I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 43: 10 players in an instant


   The surrounding area became quiet, except for the sound of the wind, only the sound of their hearts beating.

This is the skill [Sonic Roar] that Chen Mo stole. This skill is not strong to tell the truth, but it is precisely at this time period that Chen Mo\'s release will be very strong. This skill is to release a roar at a distance of 20 meters. The damage caused is equivalent to the damage of the releaser\'s health, and Chen Mo is not low in health, 1490! Just ask, what players can withstand the damage of 1490 now! Naturally, it\'s all in an instant!

   "My Nima? Did Chenmo hit... a hiccup just now? Nima! Earthshaking!"

   "If this special hiccup is so fierce, I can fart more than him, Master."

   "It\'s horrible! There are more than a dozen people in an instant. This is a level 8 player? I play Nima! In the games we played together, everyone is a dad. I\'m still a stinky brother!"


   Those people\'s legs trembled and watched as Chen Mo took Xiaoyuan\'s hand and walked away. This scene scared them so terribly, they didn\'t dare to go up one by one!

   Who can stand this! Nima, more than a dozen people after a hiccup! ?

   This is the second day of the game. Players who have not broken the double-digit level can kill more than a dozen people with a single move. This is something that Gongzimo and the group of top powerhouses can\'t do.

   It is true that they can single-handedly challenge hundreds of people, thousands of people, or even tens of thousands of people invincible! You can kill them all! However, there has never been a virtual online game in the past. When a person has not reached level ten, has no turn, or even has no career, one skill can kill more than a dozen people in a second, and hurt more than a thousand! Those who singled out a hundred people, a thousand people or even ten thousand people, only appeared in the middle and late game! How do you feel, this Chenmo seems to surpass those people!

   These players really have this illusion!

   There was no equipment on the ground. It was impossible for these people to get any equipment at their current level, and Chen Mo didn\'t bother to pick it up.

   And those people originally thought that they were dealing with dozens of people, but they were still afraid that the dust would not be successful? Then they were really scared in this scene!

   I felt that Chen Mo passed by here, and then stopped for a while, and then a dozen or so players were worthless, and then he continued to walk away.

   This Nima\'s! It\'s too cool!

"No, I don\'t understand a little bit. This Chenmo is wanted by Novice Village. What about our point, 99999 Novice Village must have tens of thousands of players online! Why would he dare to come over so violently? It\'s crazy. Right? Didn\'t he know he was wanted? Impossible!"

   A player said to his companion next to him in a daze.

   "That\'s right, why? He wouldn\'t be pretending, right?"

   Another player leaned in.

"It is possible that he is only a level 8 player no matter what, can he break the balance of the game? The first kill of the forbidden level BOSS, but his level is the same, it is estimated that there is a special situation, otherwise he is normal. It’s dozens of levels. I guess he’s just pretending. It happened for some reason that he had a great trick that scared everyone in the village. Now he released another big trick thinking that he wanted to stop us, so we passed ten. It’s a hundred pass, I’m afraid not many players dare to move him, and his skill cooldown must be long!

   "In other words, he is no longer an opponent of us at all! He is hiding from the sky!"

   Suddenly, these players realized this!

"Don\'t be afraid, everyone, Chen Mo has already released all his big moves. He is just a normal level 8 player now, and there is nothing amazing! Everyone go up together, surround him, and explode him together. The reward is ours. Up!"

   A player suddenly shouted!

   Those players who didn\'t dare to watch the show around were taken aback!

   want to go?

   I really want to go, but I dare not go!

   But when they saw five players from one side rush past together, they dare!

   "Come on! I\'m the hero of Novice Village when Chen Mo bursts! I can become famous!"

   "Blast him, the heavenly forbidden equipment is ours! There are also bronze and silver tools!"


   For a while, those players rushed towards Chen Mo like chicken blood, some archers in the distance, magicians released their skills all the way! One by one, fireball, water polo and other first-level skills smashed against Chen Mo.

   Chen Mo frowned, these players were scattered and rushed over, which is not easy to handle!

   But... he happens to have a skill!

   "Crowd ridicule!"

   Chen Mo suddenly slapped his right palm on the ground, and then a shock wave quickly dispersed around.

   [Crowd Taunt]: The powerful skills of the Earth War Bear can enhance its defense and attract all the surrounding power to itself to achieve the effect of breaking out again! Effect: Increase the defense by 100%, absorb all the attacks within ten meters of the surrounding area to oneself~www.novelhall.com~ for five seconds. After five seconds, the power will burst, causing all units attacking themselves to receive a total damage double Times hurt! Cooling time: 30 minutes.

This group taunt is really a very powerful skill. The player\'s Skyshield class also has a taunt skill, which has similar effects, but it attracts the hatred of monsters to themselves, and there is no rebound damage. This is obviously stronger. ! It is also very suitable for the current situation.

   Then the players who rushed over stopped halfway in a daze, because they were hell!

All the attacks around Chen Mo\'s body stopped. Arrows, fireballs, lightning, and water polo really hit Chen Mo. They also saw it, but they felt more like Chen. Mo was attracting these attacks. The archers were not accurate enough and they all shot crookedly, but the arrow suddenly changed its trajectory and shot towards Chen Mo, which was strange.

   What surprised them even more was the injury on the top of Chen Mo\'s head.

  -1, -1, -1

   That\'s right! Although they killed more than a dozen people, they gathered more than 20 people. Half of these more than 20 people attacked from a distance, and there was no one that could break the dust. Even though they had been approved before, but they are now also up, and they still can\'t break the defense? Only a little mandatory harm?

   "Ding...you have been mocked."

  When the melee players rushed into the range, a system prompt suddenly came to their minds, and then they couldn’t remember how many to send, and they hammered Chen Mo with swords, daggers, shields and so on, but...

  -1, -1, -1

  Really! They collapsed! What the **** is this Chen Mo\'s defense? Even if the damage is high, forget about the many awesome skills, what\'s your special defense is that high? Are you a boss? Mother Gan Lin!