

Listening to her words, the corners of Bai Ye\'s mouth curled up.

Hooked! .

Chapter 44 - You are the messengers of justice!

"There is no need to build trust between us because you have no choice."

Bai Ye is very clear.

After analyzing the pros and cons for them.

They have no choice.

"Following the Revolutionary Army means you must die in the end, and if you go to join the empire, you must die too, don\'t you?"

There are only two options.

It doesn\'t matter which one you choose.

They are all mortal.

As for living in seclusion, that\'s definitely not the case.

Neither the Revolutionary Army nor the Empire will spare them.

Now that he has already played, it is obviously not that simple to want to leave.

"We must die?"

Maine couldn\'t believe it.

How come he must die suddenly.

"That\'s right, you must die, because of your position, so how do you think about it?"

Bai Ye nodded and continued.

Now that it has been said so.

That\'s nothing to say.

Look at it now, they have to choose to cooperate with themselves.

And Bai Ye is no nonsense.

After reading the original book, you know that they won in the end, but they almost died in the end.

And in the end, he was hunted down by the revolutionary army.

Because of the status of the night raid.

The public only knows that Night Raid is a killer organization.

They need to give an explanation to the people.

That\'s why it has to be done.

"I see, it looks like we\'ve run out of options."

A wry smile flashed across Najie Xitan\'s face.

Maybe I really think too much.

If you think about it this way, it seems that it is really what he said.

They have no choice.

"Boss, will we really be wiped out by the revolutionary army in the end?"

Although the eldest brother is very clear about their position.

But he was still reluctant to believe it.

There is even some hope.

"It should be. We are a killer organization, and we will definitely be eliminated in the end. The bright revolutionary army does not need dark night raids."

Although everything he did was for the revolutionary army.

And they are all killing the people of the empire.

But anyway.

A killer organization is a killer organization.

She also knows that she can\'t say things too well.

As the leader of the night attack, she didn\'t really want to see the people under her hands die.

"Then why?"

Maine didn\'t understand.

Obviously Najie Xitan knew about it before, why didn\'t she tell them?

Facing Ma Yin\'s questioning, Najie Xitan opened her mouth and didn\'t know what to say for a while.

"Because it\'s better than bad. Although the Revolutionary Army is also dark, it\'s at least better than the Empire. If it was you, how would you choose?"

Bai Ye has no burden.

Straight to the point.

In Bai Ye\'s view, this is just a choice without a choice.

Because apart from the Revolutionary Army, the Empire is even worse.

"Is what you said must be true?"

Ma Yin didn\'t believe anyone at the moment.

I always feel that everyone is going to lie to her.

"What I said is true, whether you believe it or not, you can leave directly if you don\'t believe it, and you can choose to cooperate."

"I promise you!"

Najie Xitan knew that she had no choice.

If everyone didn\'t know or didn\'t want to think about it before, they could still work hard for the revolutionary army.

But now everyone knows that they will be betrayed later.

Then who will work hard for the revolutionary army?

【Ding! The partner selection is completed, rewards: one increase in physical fitness, one increase in Tegu ability level, six Taijutsu navy styles (can be shared with the partner), and the host additionally gains: Tengu ability, 20,000 behind-the-scenes points]

This time there is actually an extra gain.

Bai Ye was a little surprised in his heart.

Tengu is the name of a beast in myths and legends.

Bai Ye had heard of the legend of the Tiangou eclipsing the moon.

Feel the ability carefully.

It has increased a lot in physique, and also gained the ability to devour, lightning, and black inflammation.

Take back your mind.

Bai Ye turned to look at several people and said, "I\'ll improve your abilities, and I\'ll tell you about the plan in detail later!"

Saying that, Bai Ye passed on Tegu\'s upgrade level and the Navy Six Styles to a few people.

Sha You is also Sha You\'s collaborator.

Naturally, I also enjoyed this sharing.

"This is!?"

There was a burst of surprise in everyone\'s eyes.

They found that there was an extra physical technique called the Sixth Form of the Navy in their minds.

And the amazing thing is that my physical fitness is much better than before.


The eldest brother disappeared in place, and then Yuebu jumped into the air.

Try the six formulas one by one.

Then, they found that their Teigu also seemed to be much stronger than before.

All-round improvement.

"My romantic turret... I feel like I can kill Esdesh with one shot!"