I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 44: Are you scared?

According to common sense, Chen Mo\'s defense is not too high now. The players will definitely be able to break the defense. The damage is definitely not a simple point, but this group of taunts doubled Chen Mo\'s defense, so they You can\'t break the defense.

   However, the injuries of more than 20 people have been hitting the body all the time. Although there is only a little compulsory damage, the sum is still quite impressive! But for Chen Mo\'s 1,490 blood volume, it doesn\'t hurt or itchy! Unless you stand and let them fight for tens of seconds.


  In the distance, a fire magician young lady released a skill and hit Chen Mo\'s body, breaking 1 point of damage!

   "Yeah! Have you seen it! I hit three points! Wow!"

   That young lady was extremely excited!

   They seem to have forgotten one thing, three o\'clock, what\'s the use?

   In the dark, they actually subconsciously felt that they were hurting Chen Mo\'s body. As long as they could hurt themselves a little, it would be amazing!

   "Wow! Miss sister, you are great, is it thanks to my help? An appointment?" A player who expects to have **** in the game frantically licked.

   Miss Sister glanced at him, and said puzzledly: "How can you help me?"

   "Because my handsomeness gives you motivation."

   The player caressed his bangs saury.

   "The rain girl has no melons."

   Miss sister said indifferently.

   After the mass taunts were released, Chen Mo lost more than 400 HP!


   In the next instant, a powerful force was released from around Chen Mo\'s body! Then all the players were hit by a force.


   The same damage appeared on the head of every player who had attacked Chen Mo, and in an instant, the two dozen of them turned into white light.

   Farther, some people saw this scene before they could join the battle.


   The subconscious reaction is to run back.

   Nima! Who said that Chenmo has no skills just now! Come out for you or him! Such a hanging skill is called no skill? Fortunately, they are far away before they can make it.

   Oh yes, the people I just said are dead.

   This player is a bit cruel.

   Chen Mo was quite fortunate to steal the skill of Earth War Bear, otherwise Xiao Yuan would definitely be attacked by them, and there were players in all directions, and it was difficult for Chen Mo to kill them all in an instant.

The most useful thing for Chen Mo after these players died was the life restoration potion. The equipment is really useless and worthless. Without the bronze equipment, it is worthless, and how could they have it? Bronze artifact?

   Chen Mo picked up those potions, a total of thirteen bottles, which was a reward, and then he unambiguously filled up the amount of blood he had dropped.

   Seeing those players fleeing, this is also the effect that Chen Mo wants.

   But, to be honest, it\'s a bit too rampant, too swagger.

   This is not far from Novice Village. After those players hang up, they will definitely spread the news here in Novice Village. Either they dare not come, or they will come with a large number of players!

   However, Chen Mo also has two very powerful skills. It is not too panic. It is not impossible that thousands of players will attack him together. It is not impossible.

   "Xiao Yuan, this place is considered safe. Go to a dark place next to you and wait for me for a while, don\'t walk around."

   Chen Mo touched Xiaoyuan\'s head and said.


   Then Xiaoyuan obediently went aside and hid.

   If Xiao Yuan could control the infinite power hidden in her body, Chen Mo wouldn\'t have to worry about her.

Going forward, even if Chen Mo can\'t meet the villagers, he will naturally encounter a lot of players, but they don\'t think about anything. Anyway, it is just right to do it. Xiaoyuan will definitely be very dangerous, so Chen Mo can bring Xiaoyuan Come out, but you can\'t take Xiaoyuan there, it\'s too dangerous.

   Then Chen Mo walked straight towards Xinshou Village.

At this moment, the Novice Village is boiling, and dozens of players who have been killed by Chen Mo have appeared at the resurrection point. It is surprising that so many players resurrect in an instant, and of course they spread this matter out. Up!

   Nima! Dozens of people can\'t handle Chenmo, they gather hundreds of people, can\'t thousands of people still handle it? Where can he go even if he is awesome?

   When those people heard that Chen Mo dared to appear outside the Novice Village, they were all very surprised!

   He was wanted by the entire Novice Village, and all the players wanted to even dare to appear grandiosely? Isn\'t it too crazy?

   And when they learned that Chen Mo\'s two skills had killed dozens of players, they were stunned again! Even they raised the meaning of retreat, but suddenly realized that this place is not just as simple as dozens of players. Thousands of players can be gathered casually. Can such a lineup be afraid of him?

   At this moment, Chen Mo has already seen the village. Of course there are many players around, but some of them have not noticed Chen Mo, and some have noticed but dare not do it!

   Soon, a vast array of players emerged from the Novice Village, no less than 300 people in total, and they rushed straight to Chen Mo!

   Chen Mo glanced at them.

   is a bit embarrassing! This person seems to have come too much in an instant.

   But in fact, Chen Mo didn\'t plan to do anything. He just came over and leaked his face to prove one thing, you want it, you want it, he is not afraid! That\'s right, it\'s so arrogant!

As for killing the village chief~www.novelhall.com~, it was incidental. If he heard about this and brought people out, then Chen Mo would save the trouble of entering the village, maybe he could be killed directly. indefinite! If it doesn\'t come out, then it doesn\'t matter! Chen Mo could find a chance to sneak into Novice Village and find another chance to kill him!

Being blocked by so many players is actually unexpected and unexpected, but one thing is done well, that is, Chen Mo has told them that if you want to kill him, you don’t have to think about it without hundreds of people coming together. He can seconds because dozens of people.

These hundreds of players surrounded Chen Mo Tuan Tuan, but no one did it, because they knew they had to do it together if they wanted to get rid of Chen Mo. It would be useless for anyone to sneak attack first, because he could not break the defense, and might even be Chen Mo. One move spike.

   "Chen Mo, I didn\'t expect you to appear so presumptuously near Novice Village. Are you really invincible when your skills are awesome?"

   A player pointed at Chen Mo and said, his tone seemed domineering, but it could be heard that he was lack of breath, which means he was actually panicked.

   Chen Mo raised his hand. In an instant, more than 300 players took a step back subconsciously, and then Chen Mo scratched his head.

   Everyone: "……"

   This Nima\'s!

   Chen Mo clicked the corner of his mouth: "Are you afraid?"

afraid? Nonsense, who is not afraid of Nima? Who wants to be killed, then drop one level for no reason, and drop a piece of equipment! There was another reason for not daring to do it. They thought about it. Since Chen Mo dared to come here, it shows that he has the confidence! Maybe he can release the big move that he released in Xinshou Village that night.

Now, let’s not say anything else, Chen Mo stood here with one enemy and three hundred. He didn’t do anything. The news they were afraid of was enough to make him famous as an awesome person in everyone’s heart. .