I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 341: Guardian

That Wei Wunian can escape, but his mentality has exploded. Who can let this mentality be better?

  Especially after being slapped, he burst even more.

  Chen Mo looked at his right hand, then looked at the right cheek of Wei Wunian who was sluggish in front of him, and slowly raised his left and right.


   "Well, this is symmetrical."

  Everyone? ? ?

  Who can stand this?

  At this moment, the Lingjian Pavilion was in dilapidated condition. It was completely destroyed by Chen Mo\'s several awesome skills. No, it was their own skills.

And the news that Chen Mo slapped the superpower suzerain in an angry fan. A few seconds after the incident, like a violent wind and waves spreading through the sky blue star, it was very simple to see this scene, and then those people slapped themselves. There was a word in the buckle group, Niu Bian was broken, Chen Mo slapped the Heavenly Forbidden powerhouse in the face, anyway, it was spread, and then... Chen Mo became the focus of public opinion again. .

  And the disciples of Lingjian Pavilion, deadly death, wounded injury, hiding, in short, are particularly embarrassed!

  Before this, who would have thought of making Lingjian Pavilion like this by one person?

   Is Lingjian Pavilion too weak?

  Surely not, super power, can it be weak?

  Mainly, the guardian formation is useless! Chen Mo is too bad!

   Infinite big move plus infinite resurrection, this t can\'t stand it at all, OK? Unless you run with the Lingjian Pavilion, that\'s impossible! and……

  Control skills are invalid!

  When Chen Mo first arrived, they had tried various martial arts, spirit weapons and the like, dizziness, imprisonment, etc., all of Nima\'s were useless!

   "Ah! I want you to die!"

  Wei Wunian reacted, and then shouted angrily. Above the sky, the countless golden sword shadows appeared again. This was... Chen Mo\'s ultimate move to steal him, the sky of swordsmanship!

  Seeing this scene, the experts in Lingjian Pavilion rushed over!

  "Stop! You will ruin the Lingjian Pavilion!"

  Great Elder Jian Wunan shouted angrily!

  The sky of swordsmanship released by this kid destroyed the Spirit Sword Pavilion like this, let alone release him?

  Na Wei Wunian lost his reason, but was awakened by this anger, and stopped releasing the martial arts!

  "Drag! This kid\'s special magic weapon is too powerful, we just need to drag it and wait for the effect of the magic weapon to disappear, that is his death!"

  Jian Wunan said!

   "It can only be so!"

  Wei Wunian took a deep breath, and then leaped back, facing Chen Mo with a shocking palm. Chen Mo flew directly out of the area where the Lingjian Pavilion was located, and then they opened the Lingjian Pavilion\'s guardian array.

  Even so, Chen Mo has already broken the record, that is... Moreover, this is the first in history to let a super power release a guardian formation for one person.

  Chen Mo looked at the guardian formation surrounding the Lingjian Pavilion in front of him, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

  Do you think it\'s over? No, it\'s just started.

In the Spirit Sword Pavilion, the disciples got up one after another and groomed themselves. They didn\'t want to remember what they had just experienced, why a junior can go against the sky to such an extent, dozens of hundreds of powerful people can\'t help him. ?

  This is what those players want to know! You can be resurrected, how many times are you resurrected? What is this operation?

"Big brother!"

   A voice came from behind, and the three little loli rushed into Chen Mo\'s arms.

  Chen Mo looked at them and then at Xiao Ruhan. Xiao Ruhan opened his mouth when he saw this scene.

what\'s the situation? He\'s okay...If it\'s okay, why did Lingjian Pavilion become like this? Moreover, is this Lingjian Pavilion guardian formation opened? Why? In order to stop Xiao Momo alone?


   "Little...Xiao Momo, you are crazy!"

  Xiao Ruhan ran over and shuddered at Chen Mo\'s head.

  Chen Mo touched the tip of his nose, "Let’s find a place to sit and wait until I destroy the spirit veins of the Lingjian Pavilion."

  Xiao Ruhan "……"

   "You...that\'s why you asked me?"

  Chen Mo nodded.

  Xiao Ruhan took a deep breath.

   "You...what kind of power is this? How could you have blocked countless attacks from the strong? Why do you have so many sects and even the top martial arts of the strong? Who are you?"

  Chen Mo "……"

  Well, it\'s a little weird, especially for nc.

   "I will tell you when I have a girlfriend."

   Then Chen Mo walked towards Lingjian Pavilion.

  Xiao Ruhan "……"

  Isn’t that not telling her all this life?


  Xiao Ruhan called out Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo turned his head.

  "Be careful, and...the spirit vein of Lingjian Pavilion is in the southeast."

  Chen Mo nodded, then walked in.

  She originally wanted to stop Chen Mo, but...she was so surprised to see this scene. This kid is a bit extraordinary, a bit crazy, and arrogant, but he has the capital!

  The most critical point now, how did he do it? He has done several things that have violated reality!

  First, ignoring the power of all the strong, and even the power of the Tianban level!

  Secondly, there will be many sects, and even the strongest big moves!

  Thirdly, he has the ability to unleash such a big move!

  Everyone wants to know.

"Big brother……"

  The three little loli looked at Chen Mo worriedly.

   "It\'s okay, let\'s trust him."

The so-called guardian formation is actually very simple. It uses the power of various formations to prevent outsiders from entering, such as wind, fire, lightning, swords, swords, or fantasy. Anyway, all kinds of amazing forces are invincible. Whoever enters will die. ,but……

  Don’t you know that Chen Mo can even ignore the power of the Forbidden Level, and are afraid that these wind, fire, thunder and electric swords will fail?

  The spirit sword pavilion at this moment is in a panic!

   "Sect Master, what do you think is good now? Our Lingjian Pavilion will soon become the laughing stock of the entire continent."

  An elder sighed~www.novelhall.com~ What are you afraid of? Just kill that Chen Mo! "

   "This old ancestor can\'t help Chen Mo, what is his power! It is simply shocking!"

  Wei Wunian also wants to know.

  I don’t know what happened, he even regretted to provoke this kid.

   "Look, he has entered the guardian formation!"

  Everyone looked at the past, the players and the disciples also looked at the past!

  Nima? Is this invincible?

  This day, the Forbidden Grade powerhouse did not dare to enter the guardian formation, why did he walk around like a flat ground?

  Na Lou Xiaoqian doesn\'t care about Zongmen, she only cares about heat. Seeing the situation in the Huzong Formation, she hurriedly hid, started shooting again, and broadcast live.

"Don\'t worry, don\'t even think about going out as soon as he comes in. Just trapped him. Don\'t forget that the guardian formation of our Spirit Sword Pavilion has a misty formation, and the sky forbidden level power can\'t break through the environment! "

  Wei Wunian said confidently.

   "There are a lot of formations in this big formation, it\'s a pity, it\'s useless."

  Not long after his voice fell, a voice came suddenly.