I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 311: Full map?

Chen Mo also went offline for dinner, and glanced at his friend before going offline. Lin Kexin is still online, and Chen Mo did not bother her. Lin Kexin was online when Chen Mo did not have any doubts. Normally, She rarely goes online during the day. In Chen Mo’s eyes, Lin Kexin was still in school, and Lin Kexin also lied to him. Chen Mo believed it. Of course, it was not Chen Mo stupid. It was just Lin Kexin’s age and very few days. Going online, it happens to coincide with the time of going to school.


  Chen Mo was in this house, and heard the screams from the opposite side across the two doors. It was a scream from Zhao Yingmeng.

  Not dozens of seconds have passed...


  The door of Chen Mo\'s house was knocked hastily, Chen Mo fumbled over and opened the door.

   "Chen... Brother Chen Mo."

  In front of Chen Mo stood three girls, Zhao Yingmeng, Zhao Yingluo and Lin Qinghan.

  This is the first time Lin Qinghan has seen Chen Mo, but she didn\'t think much about it, but felt that this invisible man could be so independent, which is very powerful.

  But this is not what the three people care about right now, none of their faces are very good, they seem to be scared.

"what happened?"

  Chen Mo asked.

  "Well...Well, can I stay at Brother Chen Mo\'s house for a while? We have mice in our house."

  Zhao Yingmeng said with some embarrassment.

  Chen Mo "……"

  It’s normal for girls to be afraid of mice, and it’s normal for them to be afraid. Although they seem to be able to do some work, they are afraid. Whenever they are afraid of things, all their work has been thrown out of the sky.

   "Thank you, Brother Chen Mo."

  Zhao Yingluo thanked him, Lin Qinghan was also a little embarrassed, as their eldest sister, she was too afraid to see the mouse.

   "Asshole Zhao Yingmeng, I asked you to throw away the takeaway you have eaten earlier. Now you are satisfied! The mice and their families have immigrated to our house."

  Zhao Yingluo said angrily.

"I\'m going! Zhao Yingluo, blame me? Who told you that the food you cooked is so bad that I want to cry? If I didn\'t order takeaway, I would have starved to death, you would not see your dear sister, and I was fine. Throw it, I left it in the trash can. The mouse is definitely not because of me. It must be attracted by your dark food. It\'s a rogue."

  Zhao Yingmeng is not convinced.

   "Well, you two sisters, stop making trouble. It is also my problem. I originally asked you to come here to cook for you, but I didn\'t realize it several times." Lin Qinghan also said apologetically.

  Zhao Yingmeng spit out her pink tongue and said, “How could it be Qinghan’s problem? The main reason is that our studio is developing too fast. Qinghan is so busy that she doesn’t have much time to eat.”

   "Thanks to the Great God Chenmo."

  Lin Qinghan is very grateful to this player who has never met before, but helped them not know how busy they are. I really want to meet, but she is really too busy.

  As everyone knows, this great **** of Chenmo is right in front of him.

  Zhao Yingmeng looked at Chen Mo, then helped him to sit down.

   "Hehe, Brother Chen Mo, don\'t dislike us."

  Chen Mo shook his head slightly, "It\'s okay."

   "Hmm, has Brother Chen Mo finished eating? To express our gratitude, let our three sisters cook you a big meal." Zhao Yingmeng said expectantly.

   "No, I have eaten it."

  Chen Mo\'s tone is relatively plain.


  I felt so embarrassed anyway. All of a sudden, the three of them swarmed into his home. The key was not very familiar. The main reason was that he was scared and became confused for a while, and he felt that it was safe to run out.

   "The mouse always has to be solved. You dare not catch it. I will help you catch it."

  Chen Mo said at this time.

  It\'s mainly because they are there. Chen Mo is also a little embarrassed. He hasn\'t got along with outsiders for several years, and he has already had some communication difficulties.


  The three sisters were also taken aback.

   "But... but Brother Chen Mo, you..."

  They knew that Chen Mo couldn’t see it. It’s normal for boys not to be afraid of mice, but what if they can’t see it?

   "No trouble, I\'ll just go outside and ask someone to catch it later." Lin Qinghan smiled and said, a little abrupt, suddenly broke into someone\'s house, and let someone help? How does that work? And his situation...

   "No trouble, just a few minutes."

  Chen Mo stood up.

It\'s not that Chen Mo wants to help, but he...is not comfortable with being alone with them. I caught them earlier and ended earlier. It is not that they are annoying, but that Chen Mo has not completely left the solitude of these years. It always feels weird to come out, coupled with the fact that the eyes cannot see.


  What Lin Qinghan wanted to say, Zhao Yingluo stopped her.

   "Then please trouble Brother Chen Mo, please invite you to dinner with Kexin another day."

  Zhao Yingluo said with a smile.

  Chen Mo nodded, and then walked out.

   "Can he really see it?"

Although Lin Qinghan heard this sister say that a boy who lives opposite can’t see him, he is very powerful. I heard that I only heard that seeing him go out like a normal person without even groping with his hands. Up.

  Zhao Yingluo said, “This is where Chen Mo is great. Maybe he can really help us catch mice and walk around.”

  Zhao Yingluo knew that Chen Mo was a strong man, and he could do it through spiritual consciousness.

  Chen Mo entered their home. Of course, he didn’t know what it looked like, but the place where the three beautiful girls lived was really fragrant.

  The three sisters hid behind Chen Mo and returned home as if they were on the battlefield. Although Lin Qinghan\'s temperament was cold, she was afraid of fear, and there was no way to stay sensible when she encountered something afraid.

   "I don\'t know where I went."

  Zhao Yingmeng said in fear.

   "A total of two?"

  Chen Mo asked ~www.novelhall.com~? Yes, there are two in total. "

   Then Chen Mo picked up the two cups on the coffee table, they were still wondering, what were they doing with the cups, and then they completely took it.

  I saw Chen Mo walked to the sofa and moved a little bit. A mouse ran out from the bottom of the sofa.


   "There, there!"

   Then there is the scream of the girl.


  A cup draws a fast and beautiful arc in the air, hits the mouse directly, stuns it, and the cup is not broken.

  Three women "..."

  Don’t say you can’t see it, even if you can see it, the mouse moves fast, who can hit it so accurately? This can be done invisible, is this too exaggerated?

  The key is, how did he know that the mouse is here?

  Divine consciousness, is it so powerful?

  Chen Mo then walked to the kitchen, kicked the broom standing next to it under the cupboard, and then the second mouse ran out, another mouse ran out, and another cup was thrown over, gg!

  The three girls have big mouths, and the ground...the map is fully open?