I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 66: I want to introduce her to you as my girlfriend

Chen Mo frowned slightly when he heard this voice!

   Why is this shadow dream again?

   Her voice is too recognizable, especially the yelling voice is easier to distinguish!

  Can they still meet such a big forest?

   Chen Mo then walked over!

   "Brother Chenmo!"

   Zhao Yingmeng, who was fleeing frantically, suddenly saw a figure coming forward. She burst into tears. Family members, every time she was in danger, she would meet him. Is this his Prince Charming?

   "There is a silver boss chasing me behind..."

   Zhao Yingmeng ran behind Chen Mo and hid.

   Chen Mo twitched the corner of his mouth.

   I\'m a little skeptical of life, how come I can\'t meet the boss, and this Zhao Yingmeng has been meeting the boss? She is like a magnet that can attract bosses. This bronze boss is very rare, while silver bosses are basically just two in a map. Did she meet them all?

In front of   , a large stab-backed wild boar rushed out, like a reckless man, pushing it at extremely fast speed.

  【Stabback Boar King】: Grade: Silver BOSS, Level: 12, HP: 2500, the pig king of the Stabback Boar herd, extremely fast, strong attack and high defense.

   Skill: [Spur]: Release the spikes on the back to attack the target at a very fast speed, causing damage. Cooling time: one minute.

  【Head Iron】: Lock on a target, increase the speed by 50%, directly pass it, hit the enemy and cause extremely fatal damage, cooling time: three minutes.

   "Big Brother Chenmo...I hit it with sixty or seventy drops of blood at one time. It is too fierce, just like crazy, even fiercer than the evil eye demon tiger before. Be careful."

   Zhao Yingmeng said weakly.

   Chen Mo\'s mouth is slightly raised.

   Silver BOSS is very powerful. Silver BOSS around level ten is very abnormal. For any player, they can\'t be beaten basically now. Because their attributes are here, Zhao Yingmeng is amazing, right? Of course, Chen Mo believes that her skill, Chen Mo, has seen her, and she is a practicing family, and she has also been on the ranking list, but was chased by the stab-backed wild boar king.

   But, for Chen Mo, a BOSS with this blood volume, to be honest...experience, his ignorance of defense, he is much higher than the current player\'s attack power...and skills!

   The first reaction Chen Mo wanted to steal this BOSS skill, but after a glance, the skill was so powerful that it might be quite powerful, but the release was a bit unsightly, so Chen Mo gave up.

   "Nine days of explosion and three pedals!"

   The stabback wild boar king who rushed directly froze in place, and was locked in by Chen Mo\'s lock, then Chen Mo jumped, his figure teleported in front of the stabback wild boar king, and kicked over.


   Zhao Yingmeng: "……"

   "Damn it? Is this foot turbocharged? Or is it the legendary nine-color spiral explosion and ascended into the sky Armstrong\'s roundabout kick? It also teleports? One kick has more than a thousand damage... I am fo!"

   Zhao Ying dreamed of kneeling to Chen Mo!

   Nine days of explosion of three pedals, each damage is triple the damage of attack power, plus Chen Mo\'s own attack power is high, natural damage is very high.


   The second kick finished in an instant.


  The third foot...



   The stabback wild boar king turned into a corpse, and Chen Mo\'s experience value soared by 20%! In addition to killing some one after another, it has reached 40% experience value of ninth level. For the first time, I found out that the silver BOSS seemed to be no good, with so few experience points. If other players know that Chen Mo\'s thoughts are about to vomit blood, what about them? How many weird do they have to be upgraded?

   "It\'s scary!"

   Zhao Yingmeng swallowed, chasing after the boss she hit, and drew dozens of drops of blood at once. She had to chop up 2500 blood while standing still, and was then kicked to death by this man? She is at least a high-attack assassin career! What is this?


   Chen Mo threw to Zhao Yingmeng a silver artifact exploded by the thornback wild boar king. It was a tenth-level assassin dagger, suitable for her use.

   "Huh? Give it to me?"

   Zhao Yingmeng was taken aback after catching it.

   "After all, it is the strange that you attracted, so I can only take the experience."

Chen Mo doesn’t need this dagger. It’s not as high as the current Sword of Calamity, and it’s just suitable for Zhao Yingmeng. Besides, the BOSS was attracted by her, although she could not beat it, although it could sell. He sold a lot of money, but Chen Mo didn’t care. He didn’t need money either. He didn’t need millions, tens of millions, or hundreds of millions of money. For him, he wanted to sell the secret plate. Yes, the more important thing is experience. The stronger the strength, the more things he can touch. Make money? It was just an incident, but Chen Mo somehow had an evil plan in his mind.

   He always thinks that Zhao Yingmeng is very sad, but she is lucky, Chen Mo\'s hard work for an hour is not as good as encountering this BOSS!

   "Thank you, Brother Chenmo."

   Zhao Yingmeng is very happy, the silver assassin dagger, the attributes can be increased a lot, if equipped, at least encounter this monster again, she can cause more than a hundred damage every time she attacks.

   "Don\'t you have a ghostly equipment? Why is the combat effectiveness so poor?"

   She is great, but she is a girl after all. When she encounters such a crazy monster, she gets confused when she fights.

   After hearing Chen Mo\'s words, Zhao Yingmeng was very wronged, and she took out a dark blue bead in her hand.

"What kind of ghost and mysterious weapon~www.novelhall.com~ is a cheating thing. It made me happy at the time. All the attributes are only the experience value increased by 10%. There is nothing else. What does the introduction say? The key to the place, I don’t know where it is. There is no useful bronze artifact yet."

   Chen Mo took a look, and then said slightly: "Mid- and late-stage will be very useful."

   This also explains why her attributes are mediocre, but she will have a qualitative leap after she turns. After all, there is a hidden profession that can rise up until the tenth level.

   "Then what..."

Zhao Yingmeng bit her lip, and said embarrassingly: "Brother Chenmo, we are so destined, how about forming a team to level up together, although I am not good, but... but... forget it." Zhao Yingmeng Discouraged.

She couldn’t say anything afterwards. Normally speaking, “but” would say afterwards what she could help Chen Mo, or what she could do. The reason why she couldn’t tell was that she found that she couldn’t help Chen Mo at all. What? And... the team had to share the experience, so she gave up. This was pure gain for nothing.

   "Go away first, and talk to a place where I can\'t see you."


   Zhao Yingmeng didn\'t understand what Chen Mo meant. Could it be that he just slipped away after letting her go further?

Wow! Is it so unattractive by myself.

"go with."


   Then she walked away in a sense of loss, until Chen Mo couldn\'t see her anymore, and she continued to move forward, and then muttered quietly there.

   "Really, I don\'t understand girls at all. I originally wanted to introduce that woman Zhao Yingluo to you as a girlfriend, huh."

   And Chen Mo just stayed there, about a minute later...

   "Brother Chenmo...Help!"