I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 45: Ragnarok

Seriously, no one took the lead in ordering to do it together. Sincerely, no one dared to touch Chen Mo.

   "Afraid? Of course you are not afraid. We admit that you have good luck and good equipment. The equipment blessing attribute is quite high, but don\'t forget, we have hundreds of people here!"

   "Then why don\'t you do it?"

   Chen Mo sneered!

   Many people looked at each other! Nima, there is someone who has come forward to do it! So they all dare to do it!

   "Grass mud horse! Don\'t be too crazy!"

   The swordsman named [Shi Kaiwen] rushed towards Chen Mo with an angry shout.


   In the next instant, two fireballs condensed directly into Chen Mo\'s palm and smashed over.

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   This is naturally a stolen skill, which can cause damage to the current mana.

   That person was caught in the blink of an eye. If he didn’t get caught in the blink of an eye, he would have taken the lead in other people. He would have died before they could follow in the footsteps of [Shi Kaiwen], causing these people to dare not go!

  This is your sister! With all kinds of ultimatums, how come there is now a fireball similar to a magician? What kind of occupation is he? How to release various professional skills? Is this possible without a career? What kind of monster is he!

   Can this Chenmo really create a legend in Tianlin?

  Impossible, the Allure is here, the King is here, the Heaven and Earth are still there, so many powerful people are there, and the return of Gongzi Mo, what is he? It\'s just a little better luck, and I accidentally got the Forbidden Grade equipment! They think so! Without this day\'s Forbidden Level equipment, what would Chenmo be? Nothing counts, just an ordinary player who can no longer be ordinary.

   The only one who took the lead died directly, and even they hadn\'t had time to keep up. Now, who would dare to take the lead in attacking Chen Mo? They all knew too well that the person who had just taken the lead and was killed off the court! Whoever takes the lead will end in a hurry, unless they have all colluded.

   In this world, no one will do things that are not beneficial to them. Obviously, the person taking the lead is doing things that are not beneficial to them.

  Because they know that whoever takes the lead will be caught in the blink of an eye, and they have not discussed and swarmed up directly, so no one dared to come forward, dropping one level, dropping gold coins, dropping equipment in the early stage is simply too deadly! Who doesn\'t want to leave the Novice Village earlier and go to the wider Tianlin Continent? You may lose too many things one day late.

   They really broke down! Hundreds of people gathered around one, but didn\'t do it! Who can stand this?

At this time, a player named [Jiba Thief] looked directly at Chen Mo, and then collapsed and said: "Chen Mo, I beg you, let me kill once. I will get fifty if you kill you. Ten thousand RMB, it’s a big deal, let’s divide it into five to five. If it’s not possible, I’ll take four. You can take six."

   His words shocked everyone!

   Yes, why should they be enemies with Chenmo? If you are a friend, and then let him die, 500,000 RMB per death will be good for both parties. It\'s just that Chen Mo will drop a little level. He has a very high level. Is he still afraid of falling?

   "Yes, yeah, we are not chasing you down, please let us kill you once! We will share the reward we get!"

   For a while, everyone changed their minds.

   Chen Mo\'s gaze fell on a group of people who came in the distance. He finally raised his eyes slightly, and then said: "Actually, it is not impossible!"

   Everyone\'s eyes brightened when they heard Chen Mo\'s words!

Then Chen Mo continued: "Mutual benefit can of course be done, but I am now at level 8, and you know that, so I can only die once at most, too many levels of death can not keep up, so only one of you can Work with me!"

   "Follow me and me, I am eighteen centimeters."

   "Cooperate with me! I\'m 36C!"

   "Little brother, cooperate with me, I can stay with you overnight."


   They said one after another!

   "You guys are giving me a headache."

   Chen Mo pretended to hesitate and stroked his forehead.

   "What are you doing? It\'s gone!"

   Hundreds of people came over at this time, and the one who took the lead was quite burly. The ID was called the Twilight of Gods, and the name was rather aggressive.

   "It is the dusk of the gods, it turned out to be him!"

"The most exaggerated thing about the top 50 masters in the rankings is that he has an invincible identity, one of the four hall masters of the Temple of Gods, with great power and great strength! It seems that he came to Chenmo himself of."

   "What should I do? He is here, maybe we can cooperate with Chen Mo, isn\'t it a waste of water?"

"The probability of one in three percent, but the total value of 500,000 RMB and the rewards in the village is definitely more than one million. The probability of one in three percent is much higher than that of the lottery. It is worth a try! Really! I don\'t want Chen Mo to be killed by them."


  Of these 300-odd people, there are naturally some people from the temples, but very few. Now that the guild has not been established, they don\'t know if the other party is from the temples!

   Apparently ~www.novelhall.com~ What Chen Mo said before has worked! If there is no temptation given to them by what they said before, these players will absolutely ignore it, and allow Chen Mo to confront the hundreds of people in the dusk of the gods, but now it is different. They don\'t want Chen Mo to hang in the dusk of the gods. In the hands of Chen Mo, because once Chen Mo died, his level fell to the seventh level, and he was unwilling to cooperate at the seventh level! So they lost an opportunity!

Obviously, the dusk of the gods came to kill Chen Mo, because he was one of the hall masters of the Hall of the Gods, and Chen Mo killed Qin Heyu and was so humiliated. Obviously he was sent by Qin Heyu to kill Chen. Mo\'s! It just so happened that he was in 99999 Novice Village again, so naturally he came to seek revenge on behalf of Qin Heyu.

   "Are you Chenmo?"

   With a domineering appearance, the gods walked through the crowd to Chen Mo and looked at Chen Mo.

   "Are you talking nonsense?"

   Chen Mo\'s eyes flashed with disdain!

  Seriously, the kind of person that too many people dislike the most is the "Twilight of the Gods". Indeed, he has identity and strength, but they just dislike this pretense!

   Does he still know that this is Chenmo? Of course he knew, but he did it on purpose! It looks like he is important! It is true that Chen Mo also dislikes this kind of people most.

   The Gods Twilight suddenly frowned when he heard Chen Mo\'s words, and his killing intent came out violently, but he thought of the task handed over by him, and he endured it.

   "I\'m sorry, because I really haven\'t seen you, so I need to confirm it!"

   The gods at dusk smiled and reached out to Chen Mo!

   Everyone showed a surprised expression!

What does    mean? Doesn\'t this "God Twilight" kill Chenmo? impossible! Why didn\'t he act on Chenmo?

   Do you want to win him over? It is also possible.