I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 319: Shengyang

Latest URL: Lord Sword, I think this matter should be discussed together when you from Weiyang Palace arrive. "

Xiao Ruhan said.

"Seven elders, if you stop, you can blame the deity for also arresting you!"

Jian Wunan said angrily!

"It\'s nothing more than who has the big fist, who is right!"

Chen Mo shrugged.

"So what? Even if you are Weiyang Gongbao today, even if my Spirit Sword Pavilion has exhausted all the power of the whole sect, I will definitely arrest you! Otherwise, I\'m sorry for the hundreds of Spirit Sword Pavilion disciples who died in your hands, I\'m sorry Ling Sword Pavilion! Bring me go!"

"Then I\'m afraid, your fist may not be as big as mine!"

Chen Mo held a token in his hand and crushed it.

On the other side, the Shengyang clan, Long Zhan and his wife were eating sweetly, and then a teleportation formation appeared in front of them.

"No, something happened to our daughter!"

The Long Zhan couple quickly entered the teleportation formation.

"Take it away for me! Take away along with these three little girls. They are all Chen Mo\'s accomplices. They also have a share in killing my Lingjian Pavilion disciples!"

A figure rushed directly to Chen Mo and them.

In fact, they did have a share, but it was only Long Xiaorou who attacked and arrested them. This is also selfish. As a result, Weiyang Palace directly lost four super geniuses, and their Weiyang Palace also lost the opportunity to rise. In the future, Lingjian Pavilion will still be trampled underfoot.

"Big brother, be careful!"

Long Xiao softly releases his power at the same time!


When he was about to rush in front of Chen Mo, a force shook him directly and then fell to the ground. He vomited a mouthful of blood and became unconscious!


Everyone in Lingjian Pavilion showed expressions of disbelief.

Two figures stood in front of Chen Mo.

"Father, mother."

Seeing them, Long Xiaorou showed a happy expression, and then ran over and jumped into Long Zhan\'s arms.

"My dear daughter, are you wronged?"

"Well... they are all bad guys, they want to take big brother and everyone away."

Long Xiaorou pointed at the people in Lingjian Pavilion and said with a gruff.

Long Zhan and Long Yun glanced at the people in Lingjian Pavilion, and they all immediately entered a state of preparation, and then Long Zhan looked at Chen Mo.

"Chen Mo, what\'s the matter?"

Chen Mo counseled his shoulders and said, "It doesn\'t matter that I am wrong, and then I let them go. If I don\'t go, I will kill their disciples. It\'s nothing more than this continent where strength is respected. I\'m so bullied."

"Strength is respected, indeed! With strength, all facts are no longer important."

Long Zhan nodded, and then looked at the people in Lingjian Pavilion.

Xiao Ruhan was also taken aback.

Long Xiaorou\'s parents?

Long Xiaorou is of the dragon clan, but she didn\'t know that she was the holy sun clan, but the two seniors of the dragon clan must also be very powerful! However, can it be so powerful that it is against the entire Lingjian Pavilion?

"Who is your excellency? This is my spirit sword pavilion, please don\'t interfere with me!"

Jian Wunan frowned and looked at the Long Zhan couple.

"Holy Yang Clan, Dragon Fight!"

"Shengyang Clan, Long Yun!"


Everyone showed shocked expressions!

Shengyang Clan?

"Dragon Battle...Your Excellency is the patriarch of the Shengyang clan?"

Jian Wunan frowned and said.


Jian Wunan then took a fist.

"I was offended before, not only this girl is the little princess of the Ling clan."

"Since it\'s a misunderstanding, let\'s go. My Shengyang clan and your human clan are not enemies, so naturally they won\'t kill them all!"

Jian Wunan looked at Chen Mo.

"We will take Chenmo away and leave immediately!"

Long Zhan said coldly: "That won\'t happen, you can\'t take Chenmo away!"

"Senior Long, we don\'t have to pursue the troubles of the noble little princess, but this Chenmo killed hundreds of my disciples. He and our Spirit Sword Pavilion must be taken away, even if we use the best of the whole family, we must take it away!"

Long Zhan looked at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo then told Chen Mo about some of the previous things, and did not add any fuel or jealousy, it was all facts, and it was all said in the face of these people.

Then Chen Mo said, "Senior, do you think I am wrong?"

Long Zhan shook his head: "Naturally not. If you really did it, then there is a mistake. If not, then what is wrong? Let alone a hundred disciples, even if you destroy the Spirit Sword Pavilion, what will happen? One yard, your Lingjian Pavilion broke into someone else’s territory without any evidence and affected their projects. Chen Mo has already given them one minute to leave, and they shot after this minute, so what’s wrong? He’s right, nothing more. It’s just a fist that is the last word!"

Jian Wunan\'s face is ugly!

"Sir, really want to protect him?"


"The deity wants to learn your power! The Shengyang clan and my human race are not enemies, but how can my human race be afraid of you? A big fist is the last word. In the Shengyang family, the deity dare not do anything, but remember, This is the human race, this is the site of my Spirit Sword Pavilion, and it is not your turn to give pointers! The deity said that Chen Mo\'s fault was his fault. If the deity wants to kill him, then it can kill him!"

After all, Venerable Sword and dozens of powerhouses beside him burst into power at the same time!

Whoosh whoosh——

At this time, the elders of the Lingjian Pavilion, the suzerain also received the news!

Suddenly, the swords are drawn!

"Sure enough, there is no reason for the truth in this era. Fist is the truth. Daughter, do you understand? You have to be strong so that you will not be bullied. Otherwise, others will kill you without a reason."

"Yeah, Xiao Rou knows."

Long Xiaorou nodded her head, and then Long Zhan placed it next to Chen Mo.

This is not a sky blue star, sky blue star pays attention to the law, killing is a crime, even if you have a reason, even if you are too defensive, then you still have to break the law if you kill someone! Here is one, strength!

Chen Mo killed someone, does he have a reason? Have! Is he at fault? There are too! Putting on the sky blue star, he is also a crime, but here, he is not! He was just defending his own interests. He was bullied only because he lacked the strength. If he had the strength, even if he killed the elder of the Spirit Sword Pavilion, would this Spirit Sword Pavilion dare to say a word? He has no strength, everything before that is nothing!


Followed by a group of strong people rushed over!


A dragon roar that shook the world came from ~www.novelhall.com~ The terrifying power directly overwhelmed the opposite side, and the group of strong men flew out directly, vomiting blood on the ground, and only those strong in the sky forbidden level could stop it. live!


Long Yun accompanied the flames with a punch and collided with Venerable Sword\'s terrifying sword moves. Venerable Sword flew out directly, and after landing, he staggered for tens of meters before stopping!

There is a gap between them!

"You are just juniors. If you want to make sense with your fists, let those old monsters from Lingjian Pavilion that have lived for thousands of years come out. You... are not qualified!"

Long Zhan said coldly!

Chen Mo was secretly speechless!

Isn\'t it too strong?

The Heaven Forbidden Level is also divided into strengths and weaknesses!

(End of this chapter)