I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 328: That is called taking, not stealing!

They often do this between their sisters, and even a few swear words appear, but they are all loving curses.

  Chen Mo doesn\'t hate this feeling of getting along, it\'s just that they are unfamiliar, which is pretty good. He thinks that Lin Kexin must get along well with them.

   "Chen Mo, Kexin, how does it taste?"

  Lin Qinghan asked expectantly.

  She cooked this meal with great care. She also wanted to make friends and thought they were all very good.

  Lin Kexin nodded, "It\'s delicious, it tastes like home."

  Chen Mo nodded slightly, "Very good."

   "If it\'s delicious, if I make it in the future, I will often invite you to eat together. Don\'t be cautious, it just so happens that Kexin is also moving in now."

  Chen Mo "……"

  He can\'t stand it.

  Although Cengfan is a kind of enjoyment and happiness, but... embarrassing.

  Maybe it won’t be embarrassing after being familiar with it.

   "Hmm, then Kexin is not welcome."

  Zhao Yingmeng smiled and said, "I hope you are welcome, hehe, if you get mice in the house, you will have to trouble Chen Mo again."

   "Huh? Are there mice?"

  Lin Kexin\'s mouth opens slightly.

   "Hmm, two, so big." Zhao Yingmeng also made a gesture, exaggeratingly said.

   "You attracted it."

  Zhao Yingluo made a cut!

   "Zhao Yingluo, can you shut up?"

  Zhao Yingluo then showed a successful smile, eating quietly.

Zhao Yingmeng then quickly explained, "The greenery around our community is so good. It\'s normal to hide mice outside, right? And we are on the first floor. It\'s normal to get in mice, so Kexin, you have to pay more attention. No, you have Brother Chen Mo at home, wow! You haven\'t seen how fierce Chen Mo catches mice."

  Lin Kexin; "..."

  Can you catch mice fiercely?

   "Yeah, it\'s really amazing." Zhao Yingluo nodded.

  Anyway, for girls, all the things they can\'t do, if a boy can do it, that\'s great.

  Chen Mo thinks something very common. It\'s not as powerful as what they said, but in the eyes of girls, mice are all demons, and Chen Mo is so handsome to solve it, it is handsome.

   "Mouses are all scared. There were many giant rat monsters, and even many other giant insect monsters, you were even more scared?"

  Chen Mo asked.

   felt very strange, even the little mice were scared, and Zhao Yingmeng was afraid of those giant spiders during the Ten Thousand Spiders Mission! She was not afraid of seeing her for several tens of meters.

"Um... it may be different. It\'s just a psychological feeling. Most people are afraid of the real when they enter the game, but I think, the game, even the scary things are fake, and they are also It’s not what my real body sees or touches, so it’s much better."

  I have to say that Zhao Yingmeng’s psychology is quite impressive.

  "Then if you have more contact with monsters, will there be changes in reality? For example, you are no longer afraid of mice?"

   asked Chen Mo.

  Zhao Yingmeng nodded; "It should be very useful."

  "If you encounter a mouse later, try to solve it by yourself."

  Zhao Yingmeng; "..."

   "Hehe, Brother Chen Mo, just kidding, you must be needed. You are our security! You are not Kexin\'s alone man, but the man of all of us."

  Chen Mo "……"

   After speaking, Zhao Yingmeng saw their expressions and realized that he seemed to have said something wrong, and then quickly explained, "No...not that."

   "Eat and eat, I have done a lot, don\'t waste it."

  Lin Qinghan smiled.

Originally, Chen Mo thought that he would solve it in ten minutes and then went back. In the end, he was not embarrassed. After staying for more than an hour, he really knew them. This feeling of making friends... It\'s been a long time. It\'s also pretty good.


  The next morning, Chen Mo and Lin Kexin went out for a walk, exercise, and then had breakfast together. They really looked like a couple. After eating, Chen Mo went online.

  There are very important things to do today. First, go to the Yueling Palace that Lin Kexin is currently carrying, let her release a guardian angel, and then...have it all!

  Aren’t you great at Lingjian Pavilion? Isn\'t it rampant? Don’t you look down on people? Don’t you want to kill him?

   By the way, maybe you are still racking your brains now thinking about **** Chen Mo, sorry, he came to you!

"Big brother……"

As soon as    went online, three little loli happily rushed over.

   "Are there any good people?"

  Chen Mo asked with a smile.

   "They... Ask yourself what they did last night!"

  Xiao Ruhan walked out yawning, his face full of helplessness, but with a smile.

   "What did you do?"


   Xiao Yuan blinked his simple big eyes.

  Before, there was only one troublemaker in Weiyang Palace, and that was Xiao Ruhan. Now, Xiao Ruhan has reduced from the number one troublemaker to the smallest one, and these three little girls have become the biggest troublemaker.

   "These three girls ran to the Fifth Elder\'s Fuzhuan Pavilion last night, and let Weiyang Palace be filled with thunder and fire all night."

They didn’t get into trouble on purpose, or they didn’t know anything. They were curious. The three girls just got together again. They used to do whatever they wanted to do outside. They do what they like now. Then they went out to play together. I was curious about the beautiful palace, and then I went in. The Alchemy Pavilion was also found in this way, and the Fuzhuan Pavilion was also the same. I found some magical things in it. I was curious. Then...

  How to say it? The four elders, the five elders, and the major elders are also very helpless. Sometimes they are angry, but they are really not angry with these three girls. If there is no alternative, then spoil them. Anyway, Weiyang Palace is also now. In this way, it doesn\'t matter how long it can exist. What\'s wrong with making them happy?

  "Big Brother, look at ~www.novelhall.com~ to set off fireworks."

  Xiao Yuan took out a few charms with his hands, and then threw them into the sky.


  Fire, lightning burst in the sky, and the three little Lori’s big eyes were shining with little stars, and they thought they were pretty.

  Chen Mo secretly shook his head.

  This girl is simply a good thing.

  "You are not allowed to release someone, have you heard?"


  They can still control this.

   "You are used to it."

  Xiao Ruhan said with a helpless smile.

   "I have your share too."

   "This fairy has never taught them this way, don\'t frame me."

  Chen Mo counseled his shoulders, and said, "However, they learned from you to steal things from the alchemy pavilion, Fuzhuan pavilion, and the kitchen."

  Xiao Ruhan "……"

   "That\'s called take, understand? That\'s not called stealing!" Xiao Ruhan glared at Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo smiled slightly, and then said, "Can I borrow the snow sculptures?"