I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 320: Ignored?

Sovereign Sword, Sovereign of Lingjian Pavilion and other elders look ugly!

  Yes, although it is just a trick, there is a big gap between them!

   "Your Excellency really treats my spirit sword pavilion as no one, right?"

  A cold voice came from the void, and then Chen Mo looked up, above the void, standing four old men, like bones of fairy wind, overlooking them.


  Seeing them, all the strong people in Lingjian Pavilion salute!

  A thing that was not too big at first turned into a battle of the Forbidden Class! Although it hasn\'t really started fighting!

  Four figures fell down.

  "Sacred Sun Clan deceives me and no one is Human?"

  Holy Sword Venerable glanced at Long Zhan and Long Yun!

  They may be the same level of existence!

  Dragon Fight is calm and calm.

  "Isn’t it the size of a fist? How come you are deceived?"

  At this time, everyone in Weiyang Palace and Weiyunhai also rushed to them, but they stood behind Chen Mo and others.

   "I said everyone in Lingjian Pavilion, why bother making this matter so big? I just heard about Chenmo. I am willing to take responsibility for this matter and give Lingjian Pavilion sufficient compensation."

   "What is your Weiyang Palace?"

  The Holy Sword Venerable scolded Weiyunhai.

"Ha ha……"

  Wei Yunhai laughed.

   "Senior Holy Sword, you can\'t think that I am a junior and just say that, I am not unmanned in Weiyang Palace!"


  Holy Sword Venerable sneered.

   "What are the old guys in Weiyang Palace? Did they break through? If there is no breakthrough, shut up the deity, otherwise I will be careful that my Lingjian Pavilion will destroy your Weiyang Palace!"

  From this sentence, it is enough to see that the superpower was not as calm as it seemed before.

   "What! Did you break through?"

  Wei Yunhai showed a shocked expression.

  Xiao Ruhan stroked his forehead secretly.

   "Xiao Momo, tell me about you. It was a trivial thing, maybe it will turn into an earth-shattering event."

  Chen Mo counseled his shoulder.

   "Then hit it."

   Wei Yunhai looks ugly!

  Their superpowers are also those who fight for the strong, the strongest ones, maybe one person\'s breakthrough can destroy another whole sect with his own power! The current Weiyang Palace is no longer the opponent of Lingjian Pavilion!

   "I said, Holy Sword Venerable, I haven\'t seen you for so many years, your attitude towards my Weiyang Palace has not changed at all!" A voice came again, and three figures appeared on the void behind Chen Mo and the others!

  Holy Sword Venerable looked over.

   "Heaven and earth are one, you also broke through?"

  Holy Sword Venerable looked at Venerable Yuanshen, the old monster of Weiyang Palace.

   "If the deity does not break through, won\'t Weiyang Palace be destroyed by your Spirit Sword Pavilion?"

  Venerable Yuanshen three people fell down.

   "Hmph! If it weren\'t for today\'s Holy Sword Venerable\'s words, the deity still didn\'t know that the Spirit Sword Pavilion had long wanted to annex Weiyang Palace! Hahaha—"

  Venerable Yuanshen laughed.

   "I have seen Master!"

  Weiyunhai everyone salutes.

   swish swish swish——

  At this time, above the void, one figure after another appeared!

  The eight superpowers, and even the imperial strength are here!

  What day is this t?

   "Venerable Apocalypse, have you run out too?"

  Holy Sword Venerable looked at an old man behind him.

   Venerable Apocalypse, the powerhouse of the Apocalypse Palace, a very terrifying existence, and the Apocalypse Palace is one of the four imperial powers!

  Venerable Yuanshen frowned.

   "It seems that it is time for these eight major forces to re-flop, and it is time for Lingjian Pavilion to come to an end!"

  Venerable Apocalypse swept his eyes to the Venerable Yuanshen and others!

  The backing behind Lingjian Pavilion is Tianqi Palace, and Lingjian Pavilion will naturally stand up if such a thing occurs.

   "It\'s over, the major forces are at war."

  Xiao Ru said something.

  "Want to fight?"

   asked Chen Mo.

Xiao Ruhan rubbed his delicate chin and said, "What do you mean? Originally, I told you that the major superpowers, and even the imperial powers, the two emperor-level powers are not compatible, but because the times are like this, they cannot break out in battle. But obviously, these people are very ambitious and want to annex other forces. They have never given up on this idea. However, because of your little thing for them, they seized the opportunity. Perhaps because of your incident, the mainland will have a battle between the various sects!"

  Chen Mo "……"

   "Then I..."

   "You? They don\'t pay attention to you anymore, and now it is completely fermented to become a grudge between the major sects."

  Chen Mo "……"

  There is such a thing?

"If you don\'t find the strong of the Shengyang clan, there will be no strong from the Spirit Sword Pavilion, and no other strong from the sects will appear one after another. They are all waiting for such an opportunity, this continent, I am afraid it will be **** again. Up."

  Xiao Ruhan sighed, and then said, "But it\'s okay. Fortunately, there have been countless adventurers from different worlds. They can serve as a large force against the monster race."

  Chen Mo "……"

  Dragon Fight and Long Yun are also daunting! Didn\'t you come to fight? Why are they struggling?

   "I said everyone..."

  Long said in a war, everyone looked at him.

"You solve your problems. Today, the deity puts the words here. My Shengyang clan is not an enemy of your human race, but my Shengyang clan will not be afraid of any forces of your human race, my daughter, and Chenmo, If anyone dares to touch them, then I believe what you are welcoming is the anger of my holy sun clan!"

  The Sword Master and others dare not speak, because the situation has completely developed to a situation they can\'t control!

The Venerable Sword of the Spirit Sword Pavilion looked at Long Zhan~www.novelhall.com~ and said with a fist, "About this kid who killed my disciple of the Spirit Sword Pavilion, the deity has also heard about it. Both sides are at fault in this matter. It\'s not the fault of Chen Mo alone, so the deity himself is in charge, and he won\'t look for a junior\'s affairs anymore!"

  Chen Mo? ? ?

   is over? Just don\'t look for yourself? That\'s all?

  Fucking? He was dumbfounded.

   "Because you have helped the ambitious Lingjian Pavilion and even the Apocalypse Palace a lot, you have helped them find an opportunity to trigger a battle between the major sects, they don\'t care about you anymore."

  Xiao Ruhan saw Chen Mo\'s eyes and explained to him.

  Chen Mo "……"

   "You may want to change the layout of the mainland, maybe because of your incident, the mainland is getting **** again, and I have taken it too. Each of the major sects is very heart-warming."

  That Lin Tianqi is also stunned, just ignore this Chenmo? Don\'t kill him? Why did Momin rise to the grievances among the various sects?

  Long Zhan doesn\'t care about human internal fighting, he only needs to know that Chen Mo and his daughter are okay.

   "That\'s good, and I hope the Holy Sword Master will remember what you said!"

  Long Zhan said slightly.