I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 244: Xiao Ruhan became Chen Mo's master

Everyone regretted slightly, but did not dare to speak out.

  Behind the crowd, Qin Hai\'s face was grim!

   "Huh! How about a strong talent? Being cultivated by these seven elders is ruining talent and ruining the future!"

  Those people also don’t understand why this suzerain made such a hasty decision? That\'s the Seventh Elder, what else can she do besides making trouble? Her abandonment is not only known to Weiyang Palace, but also to the entire Saint Yao Empire circle!

"No wonder this Weiyang Palace will fall from the top three superpowers to the bottom superpower in a short time, and it may even fall out of the scope of the eight powers in the future. With such a group of elders, Weiyang Palace will fall sooner or later. Matter! The current Weiyang Palace is relying on the previous background and the top ten of Han Jiangxue and Qin Haotian. Without them, Weiyang Palace will be finished sooner or later!"

  Qin Hai thought in his heart, but after all, he is still a super power, and a lean camel is bigger than a horse, so it is fine for him to practice here for the time being!

   "Next, Qin Hai!"

  Wei Yunhai looked at Qin Hai in the crowd and said.

  Qin Hai hurried forward, then saluted!

  Chen Mo raised his brows, oh, this guy got the bell again?

  "See Sovereign, see elders, mentors, brothers and sisters!"

Wei Yunhai nodded, and then said, "You are one of the two talented disciples in this assessment. Then there were some mistakes in the fourth round of assessment, but the talent is indeed here. You are also worth training. I want to accept you as an elder disciple and try my best to train you. When you are free, you can learn from your senior brother Qin Hao. Are you willing?"

  Qin Hai nodded quickly, "The kid is willing, thank you Sect Master, thank you Grand Elder!"

  The elder nodded in satisfaction, "Listen to Qin Hao, are you his brother?"

  Qin Hai looked at the handsome man aside, then nodded; "Yes, Qin Hao is the brother of the family."

   "Yes, you, the Qin family, are both full of talents. It just so happens that Qin Hao is your elder brother again, um...good practice!"

   "Yes, Great Elder!"

  Qin Hao glanced at his younger brother, then glanced at Han Jiangxue, glanced at her and turned to other people.

   "Go! Go next to your brother first!"

  After that, Wei Yunhai took a look and said, "Next...you girl."

  Wei Yunhai pointed to Zhao Yingmeng next to Chen Mo. Zhao Yingmeng was flattered and walked over and saluted.

"Your talent is not bad. Although it is not full of talent, it has reached a five-star level. It is considered superior. Your speed is faster. You are an agile warrior worth training. It just so happens that our three elders are also the same warrior. Are you willing to accept you as a disciple?"

  Zhao Yingmeng\'s mouth opens slightly.

  She can even mix with the elder disciple? Be good, it\'s amazing.

  Zhao Yingmeng looked at the second woman of the seven elders, and one of the only two. A woman with a good-looking appearance and a good-bodied figure seemed to be a resolute woman!

   "I do."

  The third elder nodded at Zhao Yingmeng, and then she ran over!

This scene envied everyone. There were a lot of five-star talents present. They didn\'t have the illusion of becoming an elder disciple, but this girl could become an elder disciple. Then they... it\'s also possible. !

   "Dust Mo."

  Everyone\'s eyes fell on Chen Mo. There are at most fifty players among these five hundred people, but it must be said that these players are not weak to become disciples of super powers! This can be considered a recognition.

  Chen Mo took a step forward!

   "Big Brother! Big Brother!"

  The three little loli shouted happily.

Wei Yunhai nodded, "Your talent is also very strong, full of talent, and your actual combat ability is extremely strong, and your actual combat experience is very rich. To be precise, among all the disciples this time, your ability ranks first. The deity wants to personally How do you want to train you?"

   "Hey babble, old man...it\'s not right, suzerain, this kid will follow me."

  At this time, Xiao Ruhan said.

   "You? You are already training three little monsters. Didn\'t you claim that you will never bring disciples? Why do you want to take the initiative to train? Do you have this energy?"

   Wei Yunhai asked.

  What other people think in their hearts is that they may have energy, but ability...not necessarily!

"No, you think the lord, these three little girls are his younger sisters. If he follows along, the brother\'s spurs will be an incentive for the three of them, and... the lord, too Having said that, his ability is very strong, maybe there are not many that can teach him, then I will give him the martial arts of my Weiyang Palace, and let him enlighten the rest, isn\'t it good?"

  Mainly...she is missing a runner! Can\'t let these three girls run errands for her? She likes it to death, but she can\'t bear it. If there is a man, she won\'t have to go down the mountain to buy wine in the future, just let him go out and run errands, and think about it.

Indeed, she is a bastard, she doesn’t bother to teach any disciple, but she likes it differently, like this little girl, she likes it so much, and she has a special appetite, so she took the three of them out to steal Things, stealing pills, and stealing food are very cool, and when she went to steal fish before, she saw the cooperation between them. There was something, it was three little confidants! And they are also delicious and fun.

  Weiyunhai thinks slightly!

  In fact, he didn\'t want to, but he felt that what the Seventh Elders said was quite reasonable. He was afraid of one thing that she could not teach.

  The other elders feel that if the seventh elders can’t be free, don’t they have much time to steal from them? That\'s a good thing~www.novelhall.com~Chen Mo, what do you think? "

  Weiyunhai looked at Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo nodded "Yes."

  "That\'s good! Then you follow the Seventh Elder! The Seventh Elder!"

   "The fairy is here!"

   Wei Yunhai\'s mouth twitched.

   "I hope you can train them with all your heart and soul, and don\'t let down their talents!"

   "The fairy understands!"

  Qin Hai next to Qin Hao gave a sneer.

  Find death!

  Even if he follows a mentor, it is better than following the seven elders. His talent is considered useless! I\'m afraid it will stop! This happened to be what he wanted to see! Maybe it won\'t take long before this Chenmo will be deposed by the Seventh Elders and stepped on the soles of his feet!

  Others don’t understand. The abolition of the Seventh Elder is well-known. Why does this Sect Master dare to give her the four most talented individuals?

"Walk around, go to my residence with Master, arrange the room for you first, what... dust... dust... Xiao Momo, first go down the mountain to buy some delicious and delicious drinks, let\'s celebrate our first A mentor and apprentice between the two."

  Chen Mo? ? ?