I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 263: Supreme sky map

Chen Mo showed a shocked expression.

There are many kinds of phenomena of heaven and earth. For example, before Chen Mo released the tens of thousands of thunder catastrophes, the sky changed, the thunderclouds surge, and the sky thunder flashed. The dazzling night, this level of heaven and earth vision is the top!

  Is this Xiao Ruhan able to achieve this top-level vision of heaven and earth?

  At this moment, the area of ​​the surrounding cities has also turned into night!

   "What\'s the matter? Why is it suddenly dark?"

   "Is it the end of the world? Could it be that God is angry? What did we do!"

   "Hurry up, everyone!"


  And those players are also shocked!

   "I\'m going! Nima is going to change the sky and give time? How can it suddenly turn from noon to night? How can it be?"

   "It\'s not normal. You said it\'s possible that a storm suddenly happens. The sky is dim, but it\'s also daytime. How can it suddenly turn from day to night? The moon is hanging high in the sky!"

   "I haven\'t woken up yet? Have I not been online, am I dreaming now?"


"so beautiful!"

  The three little girls looked at the beautiful night sky with their big flickering eyes!

  "This is...the supreme starry sky map! You are the moon..."

  Huang Buhui’s words were not finished in the future, countless bright rays of starry sky shone on him, and then he disappeared, and the people around him also disappeared at the same time.

  Xiao Ruhan stretched out his hand, as if the starry sky was drawn by her, turned into a picture and fell into her hand, and the sky became normal.

  Chen Mo "……"

what\'s the situation? He was dumbfounded.

   Xiao Ruhan\'s sharp and deep beautiful eyes suddenly changed to what they were before, and then he patted his chest with a sigh of relief.

   "Huh, okay, okay."

  Chen Mo looked at Xiao Ruhan.

   Is this woman really amazing or fake? What was it just now? What about super **** level powerhouses?

   "Master Fairy, what was it just now? What did he call the Supreme Star Map?"

  Xiao Ruhan nodded, "Well, the supreme starry sky map is a treasure, a very powerful spiritual weapon."

  Awesome Chen Mo certainly knew, otherwise it would not have caused such a vision.

  Xiao Ruhan then explained, "This is a treasure I got from a ruins of a strong man I accidentally entered. The purpose is to save my life. It just came in handy today."

   "What about Huang Bugui?"

  Xiao Ruhan took a picture of his starry sky map, then put it away, and said, "This is in the starry sky map. I guess it won\'t survive."

  Chen Mo; "..."

   "So domineering?"

Xiao Ruhan coughed dryly, "It\'s okay. The main reason is that Lingbao is powerful. You can forcibly **** the strong into it. If you can\'t break through, it will turn into nothingness. If you can break through, it will be useless. On the contrary, it is equivalent to carrying an enemy with you. Fang Qiang, but ha... you have to keep this matter secret to me. If you let the people on the mainland know that I have this kind of treasure, then I will not live long."

  Xiao Ruhan said quietly and mysteriously.

  Chen Mo nodded.

  How do you think this Xiao Ruhan looks more and more unusual.

   "Oh, yes, how do you see the new moon that was just released for the teacher?"

  Xiao Ruhan scratched Xiaoyuan’s cute little nose.

  The three little loli shook their heads together.

  Chen Mo also shook his head.

  How to learn this? This new moon infinite connection is geometrically more difficult than the reincarnation light moon, right? And you can’t see people clearly, how do you learn this?

   "Well, no hurry. After I go back, I will teach you as a teacher. First, buy wine and walk around."

   Then Xiao Ruhan smiled and hugged Chen Mo\'s arm, as if it were a girlfriend holding her boyfriend\'s arm. She didn\'t understand it, but she felt that walking like this was very comfortable.

  A few hours later, they returned to Weiyang Palace.

  "Xiao Momo, first, go back to the yard and set it up for the teacher, then go to the old man from the lord and talk about the Huang family."

  After talking about Xiao Ruhan, he ran away violently.

  Sect Master Wei Yunhai wrote and painted in his room, then a figure slipped in quietly, slipped behind him, and ate a bunch of grapes beautifully.

   "Seven elders, what\'s the matter?"

  Wei Yunhai did not look back, but she knew that it was Xiao Ruhan.

   "Hehe, Sovereign, that\'s it."

  Xiao Ruhan sat at his table with Erlang\'s legs tilted, eating.

   "I was ambushed by the Huang family when I was going outside with Xiao Momo, and even the Huang family was about to kill me, but I didn\'t expect this elder to be clever and clever and escaped for me."

   "What! What a courage!"

  Wei Yunhai angrily beat the table!

   "That\'s it! Sect Master, you have to be the master for us! If it weren\'t for a master who rescued us at that time, now I, Xiao Momo, and Xiao Yuan and the others... 嘁嘁... I am afraid they are all dead.

  Xiao Ruhan said aggrievedly.

  "Master? By the way, what happened to the starry sky just now?"

  Xiao Ruhan quickly said, "It\'s the master, he took out something, and then it became like that. Those in the Huang family, even the super god-level Huang Buhui from the Huang family disappeared!"

  Wei Yunhai put down the pen, and then walked slowly with his hands behind his back.

   "Did the strong man you mentioned come up with a magic weapon similar to a picture scroll?"

   "Hmm, how do you always know Sect Master?"

"Because that is the Supreme Starry Sky Map, the pinnacle of the continent\'s top treasure, I have to ask how many pieces in the mainland can be compared with the Supreme Starry Sky Map, no more than one hand! Even if the deity takes out the entire Weiyang Palace\'s possessions, they can\'t match That supreme starry sky map! That is the true fetish of the great road."

"so smart?"

Xiao Ruhan looks "surprised"~www.novelhall.com~ You are lucky, well, let’s go back to cultivate first, I will send someone to solve the problems of the Huang family. Huang Bugui is gone, it\'s just a mess of sand. , Even if the second elder from Lingjian Pavilion comes, he doesn\'t have any reason, this fairness, the deity will find it for you. "

   "Then thank you Sect Master, I\'m finally able to do something."

  Xiao Ruhan said with a smile.

  Wei Yunhai glared at Xiao Ruhan.

  "Wait, how are the four kids teaching?"

"It\'s okay, especially that Chenmo, who is a bit of the demeanor of this fairy back then, this reincarnation of the light moon has learned it in one day, old guy, you wait for this fairy to teach you Weiyang Palace to teach you someone who makes the mainland tremble. Heavenly Wizard! Wow ha ha ha!"

  Xiao Ruhan smiled like a lady, pinching her waist.

   "What? You learned it on the first day of the reincarnation light moon?"

  Wei Yunhai showed a shocked expression.

"Yeah, in terms of talent, it\'s not worse than those three girls, those three girls...how to say, they seem to have no intention of cultivating, but it doesn\'t matter, it\'s enough to be able to train Chenmo, the insider, there are some unspeakable words Although it is hard to say, this fairy still has to say." Xiao Ruhan grinned and looked at Wei Yunhai.