I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 243: Too cute

Hundred Years Dragon Sacred Fish...

  These girls roasted the magical ingredients that others have raised for a century?

  No wonder you are so angry.

   "It\'s okay, it\'s okay, I\'m going to take care of anything, now let\'s go to the hall!" Xiao Ruhan said coolly.

   Then everyone stepped into that magnificent hall!

  In the main hall, seven elders are sitting upright, the Sovereign of Weiyang Palace and the six elders, and a group of mentors on the side, and next to some famous disciples of Weiyang Palace! Han Jiangxue also came from behind and sat in one of the positions.


  A figure flew in, and then sat in the position of the seventh elder, naturally it was Xiao Ruhan.

   "Seven elders, I heard that you grilled Venerable Zhang’s century-old dragon sacred fish?"

  Sect Master Weiyang Palace glanced at Xiao Ruhan.

  Xiao Ruhan nodded, "Yes, but... it\'s still a century-old dragon sacred fish, stuff your teeth."

  Everyone "..."

   "You...you, you, lawless witch!"

  Venerable Zhang pointed at Xiao Ruhan angrily.


  Xiao Ruhan glanced at him, and the Venerable Zhang immediately persuaded him.

   "You girl is getting more and more presumptuous. As the Seventh Elder, you should set an example to the disciples. What you did by example is a mess!" Sect Master said angrily.

   "The fairy Ruhan knows that she is wrong."

  Xiao Ruhan bowed.

  Chen Mo "……"

  Everyone "..."


  The Sect Master didn’t know what to do. He flung his sleeves and looked down at the hundreds of disciples who came in!

   "Well... Your group of disciples is much better in quality than before. First introduce yourself. This deity is Sovereign Weiyang Palace, Wei Yunhai, and the seven next to him are the Great Elder to the Seventh Elder."

   "I have seen the lord and the elders!"

  Everyone saluted.

  Wei Yunhai continued, "These are part of the mentors of my Weiyang Palace. They will be the main members who will teach you to practice in the future, and they are also the mainstay of my Weiyang Palace!"

   "I have seen all the tutors!"

   "These seven are the chief disciples of my Weiyang Palace, the deity and the six elders, the big sister Han Jiangxue, the big brother Qin Hao..."

  "I have seen seven senior sisters, brothers!"

That Wei Yunhai nodded with satisfaction, and then said, "Although my Weiyang Palace is the weakest of the eight superpowers, it is also a super power. Standing on the top of the mainland, the future Weiyang Palace\'s success and failure is not based on us old people. Guys, it\'s up to you! So we will accompany you to grow together in the future, but it also requires your own efforts, the survival of the fittest, the era is like this, I hope you can lead Weiyang Palace from the end of the eight superpowers back to the top in the future!"

After that, he glanced at the crowd and said, "From the first round to the fourth round, we basically saw your talents and performances. We are also familiar with those people. Pay more attention to them. Those people are more brilliant, and we know it in our hearts, so now we start to choose your disciple level! You three girls."

  Wei Yunhai pointed to Long Xiaorou, Xiaoyuan and Shuishui three little girls.

  Of course they can see that two of them are not humans, but it doesn’t matter! Just join them in Weiyang Palace, whether it is Human or not, that is their disciple of Weiyang Palace!

  Chen Mo lightly patted the three of them, and then they walked forward with an understanding.

   "Hello, grandpa."

  The three girls yelled milkily.

  Everyone smiled.

  "What are you laughing about, especially you, Seventh Elder, pay attention to the image, are they wrong? The old man is not too young, is there anything wrong with calling him grandfather?"

  Wei Yunhai glanced at Xiao Ruhan.

   "Yes, yes, the lord grandfather is right."

  Weiyunhai "……"

He was too lazy to pay attention to this woman, and then said, "Although you three girls have not seen the performance behind, but your talents are enough to explain what, my Weiyang Palace is also willing to train you all, whether you three are willing to follow the old man to cultivate immortality Dao? The old man wants to teach the three of you personally. It is also very good for Senior Sister Han Jiangxue to take you to practice."

   "No, we have to follow Big Brother!"

   Shui Shui said.


  The other two little girls nodded repeatedly.

  Weiyunhai looked at Chen Mo, what is the magic of this boy? To be able to have such three top friends, then he must be more brilliant, a place that they have not seen in the four tests!


  Wei Yunhai looked at Chen Mo and asked, "Your name is Chen Mo, right? As their brother, what\'s your suggestion?"

In fact, they don’t have to follow them to practice. They just follow Chen Mo. Chen Mo leads them to upgrade, but the reason why they are brought here is to give them a place to live. Chen Mo also calmed down to dig into the wall... Bah, It is learning skills!

   "Let them choose for themselves."

   Chen Mo said, and then looked at them and said, "You want to follow these eight elders, which one of the Sect Masters will learn to practice?"

"big sister!"

  The three girls said in unison.

   "Big sister will give us a lot of delicious food."

  Xiaoyuan said milkily.

  Everyone "..."

   is too cute too.

  But...Follow the Seven Elders? That is simply ruining my talent!

In several major sects, who doesn’t know that this seventh elder does not have any special strengths, only likes to drink and eat, cheat others, steal things... not doing business, not serious, such top talent, to be honest, in many eyes, It’s a pity to put it in Weiyang Palace, they should practice in places like Moon God Palace and Xianzong~www.novelhall.com~ No matter how bad they are, they should also practice in the four imperial powers. The super powers are very powerful, but Compared with the previous two, there is still a gap! Especially following a Seventh Elder who is not doing business properly, they are really a pity!

  Those new disciples who don’t understand something all know this! When they came, their families, relatives and friends would urge that if they were lucky enough to be the disciples of the elders, don\'t choose the seven elders, she looked pretty, but she was completely useless! It\'s a vase that makes trouble everywhere.

  Xiao Ruhan\'s big eyes were shining with small stars, then he jumped down, rubbing Xiaoyuan\'s small face vigorously.

"That\'s so cute!"

  Xiao Ruhan seems to have found some particularly fun toys, so he likes to rub the little faces of their three girls.

  The elders glanced at each other.


  Sect Master nodded slightly, "Since it is your choice, the old man agrees to your choice, Seventh Elder!"

   "The fairy is here!"

  Xiao Ruhan saluted!

   "Good students cultivated three of them, they represent the future of my Weiyang Palace! Don\'t waste their talent!"

   "Fairy received!"

  Xiao Ruhan said solemnly.