I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 264: I haven't eaten meat in 2 days!

Wei Yunhai panicked. Every time he saw Xiao Ruhan like this, he became flustered and knew something bad was about to happen.


  "Look at the lord, I can’t support the salary you gave me before, but now I have to raise four more, and I have to work hard. Look at this salary...does it need to be added?"

  Xiao Ruhan said with a smile.

  Wei Yunhai didn\'t hesitate, but heaved a sigh of relief. It was okay.

"Okay, I will talk about it when the time comes, but now you have a long-term responsibility, they can be more concerned about you, the deity let you be the seven elders, indulge your lawlessness because you have the deity\'s special admiration and optimism , You have to use more snacks."


"Oh, right."

  Wei Yunhai suddenly thought of something.

"A small town five hundred kilometers away is called...Yonglaicheng. To be precise, it is a small town with a population of tens of thousands. There were a lot of demons flooding there yesterday, but it seems to be acting at night. Let them solve the matter, and by the way, get a good experience of them, let them do it as soon as they can do it. You can also make a good judgment on their strength and come back and tell me."

   "Yes, goodbye!"

   Then Xiao Ruhan happily slipped away.

   "This girl..."

  Wei Yunhai smiled and shook his head.

  Yes, Xiao Ruhan is very important to him! Why did he disregard the doubts of outsiders, but let a person with only Tianjue strength as the seventh elder of Weiyang Palace, and even her lawlessness, everyone should indulge it, because, her talent has convinced everyone! Even if they are at the Heavenly Forbidden Level, they are still impressed by Xiao Ruhan!

  Xiao Ruhan’s martial arts creation ability is simply heaven-defying! She has never learned the exercises and martial arts of Weiyang Palace, but she can release it by just looking at it. The most exaggerated are the martial arts created by herself. In their opinion, they are the top level of the mainland again, and the reincarnation light moon is one of them!

  You must know that this creation of martial arts is the most difficult thing, otherwise, why would martial arts be so little in tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years? Those are still left by the ancestors, especially the powerful martial arts, which are basically handed down from generation to generation, because it is too difficult to create martial arts, even the most basic martial arts! But she can create martial arts that surprised him one after another! It is the first person in the world!

  It\'s a pity, those old guys like them want to learn from her for the martial arts she created, but they can\'t learn a few! Difficult!

  Now Xiao Ruhan told him that Chen Mo learned the reincarnation light moon in one day, you know, this reincarnation light moon, he only cultivated for three months! And his talent is also against the sky! If the talent is not against the sky, how can it be possible to reach the peak realm of the sky forbidden level?

   can’t compare!

  So this girl likes Wei Yunhai. Although she is still very strict with her, she treats her more like her own daughter.

  It’s that he doesn’t understand a little bit. Why is the level of a girl with such an enchanting talent so slow to improve, so slow?

  Doing business all day long, eating and drinking, and going to sleep after eating? This is also one of the reasons. In short, it feels a pity, if her realm is high, she will be a legend in the mainland! Even from Wei Yunhai\'s point of view, it is possible to reach the level of Empress Shengyao! At least in terms of martial arts creation, no one can match.


   "Dear Xiao Momo, dear Xiao Yuan, Shui Shui, Xiao Rourou, are back as a teacher!"

  A few people looked up at her.

   "You ate without waiting for me, it\'s really conscience."

   Then Xiao Ruhan jumped and sat down beside him, drinking and eating a big meal.

   "By the way, Xiao Mo Mo, and Xiao Yuan, Shui Shui, Xiao Rourou, I will accompany my teacher to the outer city tonight to kill demons and demons!"


  The three little girls nodded repeatedly.

   "Slaying demons and slaying demons?"

  Xiao Ruhan looked at Chen Mo.

   "Yes, this is one of the meanings of our eight superpowers. To maintain the stability of the mainland, if we don\'t maintain it, the major cities, villages, and small towns will probably not have a living."

"it is good."

  Chen Mo nodded.

  I haven\'t gotten a level for just two days, so I will take advantage of this opportunity to do so tonight.

   "By the way, this afternoon you will practice the infinite continuous crescent moon. If you can practice the infinite continuous crescent moon to great success, at least you will not be defeated steadily in the battle across a large realm."

  Xiao Ruhan said.

  Chen Mo nodded.

  "This new moon is infinite, and it takes seven days to acquire a genius under normal circumstances, and it will give you seven days to be a teacher."

  Chen Mo looked at Xiao Ruhan and asked, "Is it really seven days this time?"

   "Of course, this is much harder than the reincarnation of the light moon. The crescent moon is a martial art that can reach the heavenly rank. When you learn it, you will understand how strong this martial skill is."

  Chen Mo is still surprised!

   Is this Xiao Ruhan also created it?

The mainland martial arts are divided into Huangxuan, Ditian, Huangxuan, the weakest, and the Heaven is the strongest. It is said that the ground-level martial arts can fight across a large realm, and the heavenly martial arts are capable of overwhelming the sea. The heavenly martial arts are basically super powerful inheritance. , Almost impossible to create, and Xiao Ruhan...

  Above the heavenly ranks, there are the **** ranks and holy ranks, and that is the real abnormal existence! But for ordinary martial artists, it is extremely satisfying to have a martial art of the Xuan-level.

  Xiao Ruhan laughed inwardly.

  Before Chen Mo was slapped in the face, and learned the reincarnation of the light moon in one day, but this time it will not!

This Crescent Moon Infinite Link is a martial skill that she is particularly satisfied with. Among all the martial arts she created, the Crescent Moon Infinite Link\'s domineering, simple, and high-burst is her favorite, even if it is a monster, It is the Saint Child of Xianzong, and the Saintess of Moon God Palace has to cultivate in one month. This Chenmo is indeed beyond her expectation, but one week...impossible!

  Xiao Ruhan waited for a few months to laugh at Chen Mo’s talented spicy chicken. It’s cool to think about it! Exhaust.

"it is good."

   "By the way, can you take this mask off?"

  "Can\'t ~www.novelhall.com~ Chen Mo said coldly.

   "It must be ugly."

  Xiao Ruhan grumbled.

  There are players in Weiyang Palace, if you take it down, it will be finished!

  Chen Mo did not refute


  At this time, a figure knocked on the door and walked in.

   "I have seen the Seven Elders."

  Zhao Yingmeng walked in and saluted.


  The three little girls are also very happy to see her.

   "It\'s you girl."

  Xiao Ruhan saw Zhao Yingmeng smile.

  Zhao Yingmeng then smiled slightly, looking at the delicacies of the mountains and seas on their table, her mouth twitched.

   is also an elder disciple, why is this gap so big?

  Here are the delicacies of the mountains and the sea. The fifth-order medicinal pill is eaten there as jelly beans. It\'s so happy, how about her?

  Vegetarian fruit every day...what to say is that physical fitness is extremely important for agile warriors, and then...then she hasn’t eaten meat in the game for two days.