I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 242: End of assessment

Jingle Bell--

  In the dark night, a little noise will attract people\'s attention, and there are no monsters or other monsters here, so basically the movement is made by the examiner! The crisp bell sound was particularly noticeable, and Zhao Yingmeng\'s chewing on the chicken thigh suddenly stopped, and then looked at Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo nodded, followed by Zhao Yingmeng\'s three times and five divided by two, and then wiped his hands.

   "It seems that there is more than one person, they are in a team, the bells...more than three, to be precise...four! And it just happened to be coming to us."

  Zhao Yingmeng closed her eyes and listened and said.

  Does this girl still have this skill?


  At this moment, four people are walking here especially leisurely! Among them is that Qin Hai!

  They have no fear.

   "Shao Qin, we are really cool on this journey, even if someone hears our bells, they will be beaten when they come over, and they can\'t take our bells at all!"

"Nonsense! Don\'t look at who it is? That\'s us Qin Shao! Qin Shao is so strong, full of talent, and the entire Weiyang Palace has seven talented children, stable elder disciples! The strength is beyond doubt. Thanks to Qin Shao, the three of us were able to win these bells for us! Thank you Qin Shao."

   "But I have heard that in addition to three top talents this time, there is also a man who is as talented as our Qin Shao. I heard...what is called Chenmo!"

   "Chen Mo? Qin Shao, that Chen Mo seems to be the one who was in the third round of the previous assessment. He was arrogant and defiant, even the one who spoke harshly to Qin Shao!"

  Qin Hai\'s eyes flashed with stern! Fists clenched.

   "Chen Mo! Fortune he didn\'t meet Ben Shao, otherwise Ben Shao would definitely break his leg!"

  Qin Hai gritted his teeth and said angrily.

   "Whose leg will you break?"

  Suddenly a voice came, and the four of them were shocked and quickly became vigilant!

  "What are you afraid of! What are you afraid of?" Qin Hai kicked one of them, and then angrily said, "Who, get out of here!"


  Two figures fell behind them.

   Seeing the person coming, Qin Hai sneered.

   "Chen Mo! It\'s really an enemy who has a narrow road, and I haven\'t reported the insulting grudge against Ben Shao. I didn\'t expect to hear that you would dare to come out!"

  Qin Hai exploded with momentum.

  Chen Mo twisted his neck.

   "Brother Chenmo, I want to fight two."

   Zhao Yingmeng said.


   "Hey, you two, come and fight my mother!"

  Zhao Yingmeng pointed at two of them and said humblingly.

   "Live and die!"

  The two men then rushed towards Zhao Yingmeng with a surge of momentum.

  Chen Mo also moved, and the target was that Qin Hai!

  Qin Hai\'s pupils shrank suddenly, and the speed...so fast!

  There is another requirement, no spirit weapon can be used here, which means that you can only use fists and feet to snatch!

   bang bang bang,

  After Chen Mo rushed over, Qin Hai, who was hitting with fierce boxing skills, had no room for resistance at all, losing streak and retreating. Although very strong, his overall attributes were about the same as Chen Mo! Not too strong! I can only say that the talent is quite high, and the future should be quite powerful! Moreover, without a sword, combat power will be much less!

   "Bengshan Fist!"

  Qin Hai exploded with momentum, the golden light masterpiece, and suddenly bombarded Chen Mo.

  An infinite jump came behind Qin Hai.


  A stone several meters in front was directly shattered, and Chen Mo was behind him...

   bang bang bang,

  A few seconds later, a pig head flew out! Even the other person couldn\'t find a chance to go in and fight!

On the other hand, Zhao Yingmeng can easily solve the battle. This Qin Hai is quite good in these appraisal disciples, but the other ones are scums. Zhao Yingmeng is originally a practicer, and his attributes are not weak, so he can deal with them It\'s still easy with a few half-hearted.

Jingle Bell--

  Chen Mo and Zhao Yingmeng took off all the bells of the four of them.

   "Chen Mo, why do you two have four bells!"

  Qin Hai glared at Chen Mo like a pig\'s head!

  "Slightly, just don\'t keep it for you!" Zhao Yingmeng made a face.

  At this moment, there happened to be two teams next to them, and the disciple who heard the noise came over.

   "Hey hey hey, the two brothers over there, I have it for you!"

   Then Zhao Yingmeng threw two more bells to them.

  The two disciples looked at each other with dumbfounded faces, and then watched them go away.

   "Look for death, return the bell to Ben Shao!"

  Qin Hai angrily said.


  A shoe was thrown on his face, and then the two of them slipped straight away.


At dawn, Chen Mo and Zhao Yingmeng also successfully went out, because when the distance was halfway, the crowd density would not be so high, and Chen Mo didn’t need to worry too much. The strength is also sufficient, and will not suffer too much resistance.

   "Congratulations on passing the trial, now please go through the portal to the real Weiyang Palace and wait for the elder to announce your disciple level!"

   Then a group of people walked in.

   "I can\'t do it anymore, I have to finish it quickly and go offline to eat! I really don\'t know how those people who spend 24 hours a day in virtual online games do it."

  Zhao Yingmeng dragged her body and said.

   Then they entered the teleportation array.

   "Stop! Don\'t run! Four of you who kill a thousand knives, don\'t run for me!"

  They just appeared in the huge square of Weiyang Palace, and they saw a fat man in a chef\'s coat holding a kitchen knife in both hands, chasing four girls and slashing!

  Xiao Ruhan took three little loli, a grilled fish in his hand, while running, he found a chance to have a bite.

   "I said Chef Zhang, these ingredients are for people to eat, what do we have after we eat."

  Xiao Ruhan shouted while running.

"That\'s a century-old dragon sacred fish. The old man has kept ingredients for hundreds of years. Even if you steal them, these god-level ingredients need to be carefully baked~www.novelhall.com~ You can roast them directly. It was a waste! I killed you all!"

"Big brother!"

  The three little loli suddenly saw Chen Mo, and then ran over and hid behind Chen Mo. Xiao Ruhan took a look and then stopped.

   "Fine, stop eating, pay you back!"

   Then she threw the grilled fish to Chef Zhang. Chef Zhang held the grilled fish with blood dripping from his heart!

   "You...you, you shrew!"

  Chef Zhang pointed at Xiao Ruhan and said with anger!

  Xiao Ruhan clicked the corner of his mouth, and then smiled, "Chef Zhang, I remember that in addition to the century-old dragon sacred fish, you have kept several old turtles for nearly a thousand years in your backyard? That\'s a great tonic!"

   Chef Zhang trembled all over.

  "You...you, you! I\'ll let the sovereign preside over justice!" He walked away angrily.

  Chen Mo’s mouth twitched, and those players and nc were also confused!

   "What did you do?"

  Chen Mo rubbed the little heads of several girls.

   "Hey... Sister takes us to catch the fish, it\'s delicious."

  Xiao Yuan raised the grilled fish and handed it to Chen Mo.