I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 69: Reach level 10

Life and debts almost crushed Lin Qinghan, but she still did not give up! She took the account and opened this studio with only the remaining money. Her life and the atonement for her father were all crushed here!

   Actually, if she wanted to escape, it would be too simple. Once she left, she would be incognito, but she didn\'t, and her conscience couldn\'t pass.

Later, a young master of the Qin family fell in love with her, and even said that if she was willing to be a kid for him, she would not have to repay the billions and would even pay to treat her. This was the second way to make her live well. , She refused, but she can also see how beautiful she is.

She has her arrogance, whether she is stupid or pretentious, she just doesn’t want to compromise, she doesn’t want to compromise herself, and she doesn’t want to compromise on life. If one day she really can’t hold it, maybe she will compromise, but Now, she still wants to work hard!

She uses drugs to control the condition, but if it is not treated, she will not be able to live for too long. She will even take psychotropic drugs regularly to make her energetic. This is an overdraft of her life. She also knows that she just simply does not want to. compromise……

   Tian Lin was her only chance. She could survive. If she lost, she could only compromise, or... leave the world.

In such a virtual era, making money in virtual online games is very easy and easy. I don’t know how many families bet everything on Tianlin, but for a self-made studio, it may be possible to make hundreds of thousands, earn ten. Hundreds of millions... That is a fantasy! But even in the vague, she wanted to give it a try.

Sisters Zhao Yingmeng admired her for this, but they also love her, but they can also understand Lin Qinghan. Even in such a difficult environment, she still does not want to take advantage of anyone, but she really needs these two pieces of silver. Zhiqi is more famous for the studio. Although she accepted it, she must make up for it later! This is her pride! Otherwise, she had long chosen to compromise the Qin family.

Sisters Zhao Yingmeng and Lin Qinghan met by accident. They became friends and later learned about Lin Qinghan’s situation. At first they were attracted and persuaded by Lin Qinghan’s personality, and then heard of her thoughts. They joined Lin Qinghan\'s studio.

   They are not very old, even just eighteen years old, but because of their superior family and cleverness, they finished the courses early. Zhao Yingmeng prefers the feeling of the rivers and lakes, so he has learned martial arts since childhood.

   Even though they are friends, Lin Qinghan still pays them a minimum salary of 100,000 yuan per month! Because they are also experienced players of virtual online games for several years, and their strength is very strong! They also knew that Lin Qinghan wouldn\'t even let them help if they weren\'t so, so they asked for it and they must try to help Lin Qinghan.

One hundred thousand yuan a month, that is the salary of professional players. The so-called professional players do not mean that they are ranked hundreds or thousands among hundreds of millions of players. They may not rank so high, but their strength and understanding of the game All are extremely high! It is enough to see how amazing Lin Qinghan\'s personality is!

   Like the top 100 players on the entire server, the top 1,000 players are all very exaggerated players. No need to think about the top ten. Just imagine that the sky blue star ranks 1,000 among the over 1 billion players. What is this concept? This is not the top number of a certain game before, because how many players are there in that game? The hottest can have tens of millions at most?

   As for the top ten players in the rankings, they are basically gods.

   Gongzi Mo is the first, Qingcheng is second, and the third is the king!


   Zhao Yingmeng went online soon and appeared next to Chen Mo.

   "Brother Chenmo, I\'ll turn it over for you."

   Zhao Yingmeng then opened the transaction.

   "Ding...the player [Mother Generation Woman] traded you 100W gold coins, please check it carefully."

   In the past few years, Chen Mo may have nothing to do for 10,000 yuan, but in the past two days, he has credited 1.1 million yuan...

   "Take the equipment, and these four bronze artifacts, I don\'t need it."

   "Huh? Thank you, Brother Chenmo!"

   Zhao Yingmeng didn\'t have too much hypocrisy, because these four bronze artifacts helped Lin Qinghan a lot.

   "That... Brother Chenmo."

   Zhao Yingmeng put away the equipment and looked a little restrained.


   Chen Mo looked at her.

   "It means that if you burst out something that you don\'t want, can you sell it to us first? That is, you don\'t join us, but we maintain a cooperative state?"

   Chen Mo nodded: "Yes, but you can afford it?"

   "As long as it is not too bad, it should be fine."

   Chen Mo is not short of money. He really doesn\'t have much money to use. If it\'s really not easy, if you can help, please help a little bit.

   "Well, but I don\'t necessarily only work with you, understand?"

   Zhao Yingmeng nodded repeatedly: "Understood, but if there is something good and Brother Chenmo wants to trade, I hope Brother Chenmo will consider us first."

   Chen Mo nodded slightly, and then said: "Go and attract strangers."

   "Hmm, I\'ll go too!"


   The sky is getting dark gradually, and the sunset is exceptionally beautiful~www.novelhall.com~ This kind of beauty is actually quite rare in the sky blue star, and you can only see it in this unpolluted place.

   "Ding... your level is raised to 10."

   Chen Mo successfully reached level ten, which means he can leave the village!

   "Ding...all players, please note that some players have reached level ten, and the village system has been activated. Please go to the sea of ​​death to go to the Continent of Heaven after experience."



   When Chen Mo reaches level ten, the system prompts to release automatically! For a while, everyone looked at the ranking list, and as expected, Chenmo, who had always been number one in the ranking list, had reached level ten! Not too surprised, after all, he has always been number one!

   What surprised them a little was that the [Mother Generation Woman] actually made it to the top ten of the ranking list!

   "Brother Chenmo is at level ten! Then you can go out of the village and go to the Sea of ​​Death to experience it. If Brother Chenmo doesn\'t bring me to brush, you should be able to reach level ten faster."

   Zhao Yingmeng said with some dismay, she hadn\'t realized that she was a BOSS attractor, and now she thought it was because it was all BOSS! That\'s why I have always encountered BOSS.

In fact, without her, Chen Mo wouldn’t be able to improve to level ten so quickly even if he had a single eating experience. Although it was evenly divided, the BOSS experience value was high, so it was still much faster. Chen Mo himself was the first, and so Swipe the BOSS quickly, it would definitely lose a lot of experience in the next nine levels, so he hesitated.

   This girl has helped him a lot, and they are extremely fast at spawning monsters, and Chen Mo is not bad at this moment.

   "Go to attract strangers and raise you to level ten." Chen Mo said.

   Zhao Yingmeng\'s mouth opens slightly.