I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 340: Don't ask, ask is just hang up

At this moment, the spirit sword pavilion is a little embarrassed, as if a storm is swept over, the house is broken, the ground is full of debris from the ruins, falling to the ground, or the people buried under the ruins are climbing up with difficulty, or... Never get up.

The group of disciples were scattered around. The Holy Sword Venerable was in the secret room where he closed his practice. This secret room was a very secret and remote place. Even if it was outside like this, he didn’t respond, he didn’t even know, he estimated It\'s impossible to think of it. If a kid can break out such combat power, right?


  Chen Mo’s shocking sword did not achieve the effect he wanted and was blocked, but...it doesn’t matter! There are also the skills of the Heavenly Forbidden Powers in this hand!

  "The sky of swordsmanship!"

A golden light burst out of Chen Mo\'s body, and the sword of disaster in his hand pointed towards the sky, and then the entire sky just after the dark clouds dissipated, golden rays of light seemed to penetrate the sky, in the dark sky, countless The golden light rushed towards, and then it became brighter and brighter. When the light was completely clear, everyone discovered that countless golden swords had penetrated the sky, and were about to move on the sky!

  "The sky of swordsmanship! You!!!"

  Wei Wunian is forced! Isn\'t this his ultimate swordsmanship? How could this kid have this martial skill?

  The most important thing is, you or him, he will consume most of his spiritual power to release himself. Where did this kid come from to continuously release several heaven-defying martial arts of this level?

  He understands that this martial art falling down means that almost all of his disciples in Lingjian Pavilion will be buried in it!

   "Give it to me! Kill Chenmo, several elders, please block this martial art!"

  Wei Wunian yelled and rushed towards Chen Mo.


  The terrifying force bombarded Chen Mo, but...

   "Ding...you are dead."

   "Ding...you are resurrected."




  Na Wei Wunian saw this unkillable situation again. He went crazy and shouted angrily. The terrifying power constantly impacted Chen Mo at an unimaginable speed.

  This scene was seen by everyone, Xiaoqian that Lou was smeared with blood silently, and then filmed everything above the void and broadcast it live to everyone.

  The countless powers of the Spirit Sword Pavilion burst out with terrifying power to resist the countless forces that are about to fall above the void!

  Everyone is dumbfounded!

   "This... is too fierce, right?"

   "No, this Chenmo has too many horrifying skills? This is too exaggerated!"

"As far as I know, in the game Tianlin, all the people of a super power have been able to resist through the ages, and then only the legendary ones are helpless, but now, there is one more dust! He is only level 30. What kind of attributes and equipment does he have! How did he do it! Even with this skill, he would have to release tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of mana? How could he release it? what?"

   "And... why doesn\'t he die? I have seen his health bar emptied twenty times. Although he has been attacked, he has not died! My Nima! I\'m going crazy!"

   "I want to ask, can Gongzimo do it?"


  Everyone does not know how to answer.

  This is not Chen Mo Niubi, this is...infinitely great! Unless your whole spirit sword pavilion powerhouses are all gone, then Chen Mo will not be able to release these utmost tricks, but you are gone, the spirit sword pavilion is gone, don’t leave... Chen Mo has unlimited pressure-free release utmost moves, don’t worry The so-called loss of spiritual power, empty blue.

  Swipe it----

  Countless golden sword shadows fell from the sky, just like rain, and the entire Spirit sword pavilion was "pierced and filled" by the sword rain.


  Spirit sword pavilion disciples fled one after another, and those with bad life or low strength were directly penetrated by the sword shadow!

  The powerful people kept resisting above the void, but there were too many sword shadows! They couldn\'t release their ultimatum to impact and collide with each other, because then, Lingjian Pavilion, including the disciples in Lingjian Pavilion, would still die!


  Tian Feiheng and Qin Heyu swallowed.

  This is completely different from what they thought...

  The self-proclaimed Tianzong wizard Lin Tianqi, who is also indeed the top ten on the list, saw this scene, he was completely stunned!

   Is this the power that a warrior of this realm can release?

  The entire Lingjian Pavilion has ushered in an unprecedented "disaster", the key is that it happened suddenly, even the so-called guardian formation is useless, because Chen Mo is alone! He topped all the spirit sword pavilion alone!

  It\'s not that he is awesome, it\'s him... can\'t die! This is the most exaggerated! The combat power of any other Tianban level powerhouse is more terrifying than Chen Mo, but they can\'t do this. It\'s not that they can\'t achieve such a terrifying destructive power, but... can\'t beat these people!

  But Chen Mo\'s infinite resurrection is different.

  Sorry, it\'s hanging up.

  On the other side, Wei Wunianjian is about to chop, but the person in front of him... is fine!

   "What kind of monster are you!"

  Wei Wunian\'s mentality has exploded!

what\'s the situation! What the **** is this!

  Chen Mo clicked the corner of his mouth, "I am a nightmare you will never get away!"


   Then Chen Mo rushed over!

   "Uh-the sword breaks the sky!"

Wei Wunian’s complete mentality exploded. He pointed towards the sky. A scene similar to that of Zhan Cangtian released by Chen Mo before. The sword also turned into a thousand meters, and there was still a gap with Zhan Cangtian, but it was also a big move. The ultimate move of the banned release!

  Chen Mo clicked the corner of his mouth.

  The force of terror swept directly at Chen Mo and destroyed everything around him. When the dust cleared, Chen Mo stood there and buttoned his ears.

  Wei Wunian? ? ?

  Everyone? ? ?


  Chen Mo rushed to him again!

   "Go to hell!"

  Wei Wunian is a dignified ban-level powerhouse~www.novelhall.com~ When did you live like this! The terrifying power rushed to Chen Mo one after another, but...Chen Mo was still walking towards him.

  He is completely messy!

  Chen Mo walked up to him, slapped his hand up.

  Everyone "..."


Chen Mo also knows that he can\'t kill such a strong person, and stealing a big move to hit such a strong person is tickle, but slapped, especially the feel, the crisp sound, and the picture are comparable to killing. It\'s so cool.

  This scene... was filmed on live broadcast, and the barrage was swiping "???".

   "Fuck? This dusty..."

"Let’s not talk about why he can be resurrected indefinitely. We can’t learn this, nor how he released these terrifying big tricks. Let a group of powerful men block them. We can’t learn it either. Let’s try this fan. The lord of the superpower sect is slapped in the face... I\'m not convinced!"

  "Don\'t say anything, even if this Chenmo hangs up, it will be so stylish, I admire him too!"

   "So handsome! Really handsome and overbearing!"
