I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 67: BOSS attractor

In the front, Zhao Yingmeng rushed as usual as before, without the appearance of a lady. Although Chen Mo could not see her face, it should be extremely sad. Behind her, one is estimated to be six or seven meters long. The python was chasing her quickly.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Chen Mo\'s mouth twitched again. He just tried to see if Zhao Yingmeng was always able to attract BOSS, but the facts proved...this girl is really a BOSS attractor. !


   Chen Mo rushed over.

   Since the three-pedal explosion was cooling for nine days this time, Chen Mo took a long time to fight and took two minutes to solve it.

   "I won\'t play anymore, why are there silver bosses everywhere in this forest! I really want to cry."

   Zhao Yingmeng is about to collapse!

   And when Chen Mo heard her words, the corners of his mouth twitched again...

   What does it mean to be a silver boss? He entered here, why didn\'t he even see the bronze boss for an hour or two before he met Zhao Yingmeng?

   "Are you still in a team?"

   Chen Mo looked at Zhao Yingmeng and asked.


   Hearing what Chen Mo said, Zhao Yingmeng was stunned, and then the big eyes that were full of grievances just now suddenly glowed, full of small stars.

   "Really! Brother Chenmo, do you want to take me in?"

   "It\'s a team, not a shelter."

This Shadow Dream is a BOSS attractor. With her, all the kills are BOSS. The efficiency is much higher than that of ordinary monsters that he has been working hard here all the time. Even if the score is even, it is too fast, and with his burst rate. 100% good equipment can also be released.

   How do you say it? It can be considered as using her. Although it is shameless, but after thinking about it, this Shadow Dream is not strong at least now. If the boss is not defeated and killed, it will be a waste of time to lower the level and it will not be worth it. Apart from that, she can be considered as protecting her, and she still has experience, so Chen Mo feels at ease when she thinks about it.

To be honest, it’s really easy for Chen Mo to brush a dozen silver bosses. He exploded in nine days with three pedals for ten minutes to cool down. After encountering it, he releases it and ends in a few seconds. A silver boss in ten minutes is also very fast. It doesn’t take much effort at all. It’s possible to lie here and sleep for ten minutes, and then let Yingmeng go out for a walk. She will bring a BOSS back, explode three kicks for nine days, and then rest for ten minutes, then let her go for a walk, and then Bring one...

  Who can stand this kind of monster spawning?

   "Hmm, team up, team up!"

Zhao Yingmeng then couldn’t wait to submit the team invitation, and then she suddenly thought of something and said: “Big Brother Chenmo, I will play the bronze boss at best. If the silver boss meets again, I won’t be able to fight, and I will score you. For half of the experience, let’s forget it. I will do it slowly. You have to hurry up to level 10. You may be the first to make a novice village, and then there will be rewards."

Chen Mo actually likes this girl, because she has no scheming, she has special firepower, and even wanted to give him that precious hidden career scroll before. For Chen Mo, perhaps he has not adapted to others being good to him, but When I really met him, I was very touched. Lin Kexin was, and she was, too. He was indifferent in appearance. In fact, half of it was because of the changes in his mood over the past few years. But in fact, he still wants to regain the former him, but it may take a process. It may never change.

"It\'s okay, just listen to my command." Chen Mo looked at her and said slightly, because he thought a lot, and his attitude towards her was not as indifferent as before. His voice was softer than before, although this girl is very Annoying, talk a lot, but a nice girl.


   "Ding...The player [Mother Generation Woman] asked you to form a team, do you agree?"


   "I am very happy."

   Zhao Yingmeng laughed silly.

   "Brother Chenmo, where are we going now?"

   Chen Mo looked at his skill cooldown, and then said: "My skill cools down for ten minutes, and it can kill three thousand blood bosses in seconds."

   Zhao Yingmeng: "……"

   "Just now the nine-color spiral exploded and ascended into the sky Armstrong\'s roundabout kick?" Zhao Yingmeng showed a surprised expression, killing three thousand blood BOSS in a second, with the attributes of a ninth level player... so abnormal! Such a perverted skill can cool down for ten minutes?

   Chen Mo: "……"

   Seeing Chen Mo\'s eyes, Zhao Yingmeng hurriedly covered her mouth under the veil, and then muttered weakly: "I\'m not talking, Brother Chenmo, you say."

   "Three thousand blood bosses are basically a dozen silver bosses. You don\'t need to spawn monsters, just leave it to me. All you need to do is to bring the boss over and I will solve it."

   "Will I be too relaxed? Too relaxed and experience is always disturbing."

   Zhao Yingmeng muttered.

   Actually... Chen Mo thought he might be easier than Zhao Yingmeng. He only needs the boss to come over and release a skill spike, and Zhao Yingmeng has to be chased down.

   "It\'s okay."

   Chen Mo said without reddening his face.

   "Wow! Brother Chenmo, you are really fine! It\'s much better than when I first met you, hey, it\'s great!"

   Zhao Yingmeng said happily!

   Is this a guy who can win the hearts of girls~www.novelhall.com~ Then you can go? "

   "Hmm, the heroine will come as soon as I go!"

   Then Zhao Yingmeng walked away happily, looking for the BOSS.

   It may not be long before she knows the truth that she will cry.

   As expected, Chen Mo was taken, and within two minutes, Zhao Yingmeng rushed over with a BOSS, and was naturally killed by Chen Mo in an instant!

   After ten minutes of rest and ten minutes of chatting, Zhao Yingmeng went again, about two minutes, and ran back again...

Zhao Yingmeng is still happy, he doesn\'t have to fight and enjoys half of the BOSS experience. It\'s so cool. In fact, Chen Mo is even cooler. He just put a skill, the BOSS died, and Yingmeng ran wildly. All kinds of escapes, she is much more tired than Chen Mo.

  Really, Chen Mo doubted whether this shadow dream had any hidden attributes that attracted BOSS? Or what equipment has this attribute? Exaggerated, right?

   An hour later, Chen Mo\'s level was also approaching level ten, and Zhao Yingmeng\'s level soared to level nine!

   The experience value needed to upgrade from level 9 to level 10 is a big hurdle, which is much more than the level of eight!

   A tenth-level silver BOSS can directly raise Chen Mo from the sixth-level to the seventh-level. Perhaps the seventh-level is almost the eighth-level, but even if he has exclusive experience for the nine-level promotion, he will have five!

   When resting, all the silver artifacts that they exploded were placed in front of them.

"It\'s weird, didn\'t it mean that the explosion rate of Tianlin is extremely low? How come it must be 100%? Before Xiaoyuan gave me a double explosion rate BUFF, shouldn\'t it be so abnormal?" Zhao Yingmeng looked at the floor Although the silver tool of ecstasy was ecstatic, I felt that the explosion rate was too exaggerated! Of course, this is a good thing.