I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 327: Chenmo? He is a straight man!

The two chatted at home for a while, and then their room door was knocked, and there was the sound of Zhao Yingmeng’s turmoil.

   "Brother Chen Mo, Ke Xin, open the door."

"I\'m coming."

  Lin Kexin happily ran over and opened the door, with the beautiful girl Zhao Yingmeng standing at the door.

Chen Mo and Zhao Yingmeng have known each other for a long time. I heard Lin Kexin say that their sisters are very pretty. In Chen Mo\'s eyes, Lin Kexin is already pretty. The girl next door, she can say so. Beautiful, it shouldn\'t be bad.

   "Kexin, has Brother Chen Mo come out?"

  Zhao Yingmeng\'s little head went into the house.

   "Well, Brother Chen Mo is ready."

   Then Zhao Yingmeng showed a happy expression.

   "Brother Chen Mo, go and taste the craftsmanship of Qinghan Sister, walk around."

  Then two girls came over, one of them held Chen Mo\'s side, making Chen Mo uncomfortable.

   "No, I just go by myself."


  Zhao Yingmeng spit out her pink tongue in embarrassment, looked at Chen Mo\'s wrist, but did not see the chain of disaster.

  As for the chain of disaster, she felt very surprised and strange.

  Chen Mo and a few people came to the opposite room. The lights were on in the room, and the big table was full of delicious food, which gave people the impression that they were made from a restaurant.

   "Ke Xin, Brother Chen Mo."

  Zhao Yingluo was putting the bowls and chopsticks, saw Chen Mo and Lin Kexin and hurriedly called out.

  Chen Mo touched the tip of his nose.

  Slightly embarrassing!

She is a little familiar with Zhao Yingmeng, but in reality, she doesn’t know that she is the Chenmo in the game. The other two sisters, Zhao Yingluo and Lin Qinghan... They almost don’t know each other. , But there has not been much exchange.

  In such a situation, I went to someone’s place to eat. To be honest, it was embarrassing and embarrassing, and I couldn’t see it.

   "Ke Xin, let Brother Chen Mo sit with you, and you may start right away."

  Lin Qinghan seems to be very familiar with Lin Kexin, indeed, it is true that Lin Kexin has been getting along well with these three sisters during this time.


   Then Lin Kexin helped Chen Mo to sit at the table. She also sat beside Chen Mo, with sisters Zhao Yingmeng on both sides. Lin Qinghan brought Tang over and sat beside Zhao Yingluo.

  Their eyes are always looking at Chen Mo. Unfortunately, Chen Mo doesn\'t know, but he always seems to be able to feel their gazes, and he is always embarrassed.

   Really, don’t look at Chen Mo being so crazy in the game, he’s really crazy, this is getting along with girls, he is really a noob, especially in this situation, he is always embarrassed.

  Lin Qinghan smiled and toasted. They all drank drinks and rarely drank.

"I have indeed been quite busy lately. I have neglected to take care of my two younger sisters. This meal is also a loss. I did not fulfill the responsibilities mentioned before. In addition, I welcome Kexin and Chen Mo. We will be neighbors in the future. I am also a friend, and I am very grateful to Chen Mo for his help.

   "Good, good!"

  Zhao Yingmeng drummed her little hands.

   Then they touched slightly.

   "Okay, let\'s not say more, everyone, let\'s eat."

  Lin Qinghan smiled.

   "Brother Chen Mo, here."

  Lin Kexin gave Chen Mo the dishes she thought Chen Mo liked, and Chen Mo did not refuse.

  Zhao Yingmeng sandwiched a piece of meat and silently looked at the sweet looks of the two people over there.

  "Hey, hey, don\'t look, let\'s see if you are a single dog and can\'t find a boyfriend."

  Zhao Yingluo knocked Zhao Yingmeng on the head.

   "Go! Go! What nonsense, with the aptitude of a heroine, what kind of man can\'t be found?"

  Zhao Yingmeng gave Zhao Yingluo a white look.

   "Really? Didn\'t you say that you like the big brother Chenmo in the game? Did you catch it?"


  On the other side, Chen Mo, who was honestly not saying a word while eating, couldn\'t help coughing out directly after hearing these words.

  What is it?

  Lin Kexin knows that Chen Mo is Chenmo. Does Yingmeng like Chen Mo?

  Lin Kexin felt a little lost in her heart.

   "Go go! When did this woman say she likes him? I admire him!"

  Lin Qinghan was also used to these two sisters\' nonsense, and did not speak, so they let them make a fuss, which was quite lively.


   Then Zhao Yingluo asked Chen Mo and said, "Brother Chen Mo, you said this girl is going to give someone a butt. From your boy\'s point of view, is this a liking?"

  Chen Mo? ? ?

  Send ass? No, he didn\'t receive it.

  Chen Mo shook his head "I don\'t know."

  It\'s over! Does he treat this girl as a friend, does this girl want to be on him?

   Damn it!

  "Don\'t talk nonsense, it\'s just for fun, don\'t talk nonsense, I\'m innocent with him, that Chenmo is a straight man of steel, anyone who falls in love with him can really be **** off."

  Zhao Yingmeng murmured.

  Chen Mo; "..."

  Lin Kexin was holding a bowl aside, smiling.

   "Then he must still have advantages, right?"

  Lin Qinghan asked with a smile.

  About this Chenmo, she is also very curious. The smooth development of their studio depends on him. Even her friend who wants to join Chenmo was rejected, a little embarrassing.

   "Wow, strong, and although the person is quite indifferent, but in fact, he is still kind-hearted. It belongs to the kind of knife-mouthed tofu heart, and has never been in love."

  Chen Mo? ? ?

  What is the advantage of not having a relationship?

   "No way? According to what you said, it is so amazing. There should be many fans. It should be easy to find a girlfriend."

  Zhao Yingluo asked suspiciously.

   "Maybe... he doesn\'t like women?"

  Zhao Yingmeng whispered in a low voice.

  Chen Mo? ? ?

  Really! This Zhao Yingmeng said too many "bad things" behind him.

  Zhao Yingmeng is really suspicious, because in her impression ~www.novelhall.com~Chen Mo seems to have appeared a lot of girls, but he seems to be cold and silent.

  Lin Kexin smiled lightly, "I guess it’s girls who I must like."

  "Don\'t mention it, by the way, Brother Chen Mo, how many levels are you? And Kexin, I really want to go to the level with you."

  Zhao Yingmeng asked expectantly.

  Chen Mo said, "You\'re in your early twenties."

   "That\'s pretty good too, hehe, but there is still a gap with me."

"IM about the same."

  Lin Kexin spit out her pink tongue and said.

   "Excuse me, I\'m level 25, thank you."

  Zhao Yingluo looked at Zhao Yingmeng hopingly.

   "Cut, I\'m level 26!"

  Zhao Yingmeng glared back at Zhao Yingluo.

   "You followed Chen Mo to level 26. I got it by myself. It\'s not the same, you die."

   "Huh! Can this heroine be jealous of Chen Mo?"

   "Then Qinghan would like to meet the great God of Chenmo, and you can add a friend to thank them. Why can\'t you do this? Bastard?"

  Zhao Yingmeng "……"