I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 321: shut up!

Chen Mo is a bit speechless! Why is it gone?

  No, he\'s not happy yet, why didn\'t he target him?

  So sloppy?

Sure enough, in the eyes of these powerhouses, he was nothing but rubbish. Even if he killed hundreds of disciples of the Bailing sword pavilion, he was nothing. These powerhouses would not care at all. If there were no Dragon Fighting them, or Chen If Mo was just someone who had no power to bind the chicken and fight back, he would have been killed all at once!

If it’s just something else, Lingjian Pavilion will look down on it. Kill it, but this is the Shengyang clan. Although it was really tough before, the Shengyang clan is the father of their Lingjian Pavilion. If the Lingjian Pavilion does not have the Apocalypse Palace Emperor Backed by the forces of the first class, facing the Shengyang clan, they dare not breathe.

  But now it’s different. They don’t pay attention to Chen Mo anymore. All their attention is on other schools! Put it on their ambitious goal!

   "Okay, this is almost the case. It seems that your human race is in a state of infighting. Just protect my girl. I heard that you are building a school, right?"

  Long Zhan looked at Chen Mo and said.

  Chen Mo nodded.

"In this way, I will send a few strong men of the Shengyang clan to help you look after. At the same time, if the school is established, let them help you sit down for a while. If my little princess has any problems, they can also be the first. Time to help."

  Chen Mo showed a surprised expression.

  At this moment, the Fengshenzong has a strong presence! Does this count as digging a wall?

  Chen Mo looked at the number of tasks, and it was still 010, so it doesn\'t seem to count.

  But it was quite pleasant.

   "Thank you seniors!"

   "Hmm." Then Long Zhan and his wife looked at Long Xiaorou.

   "I hope my father will become stronger next time I see you!"

  Long Xiaorou nodded repeatedly, "Hmm, Xiaorou will definitely work hard."


  Then the two kissed their little princess and left.

   "I didn\'t expect Xiao Rou to be the little princess of the Shengyang clan." Xiao Ruhan also knew how Xiao Momo was not afraid of these people, the Shengyang clan was still strong.

  Chen Mo nodded, then looked at the strong men who were facing each other.


  Chen Mo then yelled at the strong men in the sky.

  Xiao Ruhan was taken aback.

  What are you doing?

  Many powerhouses looked at Chen Mo.

It’s not that Chen Mo was able to attract their attention, but suddenly a voice was too abrupt, and, although I didn’t like this low-powered kid, it was indeed aimed at him before. Their attention was for a while. It is indeed normal to put it here.

   "Boy, what\'s the matter with you?"

  The Holy Sword Venerable looked at Chen Mo and asked.

   "I said you group of strong, major sects, if you have conflicts between you, go to other places, I am going to start work here."

  Everyone? ? ?

  Everyone was stunned! Completely stunned!

  What did they hear? This kid is actually chasing a group of Heavenly Forbidden level powerhouses to leave?

  Xiao Ruhan is also crazy!

I go! What is this little Momo going to do?

   "Do you know what you are talking about?"

  Holy Sword Venerable said angrily.

   "Of course I know, I also know what I said is right, Holy Sword Venerable, did you say so?"

  Chen Mo said with a tick.

   "Huh! Are the juniors already so rampant in thieves?"

"I said the Holy Sword, I think this kid is right. The grievances between our major sects have indeed been unfolded now. Could it be that you, the Spirit Sword Pavilion, the Huoyun Villa, and even the Apocalypse Palace, think Is the war going on here?"

  Venerable Yuanshen said coldly.

  Now it is extremely bad news for their Weiyang Palace! They have never joined any imperial sect. At the same time, the grievances between Weiyang Palace and Lingjian Pavilion are too great to imagine. If they are fighting here, it will be a particularly difficult situation for Lingjian Pavilion, but If it is to hold Weiyang Palace, with the help of Weiyang Palace\'s guardian formation, maybe there is still a battle!

It\'s not that Weiyang Palace has too many Lingjian Pavilions, but there are too many sects on the Lingjian Pavilion side. There is no support from Lingjian Pavilion. Perhaps it\'s just that the three superpowers that have not joined the imperial level will be together. , Because they will definitely be the first target, but what about each other?

Too much!

   "Why? Venerable Yuanshen is afraid? Weiyang Palace is afraid, are you? Hahaha, how come after hundreds of years, the Venerable Yuanshen of Weiyang Palace has become so humble? Hahaha—"

  Holy Sword Venerable couldn\'t help laughing wildly.

   "Hey, I\'m going to start work here, there are so many places, can you go now?"

  Chen Mo\'s voice came out again.

  Everyone "..."

   "Boy, don\'t think that you can talk to the deity and so many powerful people with the support of the holy sun, you are not qualified!"

  Holy Sword Venerable pointed at Chen Mo and said angrily.

   "Really? This is my site. I have already paid for the entire Nanshan Mountain. Then I disagree, and you are not qualified to stay on my site!" Chen Mo said coldly!

  Nima coins! Heavenly Forbidden-level powerhouses have been applauded, right! When he angered him, Chen Mo released the phantom **** and changed!

   "Hahaha——Venerable Yuanshen, how come you, a disciple of Weiyang Palace, are so ridiculous!"

  "Holy Sword Master, this deity advises you to accumulate some moral virtue."

   "This Venerable Yuanshen has only dared to speak, right?"

  Yes, this Holy Sword Venerable has been stimulating Weiyang Palace. As long as Weiyang Palace moves first, then they can directly attack. They are all old foxes, and the Yuanshen Venerable naturally understands this Holy Sword Venerable\'s thoughts.

   "I said, still not leaving?"

  Chen Mo’s voice came over.

  "Shut up kid!"

  Holy Sword Lord shouted angrily.

"shut up!"

  Chen Mo gave a cold cry~www.novelhall.com~ Everyone "..."

  Xiao Ruhan "……"

  This little Momo, is he crazy? He was actually scolding the Holy Sword Venerable!


  He is the first person in this world!

  Made! As a player, can you still feel angry in the game?

   "There is a kind of you, come down to me!"

  Chen Mo pointed at the holy sword and said angrily!

  All the strong are stunned! What is this going to do! Is this kid crazy? Does he know what he is doing?

   "Looking for death!"

  A terrifying sword shot directly at Chen Mo, but it was blocked by Venerable Yuanshen for Chen Mo!

   "You don\'t even dare to come here, don\'t you? Huh? This is the Forbidden Grade powerhouse? This is the Holy Sword Venerable?"

  Chen Mo sarcastically!

  "The deity wants to see, what are you going to do! The deity will tear you apart with your own hands. Even if you have the Shengyang clan as the backstage, you dare not respect the deity, the deity will let you die!"

  Then the Holy Sword Venerable rushed towards Chen Mo.