I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 245: Xiaoyuan: Will we starve to death?

This woman...what a shame!

   "Give me the money."

  Chen Mo stretched out his hand for money in front of these people.

  Xiao Ruhan "……"

  "Xiao Momo, this will affect your teacher’s favorability towards you."

   "That\'s not going to go."

  Xiao Ruhan "……"

   "Okay, you bull!"

Xiao Ruhan said to Chen Mo, and then reached out to the second elder next to him, "Hehe, second elder, can you contribute a small amount of money in your small vault to let people buy wine and drink? This has something to do with my apprentice. My master-disciple relationship! It’s not that I want to cheat your little money."

  The second elder sighed helplessly. If she didn\'t give it and asked her to steal it, it would not be as simple as a little money!

   Then the second elder threw a silver ticket to Xiao Ruhan!

   "Thank you second elder! Let\'s go! I will treat you and take you to a big meal for the teacher!"

  The corners of the second elder’s mouth twitched a bit. What is her treat? That\'s his money!

  Three little loli and Chen Mo followed Xiao Ruhan to her residence!

   "Take you to arrange a place to live, let you see the position of the teacher in Weiyang Palace, let you see the style of the teacher\'s residence!"

  Ten minutes later, a courtyard appeared in front of them, Xiao Ruhan opened the door and walked in!

  "Here! This is the bedroom of the Seventh Elder, the most beautiful elder in Weiyang Palace!"

  Xiao Ruhan flicked a bunch of her hair at the door, waiting for Chen Mo and the others to enter with a proud face.

  Chen Mo walked in expectantly, and then...

  Large is quite big, there are more than a dozen free rooms, but...

There is a small pond in the yard. There is no life in the pond. There are dense leaves floating on the water. The whole yard has a stone table, a few stone benches, and a large, crooked, half withered tree. Poorly growing there, when the wind blows, in the empty yard, a dry withered grass rolls on the ground along with the loess...


  This is the residence of the seven elders?

  Xiao Ruhan saw Chen Mo and the others, and coughed dryly and said, "Actually, there are still cards. Look at how big the palace is. It\'s just that it hasn\'t been cleaned for a long time. Clean it up. There are more furnishings inside, that\'s magnificent!"

  Xiao Ruhan opened her arms, as if golden light was shining around her, full of hope for the future.


  Just after she finished speaking, a plaque on the house smashed down.

  Chen Mo "……"

   "Can I still change the master?"

  Chen Mo asked silently.

   "Hee hee, don\'t, if you change, then I will lose face!"

Xiao Ruhan took Chen Mo\'s arm and smiled and said, "I\'m so beautiful as a teacher. It\'s hard to find my gentle and beautiful master in the entire continent. You can\'t find it with a lantern. You have to cherish it! Choose a room at random. Be your residence, the one in the middle is mine."

  Chen Mo then walked to one of the houses and opened the door! What\'s coming is... dust, cobwebs.

  How long has no one lived in this?

   "Big brother... can we survive? Will we starve to death?"

   Xiaoyuan pitifully tugged the corner of Chen Mo\'s clothes, and asked weakly.

"probably not."

  Chen Mo rubbed her hair, then looked at the room and looked at Xiao Ruhan, "I clean it myself?"

   "Nonsense! Or let your teacher clean for you? I\'m your master!"

   "Or I will buy food for you, and you can clean it for me!"

   "Cut, think beautifully, pay attention to your identity, I am your master!"

   "I will buy another pot of the best fairy drunk, and I will pay."

  Xiao Ruhan\'s beautiful eyes flashed.

  "Go, go, wait for you to come back, and make sure your room will be beautiful for the teacher."

   "The room of Xiaoyuan and theirs..."

   "I also cleaned it, but the fairy is drunk and add a pot!" Xiao Ruhan said with an open eyebrow.


   "Put on this elder disciple suit, this was done for the teacher himself!"

  Xiao Ruhan threw a bluish-white dress to Chen Mo, and Chen Mo put it on! There is also a... little white rabbit embroidered on the chest!

   Chen Mo, who had a dark face, walked out!

After going out, Chen Mo probably went around in Weiyang Palace. The other elders lived in the same place as Xiao Ruhan, but they were so much more beautiful. Look at Xiao Ruhan\'s place, it\'s just a place for groceries, it\'s a warehouse. Ah, no, not even groceries!

  The entire Weiyang Palace is magnificent. After all, it is a super power. The size of the entire huge palace is uncertain. Anyway, it is not known how many times larger than the so-called palace. The disciples are training, and the new disciples are arranging their respective residences!


  A figure came over, and Qin Hai came over with a sneer with two doglegs!

  Chen Mo ignored him and walked over!

   "Chen Mo, one month, only one month, I can trample you on the soles of your feet! Are you crazy? You are destined to abolish the seventh elder and the waste elder!"

   Qin Hai said coldly!

   "And I, I follow the top elders in the mainland, my brother is still Weiyanggong, what will you fight with me in the future?"

  Chen Mo was too lazy to pay attention to this kind of clown, and walked straight down Weiyang Palace, and the more Chen Mo did not put him in his eyes, the uglier Qin Hai\'s face became!

  A figure walked over, and Qin Hai\'s expression suddenly turned into a dog, and then ran over.

   "Sister Han Jiangxue, how can I help you."

   "No need, good practice." Han Jiangxue said without emotion, and then went to the residence where Xiao Ruhan was.

  Chen Mo is on his way to the city at the foot of Weiyang Palace!

  I hate to understand~www.novelhall.com~ that is Xiao Ruhan, why is she rumored to be a waste elder?

  Super-power elders, the lowest person can sit at the Super God level. Since such a reputation spreads, Xiao Ruhan is definitely not the Super God level, and there is even a big gap from the Super God level! In that case, why did Weiyang Palace let her sit in the position of these seven elders again? This is totally unreasonable! Even Wei Yunhai asked her to train three girls! From this point of view, this Weiyunhai is either a completely irresponsible existence, or Xiao Ruhan has a special place to let Weiyunhai trust! Chen Mo thinks the latter is very likely!

  She may not be high, but she must be special in some way!

  But...why did Weiyang Palace fall from the top superpower to the bottom in a short time? It has nothing to do with Weiyunhai and it shouldn’t be! Could it be that they are really irresponsible?

  Chen Mo shook his head. He didn\'t know, but it didn\'t matter anymore. Anyway, he didn\'t want Xiaoyuan and the others to really practice here!

  He is still in a hurry to go offline to eat something to rest and rest. After going online, he will either find a place to level up or learn skills, but he has to buy this fairy drunk first.

  Fairy Drunk is very famous, a very precious wine, very valuable and very rare.

  Chen Mo\'s figure walked into Lin\'an City, the nearest to Weiyang Palace.