I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 68: Lin Qinghan

Chen Mo pretended not to hear her, and then knelt down.

Six pieces of equipment, four pieces of bronze, and two pieces of silver. The most embarrassing thing is that none of Chen Mo can use. The only piece of silver is the boots, and Chen Mo already has a silver weapon. He had boots and armor, but it was a bronze weapon, not as good as Chen Mo\'s body. The others were weapons. Chen Mo had no shortage of weapons. His chain of disaster was inevitable.

   The equipment of normal players is weapons, boots, trousers, and armor. For these four, Chen Mo lacked one trousers, but it didn\'t burst out.

And to be honest, it’s not Chen Mo’s swelling. He doesn’t like silver objects. He wants a gold object. The silver object will be put up for auction today. I’m afraid it will cost four to five million yuan, of course. Attributes, as well as equipment levels, generally speaking, levels less than a dozen or less are the most valuable! The previous point is the rarity!

   If it weren\'t because of the use time is too short and the depreciation is too fast, the value will be higher, but if it is a golden tool, then its value is now starting at a million! Even a golden weapon with more than ten levels of equipment is immeasurable! The attributes are too strong.

  I don’t want gold tools anymore. Now those players are still worrying about bronze tools.

   "Brother Chenmo, can these equipment be sold to me?"

   Zhao Yingmeng asked suddenly.

   "What do you want these equipment for?"

   Chen Mo is too aware of how terrifying the speed of equipment depreciation is. Spending money on equipment, unless it is of high grade and high grade, like this kind of bronze and silver, the value will be reduced several times in a week! But it has to be said that the supply is still in short supply now, because there are too many rich people, they don\'t care about money, only the early attributes and pretends.

   "It\'s Sister Qinghan. She needs to rely on the rare equipment in the early stage to win the reputation of the studio. Bronze artifacts may not be good, but silver artifacts can definitely attract attention, especially several pieces."

   It\'s not the first time that Chen Mo heard her say this Qinghan sister, and then Chen Mo said, "What about the price?"

   These monsters were killed by him, and the equipment should be his. As for Zhao Yingmeng, she did a lot of credit, but she got what she deserves. Chen Mo wouldn\'t give it to someone she didn\'t know for nothing. It was not him.

"Now the general price of the twelfth level silver artifact should be more than 600,000, but it can only be given to her from the novice village, so the price will be lowered. According to Qinghan, the 500,000 will be a loss if it is recovered, but the loss does not matter. She needs It’s to build the reputation of the studio, so 500,000 pieces will do?"

Zhao Yingmeng knows Lin Qinghan’s current situation too well. She is fighting for her life. She doesn’t have much money, but she has to do it. She is to make money, but she has a bigger reason. Zhao Yingmeng really Feeling sorry for her, she didn\'t need to be so bitter.


   Chen Mo secretly uttered that the ease of making money on this day is more terrifying than any virtual online game he has come into contact with before!

   But that was for Chen Mo. Ninety-nine percent of the players don’t even say whether they have silver tools or not, they can’t beat them even when they encounter a silver boss!

   "One hundred thousand, this level of equipment has devalued too much."

   Chen Mo is still a kind person after all, a handy silver tool sold for 500,000? Even if he doesn’t know him, he’s still a friend of Zhao Yingmeng. He also knows that the silver tool is really useless. As for whether Zhao Yingmeng’s friends can make money, Chen Mo doesn’t care. He just thinks he will take a price that he feels comfortable with. That’s good, because it’s so easy to come.

   "No way, no, one hundred thousand is too little. Sister Qinghan certainly doesn\'t want to take advantage of this."

   Zhao Yingmeng shook his head repeatedly.

   "That would be half a million."

   People are proud, Chen Mo understands!

   "Thank you, Brother Chenmo, I\'m offline to transfer the account now, can you wait for me for a few minutes?"

   Chen Mo nodded, and then Zhao Yingmeng went offline.

After    went offline, Zhao Yingmeng quickly took off the virtual ring, then used his account to charge 800,000 RMB, and then happily ran to a room where Lin Qinghan was sorting out some information.

   "Sister Qinghan!"

   "Shadow Dream? It\'s not dinner time yet."

   Lin Qinghan smiled lightly at her, that smile was full of exhaustion.

Zhao Yingmeng said happily: "Sister Qinghan is Brother Chenmo. I told you before. Although he didn\'t want to join our studio, he broke out and sold two silver artifacts to me. People really It’s so good, it only costs one hundred thousand yuan!"

   Lin Qinghan was a bit disappointed when she heard that Chen Mo did not agree to join, but the latter sentence made her beautiful eyes sparkle, and then shook her head as if thinking about it: "No, one hundred thousand is too little, he is too disadvantaged."

   "But I told him that he only needs one hundred thousand..."

Zhao Yingmeng loves Lin Qinghan very much, but this elder sister has her pride, she is unwilling to accept other people’s love, and she can’t do Zhao Yingmeng’s love, so she really wants to help Lin Qinghan and would rather pay 800,000 yuan for herself. , 800,000 is nothing to her, because she came from a wealthy family, to Lin Qinghan, 800,000 is nothing, but Zhao Yingmeng knows what she has to bear~www.novelhall.com~ she thinks Do your best to help Lin Qinghan, even a little bit.

   "Then buy it first, and I will meet him when I leave the village, and then I will thank him in person and make up by the way."

   "Hmm, then I\'m online."

   "By the way, Yingmeng, if you don\'t join us, can he cooperate with us?"

   Zhao Yingmeng nodded.

"okay, I get it!"

   Then she ran away.

   Lin Qinghan let out a sigh of relief. The next moment her eyebrows trembled suddenly, and her face suddenly became painful. She hurriedly opened a pot of medicine next to her and took it to relieve it slightly.

Lin Qinghan, 23 years old, has been very outstanding since she was a child. She belongs to the proud girl of heaven. Unfortunately, she suffers from a very rare disease. This disease can be treated in this era, but it requires a very expensive medicine. The raw materials of this medicine are derived from alien planets, and Sky Blue Star still does not have it. It may cost hundreds of millions of yuan to treat it well.

Her family is pretty good, with a family capacity of 10 to 20 million. She has been doing business to save money to treat her illness. But three years ago, her father’s company went bankrupt and owed tens of millions. She passed away when she was a child. For her, her father embarked on a crime. She didn\'t know at that time. Later, her father was shot to death. She only knew that many families were destroyed by her father.

She sold all the assets that her father had secretly left undiscovered, and secretly repaid them to those people, only to make atonement for her father a little bit, and left the last 500,000 yuan to run the studio. Earned some money in the year, and successively repaid his father’s debts. But some time ago, he received a flyer from the court. During his death, his father lost more than one billion yuan to a large family, the Qin family. This money still needs her. To pay...