I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 312: He is more handsome than Gongzi Mo

Chen Mo, a good man, did it to the end, sent the Buddha to the west, then bent down and grabbed the two mice and threw them along the window.

  The three of them are still a little dazed up to now, and then... and after seeing Chen Mo done all this, they couldn\'t help applauding.

  Girls will have a good impression of capable boys, not to mention that this hand makes them thoroughly convinced! Especially since he still can\'t see, is this something that people can do? Lin Kexin\'s brother is really amazing!

   "Brother Chen Mo, you are invincible! Wow! So handsome, so handsome!"

  Zhao Yingmeng swears that she rarely admires people. Gongzi Mo is one, Qingcheng is one, Chen Mo is one, and now this one is another, too powerful.

   "It\'s really amazing."

  Zhao Yingluo’s mouth is also wide open.

   "You guys tidy up, I\'m going back." Chen Mo said lightly and wanted to walk away.

   "Chen... Brother Chen Mo, let me wash your hands first, after all, I caught a mouse."

  Chen Mo hesitated slightly, then nodded, and then Zhao Yingmeng took Chen Mo to the bathroom to wash his hands.

  The other two girls are still there to doubt in life, is this the man closest to God?

   "Brother Chen Mo, how did you do it?"

  Zhao Yingmeng asked especially expectantly.

  "Aren’t you also cultivating? After you reach a level, you can do it easily."

  Chen Mo said lightly.

  "Yes, yes, my sister said that you are a strong stamina. Only those with strong stamina can derive divine consciousness. It must be the power of divine consciousness?"

  Chen Mo frowned slightly.

  He is not a strong stamina, so where does his consciousness come from, and why does he feel so strong? Is it exceptionally strong because of blindness?

  Chen Mo didn’t understand.

Then he stretched out his hand and Zhao Yingmeng helped him squeeze the hand sanitizer, because Chen Mo wears long sleeves. If the sleeves are not lifted up when washing hands, the sleeves will get wet. Subconsciously, Chen Mo lifted them slightly. When Zhao Yingmeng squeezed the hand sanitizer onto Chen Mo’s hand, he couldn’t help seeing Chen Mo’s wrist, and then her small mouth formed a big "O" shape, and her big eyes were round and round. of.

  This bracelet...

  Isn’t this the bracelet in Brother Chenmo’s hand?

Zhao Yingmeng and Chen Mo can be regarded as having a lot of subordinates, and they have been together for a long time. She knows his bracelet very well. Every time they fight, this bracelet turns into his weapon, although it is very curious. , But she never asked, but she has seen it close up many times, and the appearance is very clear.

The bracelet in front of you is exactly the same as the one in the game. It just seems to have an ocher texture. There was no ocher before, only a light blue texture, but the look and feel are exactly the same. of.

Now players have noticed Chen Mo, but not many people have noticed what the bracelet of his hand is. Zhao Yingmeng likes this bracelet, but it is not sold outside. After all, there is no bracelet or fire, but now It was strange to see exactly the same on Chen Mo\'s wrist.


  She would definitely not think that this is the one in the game, because the game is a game, and reality is reality. It can only be imitated and customized, but it is indeed a bit too similar.

   "Brother Chen Mo, you are also a fan of Chen Mo."

  Zhao Yingmeng asked again.

  I remember asking before, but he said that he was only a fan of Gongzi Mo, because he is handsome, but now he is wearing the bracelet of Chen Mo, which is obviously customized, and that is a fan.

  Chen Mo was washing his hands. He suddenly heard Zhao Yingmeng’s question and suddenly realized something.

  This bracelet can\'t be taken off. It was always worn before but was blocked by long-sleeved clothes. This time I was not careful when I was seen, but it was nothing.

   "Well, I really like him."

  Chen Mo\'s tone did not change, and he waved his hand and said.

  Zhao Yingmeng quickly took him a towel and handed it to Chen Mo to wipe his hands.

   "Bad Brother Chen Mo said that Mr. Fan is Mo."

  Zhao Yingmeng smiled and helped Chen Mo out.

   "Because I found that Chen Mo is more handsome than Gong Zi Mo."

  Zhao Yingmeng "……"

  No...you are a male fan, why do you always say that you are a fan because they are handsome? Shouldn\'t this be a girl’s perspective? I\'m afraid it\'s not gay, right?

  Furthermore, Gongzimo and Chenmo have never shown up. Who knows whether they are handsome or not.

   "Brother Chen Mo said that is great, right?"

  Chen Mo nodded, "Also great."

"Hehe, I know Chen Mo, and Chen Mo and Chen Mo seem to have similar names. You are very fate. You are a fan of him. Maybe I can introduce you to meet Chen Mo. Brother, you."

   After talking, Zhao Yingmeng vetoed it to himself.

   "No, that big brother Chenmo doesn\'t even bother to talk to girls. How can he be willing to meet a man if he is lonely? No way."

  Chen Mo "……"

  This is the third time this girl has said "bad things" about him.

   "Ah, by the way, where did Chen Mo make your bracelet customized? I want to customize one too."

  "Just find someone who can do it, and give him the pictures on the Internet."

  Chen Mo stalled.

"Um...No, I think you are so real, exactly the same, and there are not many pictures of this bracelet on the Internet. It is difficult to achieve this level with a few simple pictures. It is just Brother Chen Mo, you I did something wrong. Chen Mo\'s bracelet only has a light blue pattern, and you have an ocher pattern."

  Chen Mo; "..."

  In other words, this must be the chain of disaster in the game.

  It\'s just that Chen Mo cannot release his power in reality.

   "Hmm... Maybe you didn\'t pay attention~www.novelhall.com~ It doesn\'t matter, you guys rest, I\'ll go back."

   Then Chen Mo just walked back.


  Zhao Yingluo looked at Zhao Yingmeng with disgust.

   "I haven\'t really thanked Chen Mo yet, why did you let him go back!"

  Zhao Yingluo gave Zhao Yingmeng a white look.

   "How do you want to thank you? Do you have to cook and poison Brother Chen Mo?"

"That\'s better than you sending your **** to your brother Chenmo. I ask you, have you sent it? Seeing you shouting every day, Brother Chenmo, have you snapped it? You\'re not pure anymore. , You are no longer my dear sister, go away, hetui!"

  Zhao Yingmeng "……"

   "Fuck off Zhao Yingluo! Believe it or not, this heroine beats you!"

   "It\'s all right, don\'t be ashamed of your three-legged cat kung fu, wash and sleep, touch your head."

  Zhao Yingmeng; "..."

  Lin Qinghan was also used to their bickering, and smiled and said, "Go to bed early. I will cook tomorrow, so I can thank Chen Mo."

   "Sister Qinghan, aren\'t you busy?"

  Lin Qinghan smiled and said, "No matter how busy I am, I must thank others for help."