I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 324: Damn it! It's against the sky!

Chen Mo rushed out of the pit and rushed towards Venerable Qi that day. This Venerable Apocalypse was still somewhat sensible, and quickly retreated. Once he retreated, Chen Mo couldn\'t catch it!

   Then Venerable Qi slipped away without saying a word that day! Although he was slapped in the slap and his face was scandalized, he might be considered good compared to the other two people. When his power did not personally harm Chen Mo, he had already discovered that this kid was really wrong. For the sake of face, let\'s run first!

  Chen Mo then looked at the other strong players.

  "Are you still not going out?"

  One by one and then decisively slipped away!

  How to top this t?

   "Chen Mo, you wait for the deity, the deity does not believe that this magic can last until tomorrow! Tomorrow, the deity will take your first level!"

  A strong man from Huoyun Villa stared at Chen Mo angrily!

  "Don\'t run, there is a kind of you to come down!"

  Chen Mo pointed at the Huoyun Villa powerhouse and said, then he snorted coldly, running faster than any one!

  The surrounding powerhouses soon only left the two superpowers in Weiyang Palace and Misty Peak!

  Anyway, no matter which side they are on, they are all dumbfounded. Even if they are of the kind, they can\'t believe this scene will happen.

But I have to say that Chen Mo helped Weiyang Palace and even Misty Peak because these powerful sects were aimed at them. As for the third sect that did not join the four imperial powers, they were in other empires. I can\'t make it for a while, but I don\'t need them anymore.


  That Xiao Ruhan saw Chen Mo slap the enemy back, it was a girl\'s heart bursting!

   At such a young age, you can do something unparalleled in the world at such a weak age. Will it be fine in the future? Then she ran over excitedly, just jumped to Chen Mo and hugged him.

  Chen Mo "……"

   "Xiao Momo, you are so fierce."

  Xiao Ruhan rubbed Chen Mo\'s face, just like the three little girls before, rubbing and talking with his big eyes shining brightly.

   "Also... okay."

   "It\'s not just okay, it\'s just too fast!"

  Xiao Ruhan then hugged Chen Mo\'s arm and dangled, just like Chen Mo\'s little fan.


  Wei Yunhai gave a dry cough, and then said to Xiao Ruhan, "Seventh elders, pay attention to your identity anyway."

  "Pay attention to your size! Go home and play in the sand, what did you do? Didn\'t Xiao Momo only beat the group of strong men away?"

  Xiao Ruhan glared at Wei Yunhai.

   Wei Yunhai\'s face blushed.

  Yes, what did he do? Did nothing!

The powers of   Yuanfeng, the beauty of Chen Mo\'s eyes is not right! This...a bit fierce! Which girl doesn\'t like a man who is so powerful?

   "Thank you, Young Master Chenmo, if you don\'t have the magical power of Young Master Chenmo to clear the siege, I am afraid that Weiyang Palace and Miao Mifeng will both suffer innocent disaster."

  Yunqi and Chen Mo are also considered to know each other, and she owes Chen Mo and said.

  "Then you are considered to owe me a favor?" Chen Mo asked.

Venerable Ziyun of   缥缈峰 walked over and nodded "Nature."


  Chen Mo clicked the corner of his mouth.

  In this way, a “conspiracy” was born from Chen Mo\'s heart.

   Long ago wanted to dig Yun Qi from this misty peak to her Fengshen Sect. Then, would there be such a possibility? Of course, Chen Mo won\'t talk about it now, anyway, they just remember to owe themselves a favor.

  The three little Lori stood beside Chen Mo, guarding him, holding his hand and the corner of his clothes, silently not speaking.

  The Venerable Yuanshen also came over.

"Chen Mo, can you tell us, what exactly is your power? Ashamed, the old man has lived for ten thousand years. He has gone through the days of Tianlin Continent and has seen too many things. But I have never heard that there is such a power that allows you to ignore the power of the Heavenly Forbidden level even at a realm that the Ghost Profound strength has not reached. How is this done?"

  Venerable Yuanshen asked in surprise.

   "This... is a secret."

  Chen Mo didn\'t know how to explain, so he could only leave suspense.

   "Yes, this is your secret. We really don\'t have the right to know it! But I can\'t release it forever, right?"

  Chen Mo nodded.

  "Then you have to be careful, because so many sects have been angered, the strong, they are bound to kill you! Don\'t worry, stay in Weiyang Palace for the time being, Weiyang Palace can at least save you in a short time!"

  Chen Mo nodded, "Thank you, senior!"

"No, we should thank you this time, but the situation in the mainland has changed, and the four imperial powers are already ambitious, otherwise they will not go to subdue the other five superpowers. Today\'s matter is between the major sects. The grievances are completely pulled away, and the mainland is turbulent again. My Weiyang Palace, Venerable Ziyun’s Misty Peak, and even the Beihan Palace of the Arctic Empire will definitely become the target of public criticism. The primary goal, because of you, Weiyang Palace must be The first goal, of course, the old man didn\'t mean to blame you, it will happen sooner or later."

  Venerable Yuanshen sighed.

   "Is there really no increase in staff?"

   asked Chen Mo.

Wei Yunhai also secretly shook his head, "No, some are just the concerted efforts of our three major sects, but the three superpowers added together... Hey, it\'s difficult, maybe our advantage is only the defensive guardian formation. !"

   "Then why defend? Can\'t you go offensive?"

   "Offensive? Haha."

  Wei Yunhai smiled.

   "What kind of offense? That will only damage more!"

  Chen Mo pondered slightly~www.novelhall.com~ He already has a plan in his heart!

  This Lingjian Pavilion is rivals Weiyang Miyamoto. Chen Mo and Lingjian Pavilion have also become mortal enemies. Since he has the ability to kill people, why not continue?

  Xiao Ruhan saw the arc at the corner of Chen Mo’s mouth. He didn’t understand why he was a little excited, what would he do?

"Okay, let\'s go back to Weiyang Palace first, and you will also go back to Miaofengfeng. Tomorrow we will discuss countermeasures together. Today\'s affairs will definitely not spread to the mainland. After all, only these big sect powerhouses know about it, presumably they too Even more unwilling to be known by the mainland, maybe we can still use this to threaten the people of the holy sword, after all, to them, reputation is much more important than others!"

  Wei Yunhai patted Chen Mo on the shoulder and said!

  Although the incident was caused by Chen Mo, how to talk about it, they were prepared, and Chen Mo was not blamed, on the contrary, Chen Mo was completely shocked! This kid is really invincible!

   Then they returned to Weiyang Palace.

  A lot of weird things happened today, Xiao Ruhan can be regarded as watching the whole process from start to finish, one is more weird than one, there are too many things to ask Chen Mo, but in the end, after thinking about it, he still didn’t say anything! Compared with Chen Mo\'s release of the Taixu Xingchen Jue before, his invincibility afterwards made Xiao Ruhan feel weird!