I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 310: Xiao Ruhan:? ? ?

Latest URL: Of course, Chen Mo knows that she said this deliberately for fun.

"Okay, let\'s eat."

Xiao Ruhan licked his lips and couldn\'t help it, and then ran over.

"Wow! You three girls save some for the teacher."

Several people started the process of eating noisily. Not to mention, Chen Mo felt very happy and lively to eat with them. It was a warm and totally different feeling at home with Lin Kexin, but they all liked it.

Xiao Ruhan drank a lot of wine, his face flushed a little.

"By the way, there is one thing that the fairy wants to criticize you. I will go out privately before I have practiced this martial art. I can’t forgive me. Tomorrow I will see you practicing the crescent moon infinite connection all day and you are not allowed to eat tomorrow. Did you hear that?"

Xiao Ruhan felt that he was so majestic.

"But... I went out only after I practiced well."

Chen Mo said.

Xiao Ruhan: "..."

That\'s right, she was looking at Chen Mo like a fool.

Too hateful, this little Momo is too hateful.

"You are starting to lie to this fairy now, right? You have to be punished."


Chen Mo shook his head slightly: "Really will."

The confidence and indifference of her words made Xiao Ruhan really think that Chen Mo would do it, but if she was not the creator of this martial art, she would really believe it, but she was the creator of this martial art, and how many A living example proved to her that even Ye Yuhan, the top genius in mainland China, has to practice for nearly a month to acquire this martial art, and this little Momo is just a day, no, if you don’t go out to play, it will take a long time. Well, you learned it in a long time? Bullshit! She didn\'t believe it!

So, Xiao Ruhan felt that this little Momo was deliberately pretending to be gentle and indifferent to her.

Humph! In vain, Xiao Ruhan is also a clever Bingxue Fairy Festival. How could she be fooled by a kid?

Penalties, heavy penalties!

"Yes? I\'ll give you another chance to confess. If you haven\'t learned it, this fairy will punish you heavily."

"Then what if it will?"

Acquired unlimited crescent moon in half a day? impossible! Impossible.

"If you will...whatever you say, this fairy will never retort, but if you lie to me, hum, you just wait to die, you are not allowed to go back, you have already started betting."

Xiao Ruhan showed a smirk.

This little Momo is definitely lying to her, not to kill him, isn\'t he rich? Let him pack wine for a year, hum.

Chen Mo shrugged his shoulders. Isn\'t this new moon infinitely difficult? She still bet with herself? Do you think you can\'t learn it in such a short time? Do you think your talent is not good or this martial skill is difficult? It shouldn\'t be difficult. After all, he didn\'t feel particularly difficult, and Xiao Ruhan also said that he usually learned it in a week. Chen Mo didn\'t think much anyway, he believed it.

"Well, then you practice with me."

Chen Mo stood up and picked up a wooden sword next to him.

"Think about it? If you lie to you, you are at your own risk."

"Then if I really learned it, what you said counts."

Xiao Ruhan also stood up and nodded slightly: "Of course, how could this fairy lie to you?"

Xiao Ruhan laughed inwardly, is this kid still stubborn? Just admit defeat, it\'s impossible to learn the endless crescent moon for a long time.

"Brother, come on!"

The three little loli were sitting there cutely, clapping and looking at them.

Xiao Ruhan then said: "This fairy can just stand here to defend, and not move. You only need to release the authentic crescent moon infinitely, and you don\'t need to repeat it, just five."

Chen Mo nodded and waved the wooden sword in his hand.

Unlimited New Moon!


The moment Chen Mo disappeared into Xiao Ruhan\'s sight, she panicked.

This seemed... it was the first move of Xinyue Infinite Link, and then... and then she was continuously attacked.

Xiao Ruhan:? ? ?

Damn it!

What the hell?

Chen Mo stopped after five consecutive runs.

"you lose."

Chen Mo looked at Xiao Ruhan and said lightly.

Xiao Ruhan:? ? ?

what? Really learned?

No, as the creator of this martial art, she knows too well, but how is it possible? How did this kid do it?

She didn\'t even pay attention to her bet for a while and lost, she was shocked, shocked by the talent of this little bastard.

Is this too exaggerated? Is he full of talent? Shouldn\'t his talent explode Jianxingshi? Moreover, it exploded to the point that it could no longer explode. Even Ye Yuhan had to practice for a month, but he still had half a day?


Xiao Ruhan then returned to God, only then realized that she had lost!

Wow! Who wants this?

"Ahem, what? It\'s okay, I learned it in a day, and it doesn\'t mean losing the face of this fairy."

"How long can a normal genius be acquired?"

Chen Mo asked. He was asking sincerely. He wanted to know whether his talent was strong or weak, or relatively ordinary.

Xiao Ruhan: "..."

"Ahem, I told you that one week of cultivation is a relatively ordinary warrior. For you and three girls, if you are full of talents, you will barely pass in one day. Normally, after reading it, it will be almost within an hour. Can be learned."

Xiao Ruhan gave a dry cough and said.

by! She is going to lose face as a master!

"Is that so..."

Chen Mo pondered slightly, it seemed that his talent was still not very good.

"I feel that your own martial arts are very strong, but why are they so easy to learn? Is it a little harder?"

Chen Mo looked at Xiao Ruhan and asked.

Xiao Ruhan: "..."

She was holding her chest, a little...a bit of colic.

What does this look like? Killing and punishing the heart, yes, that\'s how it feels, ah, I learned her martial arts, and said it was too simple?

Damn it!

"Tomorrow, tomorrow this fairy will teach you what is really difficult!"

Xiao Ruhan didn\'t believe it anymore, she couldn\'t let Xiao Momo go crazy anymore. She had to find her place, and was beaten twice in the face by this Xiao Momo. She couldn\'t stand it anymore.

Tomorrow, I will teach him what is really great, which belongs to the kind of martial arts practiced on a yearly basis, she doesn\'t believe it!


Chen Mo nodded.

"I went to bed."

Xiao Ruhan then stretched and turned and walked.

"and many more."

Chen Mo called her~www.novelhall.com~ Is there anything else? "

"You may have forgotten something, you lost the bet."


Xiao Ruhan couldn\'t help but coughed again.

"I\'ll tell you tomorrow. I\'ll be sleepy tonight. You don\'t know how long this meal was given to you after fighting with Chef Zhang. But I\'m exhausted. I\'m going to sleep. Good night girls. "

"Good night sister fairy."

The three girls said in unison.

The fairy sister is Xiao Ruhan forcibly letting them call her, but she also loves her very much.

Then Xiao Ruhan ran back to his room as if he had escaped.

(End of this chapter)