I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 265: Xiao Ruhan: "I don't like money"

Zhao Yingmeng sat silently beside Chen Mo.

   "Sister, here it is."

  Shui Shui handed Zhao Yingmeng a big chicken leg.

   "Crab, crab, crab, crab."

  Zhao Yingmeng quickly took over.

   "Sister, jelly beans."

  Long Xiaorou held a large handful of Tier 5 pills in front of Zhao Yingmeng.

  Zhao Yingmeng "……"

  What kind of fairy day is this?

  "Can I come and eat frequently in the future?"

  Zhao Yingmeng said in embarrassment.

  Xiao Ruhan smiled and said, “Of course it’s okay, but this meal can’t be eaten for nothing, right? The elder bought a little bit of vegetables and made it by himself.”


  Chen Mo coughed, she was embarrassed to say this?

  There is a room in the yard that is a kitchen. Chen Mo has seen it, and that room is the thickest.

  Xiao Ruhan then continued, "So, you can’t eat rice for nothing."

   "Hmm, I understand, I have money."

Xiao Ruhan shook his head and said, "It\'s not a question of money. You are a friend of Xiao Momo, that is, half of this elder\'s apprentice. I can ask you to come here if I have nothing to do, but if it happens often, it is another concept. , I am not a person who likes money either."


  Chen Mo coughed again.

  This skinny is a bit thick, don’t you like money?

   "Then...what does the Seventh Elder like? Oh yes, I can introduce you to a boyfriend."

  Xiao Ruhan "……"

  When an old Huyou meets a true believer in the second girl, this is a magical chemical reaction. Does it feel like it\'s all in vain?

   "No need, I already have Xiao Momo." Xiao Ruhan smiled.

  Zhao Yingmeng\'s mouth opens slightly.


  Chen Mo sighed helplessly, this girl doesn\'t look smart...


  Xiao Ruhan was also taken aback, did she really believe it?

"It’s like this, I don’t like money, but I’m very interested in your master’s collection, that is, those daggers in the warehouse. If you have time, you can help me take out a few for fun. You can always have a meal on my side. How about coming?"


  Zhao Yingmeng pondered.

  She doesn’t know what dagger is in the warehouse.

   "Oh, it\'s not a collection anymore, just some of the daggers that she has eliminated and are not used, but they are very sharp. I can use for chop ribs, use for cutting vegetables, and make vegetables fast, right?"

  Xiao Ruhan patted Zhao Yingmeng on the shoulder.

   "Okay, I will bring two of them if Master does not need them."

   "Hey, remember not to tell your master, although she doesn\'t use it anymore, but ah, she would definitely be upset if she knew that I used to chop vegetables."


  Zhao Yingmeng nodded.

  Xiao Ruhan smiled.

  If Xiao Momo is as good as her, it’s okay. People’s apprentice is a silly white sweet, but his own Xiao Momo is a good personality.

Those daggers are carefully collected by the three elders. As a super agile warrior, the extremely powerful daggers of natural tooth polish are used as weapons or hidden weapons. Those daggers are very powerful, but a little hard to steal. No, mainly Xiao Ruhan and the third elders are Good friends, after all, they are two girls in the Seven Great Elders, and their relationship is normal, so stealing her things is a bit unreasonable, but ah, it\'s okay to get rid of her.

   "I\'m done, let\'s talk, go to sleep, three little girls, do you want to sleep with your teacher?"

  Xiao Ruhan rubbed their little heads and asked.

   "I want to eat."

  Xiaoyuan said milkily.

   "Well, big brother said, there are more delicious jelly beans in the big house over there." Long Xiaorou said with a little bit of her head quickly.

  Xiao Ruhan secretly silently mourned for the fourth elders, what kind of sin was this for.

   "Remember, before dark, we are going to Yonglai City to kill demons and slay demons. If I can\'t wake up before dark, Xiao Momo, call me."

  Xiao Ruhan looked at Chen Mo and said.

  Chen Mo nodded.

   "Okay, go to sleep."

   Then Xiao Ruhan shook a bunch of her hair and returned to the room.

  "Brother Chenmo, the Seven Elders are so good. I never thought that there would be an elder who would be so caring and interesting. The most important thing is that he has a good personality and is super beautiful. I have never seen such a beautiful girl."

  Zhao Yingmeng said enviously.

  Chen Mo nodded.

"Ah, yes, did Brother Chenmo go to level up? Is there a more suitable place to level up around here? I haven\'t leveled up for a few days, although the public players are working hard to participate in the trial at various gates. , But the level cannot be lowered."

  Zhao Yingmeng asked suddenly.

   "I haven\'t brushed it, but there will be no less places to brush it. Just go for a walk."

  Zhao Yingmeng nodded.

   "Big Brother Chenmo is going on a mission tonight?"

  Chen Mo nodded.

   "I will also go on a mission with the master tonight, and may also have the opportunity to level up, then... Then I will go back first." Zhao Yingmeng ran away reluctantly.

  In fact, more people came here to miss Chenmo. Although they were in the Weiyang Palace, they hadn’t seen each other for two days. To be honest, Zhao Yingmeng felt even more interesting that the time spent fighting monsters together before.

  But it’s okay, there must be more opportunities like this in the future, she is the veteran of Fengshenzong, huh.

  At this time, Weiyang Palace once again welcomed several uninvited guests!

   Spirit sword pavilion, the king! The big brother of Lingjian Pavilion! At the same time, there were several accompanying people, and they came with an old man.

  And if Chen Mo saw them, he would naturally know what they were doing on this trip.

  It is a blessing, not a curse, but a curse cannot be avoided! This is something to always face!

This king colluded with the thieves~www.novelhall.com~ and killed dozens of disciples of Lingjian Pavilion. Chen Mo saw these with his own eyes, but they don’t believe in Lingjian Pavilion. They don’t know. They The disciple of his own school must be the first choice!

   "Isn\'t this the great elder of the Lingjian Pavilion noble faction? What caused the great elder to come?"

  The fourth elder of Weiyang Palace smiled and walked over and took a fist.

   "Venerable Liu is polite."

  Lingjian Pavilion Grand Elder Jian Wunan\'s expression does not look good, this Lingjian Pavilion Grand Elder is here, everyone knows, this seems to be nothing trivial! You must know that the great elder is similar to the sect master, and everything is usually done by the disciple. The more important point is the turn of the mentor, and the more important one is the elder level, but it must be extremely important to let the elder or the sect master come.

  Of course their Lingjian Pavilion values ​​the lives of dozens of disciples in Lingjian Pavilion! Although these disciples are not worth money, they always have to give an explanation. This is not a trivial matter. This is an absolute evil event! Can\'t be tolerated anywhere!

   "The one person who came here this time is Chenmo!"

   Jian Wunan said lightly.

   "Chen Mo? Chen Mo again."

  The four elders have a headache! What kind of trouble did this Chen Mo cause? The great elder of Lingjian Pavilion came in person.