I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 237: Xiaoyuan: What did I just go through?

This Xiao Ruhan sneaked into his alchemy pavilion more than once and ate the pill he carefully refined as jelly beans!

  Each of these is invaluable, and even this woman "quack quack quack" in front of him ate his pill with her mouth full, and his angina was committed!

  This Xiao Ruhan is a lawless lord in Weiyang Palace. Except for the sect master, the great elder can heal her a little bit, and the other elders, if you see her, it will be a mouse seeing a cat! They can\'t help it, at most they go to the Great Elder and Sect Master to file a complaint. The punishment is also a punishment, but it\'s of little use! On the contrary, who would file a complaint, if she knows it, she will get worse. Today, she stole a pot of pill from him. Once the complaint is known to her, maybe half of the pill alchemy pavilion is gone!

  The first thing the six elders do every time they go back to the alchemy pavilion is to quickly see if their pill is missing, how many layers of protection can\'t be kept!

   Hearing Xiao Ruhan\'s words, the Sixth Elder pointed at him, shaking his hands but dared not say anything.

   "Um... let\'s take a trip tonight."

  Xiao Ruhan smiled sweetly at the Six Elders.

  "Elder, look at this crazy girl, lawless!"

  The six elders had to ask the great elder for help!


The elder glared at Xiao Ruhan, Xiao Ruhan shrugged slightly, and then when the elder focused on the mirror image, he approached the sixth elder and whispered, "Hehe, dear sixth elder, you are sued. Oh, still complaining in front of this fairy."

  The six elders trembled all over.

   "Hmm... I just ran out of jelly beans."

  The six elders quickly took out two jade bottles from their pockets tremblingly.

   "Ancestor, this is the fifth-order pill Qingming Pill, this is the fifth-order pill, the superb Huiling Pill, please let me go the alchemy pavilion.

  Xiao Ruhan snatched two bottles of pill, then leaned on the chair and tilted Erlang\'s legs, threw the pill up and caught it with his mouth.

   quack quack ——

  The six elders are bleeding!

   "Good performance, then visit next time."

  An old man next to him smiled.

  "You...Five Elders, what makes you funny?"

  The six elders turned dark and looked at the other old man.

"Ahahaha, the weather is good today, and it is the day when I recruited new disciples in Weiyang Palace. It is naturally worthy of happiness." The Fifth Elder said with a serious expression, and then he saw Xiao Ruhan glance at him from the outside. The whole heart trembled suddenly.


  A light flashed, and then Xiao Ruhan did not know where he took out a stack of talisman seals.

   Then there was wind, fire, thunder and lightning flashing in the hall, and the hearts of the five elders... were bleeding!

  His Talisman!

   "I said the fifth elder, what about your powerful talisman seals? Could it be hidden in the Tianzhu Palace?"

  Xiao Ruhan said while biting the ammunition.

  Five elders "..."

  "Here...here, here!"

   Then he quickly took out a few powerful talisman seals and handed them to Xiao Ruhan.

  It’s more worthwhile to give her a few photos than to steal from the Tianzhu Temple!

  Other mentors and elders are also commonplace, and more attention is paid to mirroring.

  Xiao Ruhan satisfactorily stuffed Fu Zhuan into his front clothes, while eating pills like jelly beans, looking at the mirror image.

   "It turned out to be this kid, full of talent. It seems that this fairy has a pretty good vision."

  Seeing Chen Mo above, she gave a smirk and didn\'t know what she was thinking.


  At this moment, Ou Zhenjie from the outside world is shocked! Full of talent?

  He knows what kind of existence the seven talented disciples of Weiyang Palace have become, becoming the chief disciples of the Sect Master and the other six elders, and the abilities they have shown are indeed against the sky! At a young age, he was ranked on the mainland\'s sky list, became a well-known top celestial wizard, and became the card face of Weiyang Palace disciple. That is the existence he looked up to. Now, this person is also possible to reach this level? ! No, absolutely not!

  Chen Mo walked over to the crowd\'s exclamation.

   "I\'m going! Chenmo deserves to be Chenmo, even a player is a top talent! Is this based on attributes? Chenmo attributes must be much higher than us!"

   "God knows, envy is over."


   "Xiao Yuan, you come."

  Chen Mo then said to Xiao Yuan, Xiao Yuan nodded obediently, and then put her little hand on the Jian Xing Stone.

  Red orange red green blue blue purple...

  Seven colors flashed past, everyone was dumbfounded.


  In the next instant, the Jianxing Stone exploded.

  Everyone? ? ?

  Xiao Yuan’s big eyes were full of fear, and she looked at Chen Mo at a loss. She was so cute and felt that she had done something wrong.

  Chen Mo "……"


  The powerful people in the hall stood up subconsciously after seeing this scene!

   "Her talents even made Jian Xingshi unbearable, even bursting, far beyond the scope of full talent, this..."

   everyone said in shock!

   "The younger generation is awesome, the younger generation is awesome!"

  The Sect Master nodded in satisfaction, and then looked at Xiao Ruhan who was eating "Jelly Beans", and said, "Seventh Elder, you can go over with the new Jianxing Stone!"

   "Telling, I can finally leave this group of elderly people."

  Xiao Ruhan was like an amnesty, and then rushed out with his legs open!

   "Come on, detain her for me!"

  Seeing this scene, Ou Zhenjie said quickly, and then a group of disciples surrounded Xiaoyuan.

  The other two girls quickly blocked Xiaoyuan and protected her.

  "Brother, what do you mean?"

  Chen Mo frowned and looked at Ou Zhenjie!

  Ou Zhenjie said in a cold voice, "Destroying the Jianxing Stone is a serious crime. The preciousness of the Jianxing Stone is beyond your imagination! Give it a seizure!"

  Chen Mo wanted to sacrifice the sword of disaster. At this moment, a figure came over while flicking "Jelly Bean" in his mouth.

   "What are you doing, what are you doing? It\'s gone!"

  Xiao Ruhan walked over and waved his hand.

   "Seven Elders!"

  Seeing her, the disciples hurriedly saluted.

   "I\'ll go! What a beautiful fairy!"

   "This should be a real fairy? Anyway, I haven\'t seen such a beautiful one since I entered the game! This Weiyang Palace, I must join! Moreover, she seems to be an elder! I\'m going to faint!"


  A crowd of players exclaimed!

   "The Seventh Elder, she destroyed the Jian Xing Stone, and I am asking the younger brothers to detain her to give Weiyang Palace an explanation."

  Ou Zhenjie said with a bow.

  "Just leave it to me~www.novelhall.com~Xiao Ruhan walked over and touched Xiaoyuan\'s head.

   "Ah, it\'s so cute!"

   Then she squatted down, rubbing Xiao Yuan\'s small face with her hands, her beautiful eyes were full of small stars, and Xiao Yuan\'s face rubbed by her... was unlovable.

   "Go, you passed."

   Then Xiao Ruhan said to Xiao Yuan, and then Xiao Yuan walked to Chen Mo timidly, hiding behind Chen Mo, pulling Chen Mo\'s clothes corner.

Xiao Ruhan looked at the group of disciples and said, "Although the girl just destroyed Jian Xingshi, it was because her talent was so high that Jian Xingshi could not bear it. She was the first in Weiyang Palace over the years. As far as I know , In this world, the only thing that can explode Jian Xingshi is the Saintess of Moon God Palace and the Saint Child of Xianzong. That is to say, the talent of this girl has reached that level. My Weiyang Palace almost lost such a heavenly prodigy because of you. Can you afford it?"

   Then Ou Zhenjie saluted quickly.

   "Please... Please forgive Weiyang Palace!"

  He didn’t ask the seventh elders to forgive their sins, which meant that he subconsciously looked down on Xiao Ruhan. Although it was beautiful and beautiful, he felt that the seventh elder was not qualified!

   "Go! I\'m in charge here."

   Then Xiao Ruhan put the new star-shining stone on the stage, and his beautiful eyes looked at the small stars with Shui Shui and Long Xiaorou, big eyes full of stars.