I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 325: You are so fierce

Back to Weiyang Palace, Xiao Ruhan didn\'t hold Chen Mo, but went directly to Chef Zhang to help make delicious food! The project on the Nanshan side began again, with some impact, but not great. After all, no one would harm the people even in wars between clans, and that would be intolerable by the entire continent.

  Sure enough, her vision is invincible, this little Momo is a bit powerful!

   "Xiao Yuan, no matter what happens to me in the future, you can\'t be angry, have you heard?"

  Chen Mo rubbed Xiaoyuan\'s head and said.

  Of course he noticed Xiao Yuan’s emotions today. If Xiao Ruhan hadn’t stopped him and said that he was fine, I’m afraid Xiao Yuan would have burst out directly! This is not what Chen Mo wants to see.

   "No, no one can bully Big Brother."

  Xiao Yuan shook her head, then hugged Chen Mo\'s waist, her head nestled in Chen Mo\'s arms.

  "Big brother...The power of water is not as strong as before. If it is such a powerful person, water can’t help big brother too much!" Shui Shui is a bit self-blaming, why is he not too strong?

  Long Xiaorou also lowered her head.

They are just a little self-blaming, because Chen Mo was fighting during the day, but they couldn\'t help. Their strength is indeed very strong, but compared with that level of power, they really have no qualifications. The injuries are all tickling, even Long Xiaorou\'s burns are probably not effective in the face of that kind of existence.

  Chen Mo rubbed their little heads one by one, and said, "I didn\'t blame you, and you didn\'t do anything wrong. In short, you are not allowed to shoot without my order in the future, no matter what the occasion, you hear?"


   "Be obedient, I don\'t like it if you don\'t."

  Several little loli nodded.


   "This is good."

   "Come on, come on, come on delicious!"

  Xiao Ruhan ran in, then waved his hand, the table was full of delicious food.

   "Go and eat."

  Chen Mo patted their backs, then the three little girls recovered and ran to the food happily, while Xiao Ruhan sat in front of Chen Mo.

   "Aren\'t you going to eat?"

   asked Chen Mo.

  Xiao Ruhan looked at Chen Mo, holding his cheeks.

   "I want to see more of the brave and invincible Xiao Momo."

  Chen Mo "……"

  "Don’t you like me?"


  Xiao Ruhan patted Chen Mo on the head.

   "What do you say, this fairy is your master! If you dare to talk nonsense, this fairy throws you out with your leg."

  Chen Mo touched the tip of his nose.

   "Hey, I\'m sorry, but I still want to ask, how did you do it?"

   "Is it weird?"

   asked Chen Mo.

"Nonsense, I haven\'t heard Venerable Yuanshen say it, people have lived for tens of thousands of years and have never seen such a spooky scene, the power of the sky forbidden level can\'t help you at all, I really can\'t figure it out, you say How can defense martial arts be so terrifying? If it\'s a special heaven and earth spirit creature, it shouldn\'t be such a heaven-defying, heaven-defying spirit weapon? I can only think that maybe there is only this possibility, it is the spirit of the power of the forbidden level. Device, did you say so?"

The    spirit weapon caused the only point that everyone could guess, martial arts and other things are possible, but it is definitely not up to this level, let alone a kid who has not even reached the strength of the ghost!

   "Almost! What are you doing?"

  Chen Mo nodded.

   "What are you afraid of? This fairy will still want your life-saving things? It\'s just curiosity. If it\'s OK, I will teach you martial arts tomorrow. If you still need to teach you? You can even be able to teach you too virtual stars."

  Too many things that Xiao Ruhan can\'t figure out today!

  Chen Mo nodded, "Of course!"

   "Xing Ba, I will teach you tomorrow."

   "The day after tomorrow." Chen Mo said.

   "Huh? You have something to do tomorrow? Do you dare to go out?"

  Xiao Ruhan looked at Chen Mo suspiciously.

  Chen Mo asked, "Fairy Master, I want to ask how to define whether a school is perished?"

  Xiao Ruhan raised his head, scratched his hair, and thought about it, "It\'s pretty simple, just kill the strong in the school."

   "This is the only one?"

   asked Chen Mo.

"Of course, as long as the sect\'s background exists, that sect will exist. For example, the Lingjian Pavilion. The strongest people are dead, and the Lingjian Pavilion will only be kicked out of the category of superpowers. When they are almost dead, it means The spirit sword pavilion was destroyed. Of course, every sect has its lifeblood, and it is only aimed at the existence of super powers and super powers. The place where every super power exists, a certain forbidden area in the sect. It must be a spiritual vein of heaven and earth."

Xiao Ruhan paused, and then continued, "The Heaven and Earth Spirit Vessel is the foundation of a sect. Of course, it does not mean that the Heaven and Earth Spirit Vessel will disappear without the sect. It is not so exaggerated. The more vigorous heaven and earth spiritual power in other places can also attract more disciples to join. If it is not there, then it is very serious for the long-term development of the sect. It is a place that the sect is very important. If it destroys a super power As far as the spiritual veins of the sect are concerned, in terms of long-term development, the sect is bound to decline! In short, if you want to destroy a sect, you must either kill it or hollow out its various backgrounds."

   "Why are you asking this?"

  Xiao Ruhan suddenly realized why Xiao Momo asked this?

   "It\'s okay, just ask." Chen Mo said lightly.

  Why ask? Because tomorrow he is going to the Lingjian Pavilion, to play, drink tea or something.

  Xiao Ruhan always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn\'t tell, she couldn\'t even think of Chen Mo\'s thoughts.

"Well, in short, don\'t do anything stupid. Don\'t think that you are so handsome during the day and can do whatever you want. It\'s just that the strong are surprised by you. If you follow the usual rules, even if they can\'t cause you any harm, don\'t you. Want to hit them, understand?"

  Chen Mo nodded.

   "It\'s okay~www.novelhall.com~ I won’t ask anymore, I’ll go for dinner and walk around."

   Then Xiao Ruhan took Chen Mo by the hand and dragged him to the dining table.

  At this time, Zhao Yingmeng ran in in a hurry.

   "Wow! Brother Chenmo, you are so fierce!"

  Chen Mo "……"

  No, girls all these years like to judge a man like this?

   "I heard, you slapped the ancestors of the spirit sword pavilion in the face, fierce!"

  Zhao Yingmeng\'s big eyes are shining with small stars, is this too handsome?

"How did you know?"

  Xiao Ruhan was taken aback, and then asked Zhao Yingmeng.

  "Ah? Seventh elders, don’t you know? I overheard a conversation with a few elders when I was passing by."

  Xiao Ruhan breathed a sigh of relief.

It would be bad if the news were spread. Although it was not to the detriment of their face, it was detrimental to the face of Lingjian Pavilion. They were still rivals and they were already in a state of war, but if it were spread, it would definitely be. The Lingjian Pavilion were furious and attacked Weiyang Palace desperately. If they didn\'t spread it out, they might be able to rely on this news, that is, threatening their faces, to buy time for Weiyang Palace and even Misty Peak.