I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 266: From Lingjian Pavilion

Latest website: Those disciples and players were stunned when they heard that these people were also looking for Chenmo!

What kind of poison is this Chenmo?

"It\'s Chenmo again, I\'m taking it! It was the Huang family before, but now it is the Spirit sword pavilion, and the elder of the spirit sword pavilion is here personally! The status of the elder is extremely high, and sometimes the sect master wants to listen to it. Elder, this is the position of the great elder, the great elder has come in person, that must be a major event!"

"But to be honest, what can this Chenmo do, even attracting the Great Elder Lingjian Pavilion to visit? And judging from their expressions, they don\'t seem to be very good, it\'s definitely not a good thing."

"Sure enough, those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black. Following the troublesome woman of the Seventh Elder, Chen Mo has also become troublesome."


People around were talking about it.

"Venerable Sword, move to the hall, let\'s talk about something."

"No need." Jian Wunan then glanced at everyone and said: "I\'m not afraid that others will know about this, just say it here, and it won\'t be a waste of time! Wang Shi, you speak."

More and more people gathered around.

Originally, they didn\'t know that the person was called Chen Mo, but after the previous incident with the Huang family, they also figured out his name.

Wang Shi stepped forward, and then bowed to the four elders.

"Four elders, a few days ago, I led a group of twenty-three disciples of Lingjian Pavilion to **** a batch of training resources in Lingjian Pavilion, but I didn’t expect to pass by Nanshan and be ambushed by a group of thieves. This Chenmo was colluding with the group of thieves near Nanshan. People who robbed of my spiritual sword pavilion’s cultivation resources, and even killed all 23 disciples of my spirit sword pavilion, if the senior brother arrived in time, I would also be killed here! We didn’t know it was him before. But when the Huang family mattered, I also knew his name!"


Hearing his words, the four elders showed a shocked expression.

Believe it?

He doesn\'t know, but he only knows that it is impossible for this spirit sword pavilion to buckle the **** basin on the head of their Weiyang palace for this kind of thing, and the great elder is here, this matter seems to be true at least in spirit sword pavilion. What they recognized, as for Chenmo, the fourth elder only knew that he was a disciple of the elder Weiyang Palace, but the fourth elder didn\'t dare to vote for him, saying that he could not be such a person.

The people around showed shocked expressions!

"God! These things are infuriating between humans and gods, no matter what your status, it is unforgivable to do such things!"

"Unexpectedly, the Chen Mo I admired was such a person!"

"Drag it out! Punish on the spot! Kill!"


For a moment, the faces of those Weiyang Palace disciples became angry.

Wang Shi sneered in his heart.


An egg flew over and hit Wang Shi\'s face exactly, his entire face was stained with egg liquid.

"Big villain, hit you!"

The three little Lori happened to be here, and then threw a lot of things in her hand.

Wang Shi\'s face was sullen, if it weren\'t for someone here, he would have done it!


The Fourth Elder drank a sentence, and then...


With a long roar, the Sacred Yang Dragon Breath sprayed at Wang Shi.

They don\'t allow others to slander the big brother!

That Jian Wunan waved his hand, and the dragon\'s breath was annihilated.


His eyes swept across them one by one.

"Presumptuous! Go back and find Chenmo!"

The Fourth Elder sipped to them! Although I really don\'t want to, I can only bring Chen Mo to face off at the moment! After all, Jian Wunan is here!


The three little loli then walked away angrily.

Wang Shi then took a fist and said: "In addition, the fourth elder and the seventh elder of the noble school passed by at the time, but instead sheltered Chenmo and others, and since these three little girls are walking with that Chenmo, then I think Their minds must not be simple, they are definitely not as simple as they seem, and... these injuries on my body are all given by the Seventh Elder Weiyang Palace!"

"Too presumptuous! The Seventh Elder! Wait a minute, I will report to the Sect Master!"


"Big Brother Big Brother."

The three little loli ran into the yard, and Chen Mo was trying to tidy up the dining table.

"What\'s the matter? In a hurry."

Chen Mo smiled and rubbed their heads.

"Big brother, the big bad guy is here."

Shui Shui said freshly.

"Big villain? Who?"

"Just...the same people from the time when I met my big sister."

Long Xiaorou said softly.

"Those people in Lingjian Pavilion."

Chen Mo rubbed his chin, he knew that these people would come.

"You go and play first, just leave it to me."

"No, Xiao Yuan wants to be with Big Brother."


The other two little loli nodded again and again, so cute.

Chen Mo smiled.

"Okay, I\'ll call her up first."

Of course, Chen Mo couldn\'t stand against them alone, but Xiao Ruhan was not the same. After all, Xiao Ruhan was the same as Chen Mo, who saw Wang Shicai with his own eyes as the culprit.


Chen Mo walked over and knocked on Xiao Ruhan\'s door, but there was no response inside.


It\'s been half a minute since I knocked it, and it slept like a dead pig inside. I didn\'t wake up at all. How about asking her to get up before dark?

Chen Mo then opened the door.

Xiao Ruhan\'s door was not locked, and he opened it easily. This is also a very nervous girl.

There is a faint fragrance in the room, which is the smell of Xiao Ruhan. Originally, Chen Mo felt that it was also a room with a goddess-level beauty. It must be very beautiful, right? but……

The whole room was empty, just like the empty yard when they first came. Of course, the yard is also empty now, that is, it is much cleaner.

The room is just a table, a chair, a set of cups on the table, and then a bed, not to mention decorations, just a simple wooden bed inside, nothing!

It\'s... miserable.

What makes Chen Mo helpless is this Xiao Ruhan\'s sleeping position!

The whole person is lying there in a "big" font, there is no sleeping position at all, everyone is asleep of goddess-level beautiful ladies, this Xiao Ruhan, the hip flask in his hand will not be put down, the whole Ren Qiao blushed. God knows how much alcohol she drank before going to bed, probably because of her drunk? This girl is panting with her mouth open, her shoes haven\'t taken off...

But... it\'s cute.

"Hey~www.novelhall.com~woke up."

Chen Mo walked to her side and said.

no response.

"Woke up!"

Chen Mo\'s voice increased a bit.


Then Chen Mo "slapped" her cheek twice, of course with no effort.

"Get up."

Then Xiao Ruhan turned around, turned his back to Chen Mo and continued to sleep.

Chen Mo: "..."

Let him wake her up like this?

(End of this chapter)