I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 241: The 4 of Weiyang Palace...little ancestor

swish swish swish——

  After the sound of the Hanjiang snow fell, dense crowds poured into the forest! Chen Mo and Zhao Yingmeng were no exception, but they did not keep up too fast.

  As a player, Chen Mo is easy to kill, but it\'s hard to hurt... Once he gets the bell first, he will definitely attack it in groups. After all, only 500 people have bells, and the remaining 10,000 people don’t. It is conceivable that this kind of scramble is over, and within just ten minutes , Some people have colluded to form a team with each other! There are basically teams here.

Chen Mo’s idea was not to take the bell first, although he felt that he could easily get it, and even he could keep ahead of most people until he got out of the forest, because his speed was not slow, but he thought about it. There is also Zhao Yingmeng, they are teammates, so Chen Mo changed his strategy!

  Don’t take it yet! But keep a short distance from the one holding the bell, and when the time is right, you can compete again! You know, the warriors who first get the bell will indeed run all the way, but as long as their strength is not to crush everyone, their speed is definitely not as fast as those who catch up! They are the most panicked! They even need to hide and keep the bell from ringing.

Han Jiangxue\'s beautiful eyes looked at Chen Mo and Zhao Yingmeng. Chen Mo wore a mask and a red-brown cloak. It was indeed quite conspicuous, but this attire would make many people see him for the first time. Unhappy! Just like Ou Zhenjie before and Qin Hai afterwards! I was so arrogant, of course I was upset to see Chen Mo!

What made Han Jiangxue stunned for a moment was that she clearly saw the two rushing in front of the crowd, that is to say, they must be able to get the bell first after entering the forest, but the two of them suddenly slowed down and were caught Everyone caught up, and then they rushed past the crowd.

   is a smart person!

  Seeing this scene Han Jiangxue will understand what! She also came out of such an assessment! She knew that the person who snatched the bell first was the stupidest! The premise is that his strength is not to crush everyone! It is neither crushed nor extremely fast, so why is the first one to hold a bell? On the contrary, it will become a target of public criticism, it is better to find the opportunity to fight! Anyway, the width of the forest is not wide. Sooner or later, it is just a matter of meeting a few and whether you can survive.

After entering the forest, Chen Mo also saw the bells, which were purely densely hung on the trees, jumped up and dragged them away, then hung them on the body and ran forward, but six hours and twelve hours away, you run How long can you run? It is not a very powerful level and realm. It will be tired at most ten minutes. It must be a rest. If you are not a strong one, you will not be tired even if you are on the road for several days! After all, they just came here to become disciples! Most of the strengths are very weak.

The person who snatched the bell was chased by a group of people. It was a bit miserable... Some even just got the bell and ran without a few steps, but was overtaken by the back, and then "beaten" with the bell. Up!

  Chen Mo and Zhao Yingmeng were behind the whole journey, walking forward silently. The crowd in front had already run far, but they could not run long.

   "Brother Chenmo, what are we going to do next?"

  Zhao Yingmeng blinked her eyes and asked.

  This feeling of following Brother Chenmo is really good! With the backbone, the sense of security, and the feeling that this man is also very smart, even if there are many practices that she can\'t understand, he can always play a miraculous effect in the end.

   "Just go ahead, you can always meet, just increase the speed appropriately, and start in about six hours!"


  The sky is completely dark, entering the middle of the night, half of the trip is over, as it spreads away, it is gradually not so easy to see people, but there may be a lot of people a few hundred meters around!

Chen Mo and Zhao Yingmeng had an acceleration process in the middle. They waited at this distance. They didn\'t think that all the people with bells had already passed the trip. Most of them must have stopped in the middle to make the bells no longer sound and hide. , Smart people get bells, if their strength is not too strong, their choice is to hide and go out at the end! Anyway, in the end, people with bells will advance, and those without bells will be useless even if you are the first to go out!

  Chen Mo and Zhao Yingmeng sat on a relatively large tree and ate the barbecue that Chen Mo bought to supplement their hunger.

  This Zhao Yingmeng kept saying that it was delicious, probably because he hadn’t eaten for a day, sitting there, shaking his legs.

  The powerhouse in the Weiyang Palace hall converted everyone’s mirror image back and forth to see what they were doing. Suddenly seeing this picture, the corners of the mouths of several people couldn’t help but twitch.

  It’s normal to eat, but you’re sitting on a tree with your legs swaying, and your mouth is full of oil. Isn’t that good? This is the first time I have seen such a leisurely person in the fourth round of assessment. They set it up too simple, no, because they are smart people!

"Big brother!"

  The three little loli saw the mirror image, and then happily pointed and said.

  Xiao Ruhan looked over, then smiled and said to them, "Your elder brother is sure and can pass. Come and come and eat delicious."

  The elders looked at a table of clean delicacies that had been wiped out. Xiao Ruhan could eat it. How come these three little girls and little ancestors can also eat it? This is the second table!

  This Xiao Ruhan can be regarded as finding a reason to eat!

   "Then what, when you\'re done, let\'s make another table! Remember to bring two jugs of good wine."

  Xiao Ruhan pointed to a Weiyang Palace chef in the corner and said ~www.novelhall.com~ Ancestor, you have eaten two tables! "

Xiao Ruhan glared at him. "What do you mean? What do you want me to eat? Is it obvious to feed these three sisters, OK? Do you think they are full? All of us elders and suzerain have said that they are talented to reach the Moon God Palace. The existence of the female level, coupled with the young age, is the time when you are growing up, so it’s not a good time to wait? Hurry up, and remember to bring wine."

   "Obviously you are greedy, and you are making excuses."

  The chef murmured bitterly.

   "Huh? Chef Zhang, I remember you still have a few good six-star rainbow berries? It seems that you have raised several hundred-year-old dragon sacred fish. It should be delicious if you grill it?"

  The chef trembled all over.

   "Ancestor... Ancestor, I will do it now!"

   Then he ran away quickly.

   "Big Sister, Dragon Sacred Fish...is it delicious?"

   Xiao Yuan raised her head and asked expectantly.

  That Xiao Ruhan seemed to have found three little confidants, his big eyes rolled, and then he whispered, "It\'s delicious, it\'s a god-level food, walk around, my sister will take you to steal them out and bake them."

  Then...the little ancestors of Weiyang Palace rose from one to...four!