I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 342: Yo, it's all here.


Hearing this familiar but unwilling voice, everyone in Lingjian Pavilion showed expressions of disbelief. They looked over and saw the super-god figure from the guardian formation of their Lingjian Pavilion. Come in!

  They all showed unbelievable expressions!

You said that you have some kind of spiritual weapon that can block even the attacks of the Heavenly Forbidden-level powerhouse, then you can also block the guardian formation of the Spirit Sword Pavilion, you can\'t die inside, and all the damage is blocked, ok, then There is nothing wrong with it, but there is a very strong mist formation in it, that is, the illusion, even if it is an environment that is difficult to break through even the power of the sky forbidden, even if you can break it, then it depends on time. Stay trapped inside for a while. This is the plan of the Spirit Sword Pavilion. They don’t believe that there are any spiritual weapons that can last for a long time. They just need to drag it. However... this b is like ignoring the fog, without any pause at all. He broke through the guardian formation and walked in!

  Sura kills pupils and sees through all illusions.

  Who can stand this?

  In the eyes of these powerhouses, this Chenmo is regarded as a killer, and he will kill it at will, but it can\'t kill it. This is the most uncomfortable!

   Feiheng and Qin Heyu\'s faces were extremely ugly that day!

  As players, players understand players better. They probably can see why Chen Mo can do these things, that is, resurrection skills! But how rare are the resurrection skills? Which resurrection skills are not cool for a long time? You have been resurrected on the spot, which is equivalent to being invincible at all times. What is this going to do? Is this going against the sky?

  Yes, Chen Mo may not rely on infinite abilities, or other things, but he must rely on infinite resurrection. Only infinite resurrection can continue to release infinite abilities.

   "It\'s all here."

  Chen Mo glanced at the crowd, his mouth tickled.

  Just like that, the hearts of those strong people trembled suddenly. What kind of devil is this?

  That Wei Wunian\'s face was even more ugly. He just said that Chen Mo could not come in, and then he stood in front of them.

The disciples around    are really afraid of Chenmo. They used to look down on it, but now... they are dad! It’s okay for one of you to fight against the powerhouses in Lingjian Pavilion, are you afraid? Moreover, they can\'t find North for those big blows. Can you be afraid?

At the age of   , the realm seems to be the same, but why is this combat power so terrifying?

  Everyone can believe that this is a scene like never before! No one has ever existed before or after!

  Although Qin Heyu hates Chen Mo very much on this day of Feiheng, how do you say that they are not good enough now? In this situation, even if they are players? The many ncs at the Heaven Forbidden Level can\'t help him, so what use are they?

   "Chen Mo, what are you going to do!"

  Wei Wunian pointed at Chen Mo and shouted angrily.

  Uncomfortable! It\'s uncomfortable like never before! A group of strong men was ruled by a kid! The point is, what is he doing?

  It\'s true that there is an enmity between them, but why did he come here alone? Could this be the conspiracy of Weiyang Palace? They don\'t know either! But obviously it is useful now.

  Chen Mo just walked over in front of them and walked towards Wei Wunian. How could Wei Wunian, a strong Tianban level, be afraid of him? If Chen Mo goes forward and he goes back, then this scene will be laughed to death.


  Everyone? ? ?

   Then Chen Mo walked in front of Wei Wunian. Wei Wunian did not back away. Chen Mo stretched out his hand and slapped it over, and everyone was stunned again!

  Although this is not the first time everyone has seen Chen Mofan\'s Wei Wunian slap in the face, can you play the cards according to common sense? Just come in, just walk over, just raise his hand and slap like this, then Wei Wunian is also uncomfortable!

  You said that a kid walked towards him. If he retreats, he will really be laughed at, and not retreat... This kid in t actually slapped him backhand.

   "Fuck! This is too rampant, I\'m taking it!"

   "A person, a player, a player of level 30, we don’t know why we have been resurrected, but who can stand this courage, such an exaggeration?"

   "So handsome! Too domineering! Chenmo I love you, Chenmo I am wet!"


  Seeing this scene, the barrage scrolls crazily. To be honest, isn’t this a scene that any man dreams of? They came to such a continent full of fantasy and fairy tales as players, they just want to enjoy the feeling that this reality can\'t bring!

Every man who enters this game has to use his sword to travel the world, but the reality is...the attributes are not good, the equipment is not good, the skills are not good, and he can\'t fight monsters, let alone spread the world in the mainland, but this is their dream They all feel that they can be awakened by their own handsome, but what they dream of wanting to do, they have seen a level 30 player do it!

  Don’t say if this is a game, everyone is so serious, you treat it as real, who can do this?

One person kills a superpower in the martial arts ~www.novelhall.com~ You know, this is a superpower, it is not an ordinary family or the like, there are hundreds of billions of people in the entire continent, only eight superpowers Is it strong? There are countless strong ones, and the power that burst out as a whole is unimaginable! However, being made like this by one person!

  Some people may think that he has been invincible, he can do it, he can also jump in front of all the strong, but...they don’t have so many big moves against the sky! So, still convinced!

  Moreover, too domineering! Catch someone\'s super power Zongmen\'s face and slap it all the time. A man gets slapped and slapped in public should be the most embarrassing thing, right? Kneeling may be the most embarrassing, but slapped in the face is really embarrassing! And this dust...

  What do you say anyway? Today, regardless of the ending, Chen Mo truly has the qualifications to be a **** in the hearts of these players! It was really awesome before, singled out ten thousand people and so on, but it was only awesome. How can Fengshen be sealed? That is to make a move that everyone thinks is impossible under a specific situation, causing a great sensation, this may be a god! But it takes several times because it is not consolidated once!

And what Chen Mo did today is already regarded as the battle of the gods. If he succeeds, then he will succeed. Many people will compare him with the real beginnings of some famous and powerful people. It does not matter if he fails, because he He did something that no one had done before. Has Gongzimo done it? No! Everyone doesn\'t know if he can do this, but he didn\'t do it!