I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 326: Yueling Palace

Latest website: Weiyang Palace is a super power, singles, and now the Venerable Yuanshen has also broken through, and it is on the defensive side, even if the Lingjian Pavilion is dead, don\'t even think of destroying Weiyang Palace! However, there is the Apocalypse Palace behind the Lingjian Pavilion, and even the Lingjian Pavilion and the Huoyun Villa are allies, and they are both sects of the Apocalypse Palace! If the two superpowers jointly attack, there is a chance to defend it, but what about the Apocalypse Palace?

It must be impossible!

Although the Apocalypse Palace also has enemies, other imperial-level forces, will they counterattack the Apocalypse Palace while it is attacking? It should not be!

No, to be precise, the four imperial-level forces will not attack the imperial-level forces, but will first unify the eight super sects under their own hands and then consider the imperial-level forces! These, the empire and even the two emperor-level forces generally do not care! Because the two emperor-level forces themselves are also opposed!

Xiao Ruhan was a little flustered when she heard Zhao Yingmeng running over to say the news, and she thought who had spread it.

"You didn\'t tell anyone, did you?"

Zhao Yingmeng shook her head silly.


"It\'s fine if you don\'t, remember, no one can say it, have you heard?"

"Oh, I see."

Then Zhao Yingmeng looked at Chen Mo.

"Big Brother Chenmo, is it true?"

"Really." Xiao Ruhan also said helplessly.

"Wow! How is this done?"

Zhao Yingmeng almost admired Chen Mo.

Perhaps she has never seen the strength of a Tianban-level powerhouse, but as a disciple of the Weiyang Palace, she must have a general understanding, that is, throwing her hands up and down!

"You can go to you."

Chen Mo said lightly.

"Really? Don\'t lie to me."

Xiao Ruhan: "..."

"I said girl, you really believe it, but don\'t go to death."


Zhao Yingmeng then smiled and ran over and rubbed the little heads of the little girls who were eating, just like to tease them.

Then she inadvertently glanced at Chen Mo, and then stopped in place!

Because she saw Chen Mo\'s wrist, the chain of disaster!

She opened her mouth slightly.

She remembered seeing this chain of calamity two days ago. At that time, there was no such khaki pattern. When did it come?

Correct! It was when he was doing the task of Wan Zu Chaotian. At that time, Zhao Yingmeng hadn\'t seen this khaki pattern on the road. When he came back, he didn\'t pay attention to it, but now it is!

This is not where she cares more, what she cares more about is...

In reality, Big Brother Chen Mo, he also has an identical customized product on his hand, and that customized product has this khaki texture!

How is this possible! It hasn\'t been two days ago, so his customization can\'t be completed in two days, right? The custom-made ones appear to have earth-colored lines earlier than they really are? That\'s impossible! She was a little confused.

Has it crossed?

She couldn\'t possibly think of it, this is one!


After eating, Chen Mo went offline. No matter how disturbed the situation in the game is, it has nothing to do with him after going offline.

Lin Kexin has moved to Chen Mo\'s house, and in the afternoon she went shopping with Zhao Yingmeng sisters to celebrate the housewarming.

Lin Kexin is now cleaning in the living room.

Chen Mo came out.

"Brother Chen Mo, you have come out."

Lin Kexin hurriedly ran to Chen Mo to help Chen Mo.

Chen Mo nodded and sat on the sofa.

"Didn\'t it go online this afternoon?" Chen Mo asked, after all, he didn\'t see Lin Kexin go online.

"Well, Kexin went shopping with Yingmeng and the others in the afternoon and bought several clothes for Brother Chen Mo."

Chen Mo nodded slightly.

"By the way, Yingmeng and the others insist on inviting us to dinner at their house tonight, and sister Qinghan, so..."

Chen Mo helped them catch the mice. I was very grateful. Lin Qinghan was very busy in the game, really busy. After all, her studio started too high! All thanks to Chen Mo, but the favors owed to others must be paid, no matter how young, she personally went out to cook and wanted to invite them to dinner.

"Go ahead."

Chen Mo said, he didn\'t say he had an opinion on the three girls, but he still didn\'t adapt to the crowded environment in reality.

No, maybe there is some inferiority complex? Because it is invisible, yes, this may also be a reason.

"Brother Chen Mo is going. Everyone is friends and neighbors. We will stay together often in the future. If Brother Chen Mo doesn\'t go, they might think that Brother Chen Mo has opinions on them."

Lin Kexin really wants Chen Mo to integrate into a more lively, united and happy environment, not just a person, she doesn\'t want Chen Mo to be alone every day.

Chen Mo hesitated.

"Brother Chen Mo, just go."

Lin Kexin shook Chen Mo\'s arm and said coquettishly.

"Okay... OK."

Chen Mo nodded.


Lin Kexin showed a happy expression.

Chen Mo also smiled in his heart, it doesn\'t matter, she can be happy, everything is fine, when he is embarrassed, and he does not hate them, especially Zhao Yingmeng, who has been getting along for a long time, if he doesn\'t like this second grade Chen Mo\'s girl, Chen Mo couldn\'t always take her, although it was because of her boss attraction several times.

"Then Brother Chen Mo, do you want to change clothes?"

Chen Mo shook his head: "No need."


"By the way, Kexin, has your guardian angel skill cooled down?"

Chen Mo asked.

"Ah? Does Brother Chen Mo need this skill?"

Chen Mo said: "It is not necessary."

Chen Mo intends to harm the Lingjian Pavilion. He and Lingjian Pavilion are completely enmity. It belongs to the level of life and death. He has deleted the faces of the master and ancestors of the Lingjian Pavilion. Pointing a word will make them angry, because they are not qualified!

So, instead of waiting for Lingjian Pavilion to find the door in person, why can\'t you take the initiative to kill the soul?

But the eighth-order pill Chen Mo is gone, even if it can be obtained from the fourth elder, Chen Mo is not at ease, because this pill is only invincible for one hour, and the guardian angel is invincible all day! Of course Chen Mo trusts guardian angels more.

"The cooldown was not finished~www.novelhall.com~One month of cooldown, but Kexin just learned a skill, which can reduce the cooldown time of another skill by half. If you use it, the guardian angel can cool down. of."

"I\'m looking for you tomorrow! Are you returning where you were before?"

"No, Master took Kexin to another place called... Yueling Palace, where there are many disciples, all of them are amazing, and Kexin can also learn a lot here."

"Yueling Palace, I should be able to rush over tomorrow."

Chen Mo nodded.

"Yeah, Brother Chen Mo arrived and said something to Kexin, Kexin will pick you up."

"it is good."

Today, my friend came and wanted to go out to play, so I will change it today, and double the amount owed to everyone in a few days!

(End of this chapter)