I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 236: Start of assessment

Everyone came to a small world outside the Weiyang Palace. This is a huge square, where tens of thousands of people sit and meditate or talk to each other. Their practice method is meditation and the like. Players just use monsters to raise their level. The players are all bragging there, which is a bit lively!

  "Chen Mo? Are you the Great God of Chen Mo?"

  Chen Mo is still quite conspicuous. The red-brown flower-picking cloak and the three little loli make it normal for many players to recognize Chen Mo!

   Chen Mo was surrounded by many players for a while.

  Ou Zhenjie and others in the distance saw this scene!

  "Four brothers, that person seems a little different just now, he looks a little famous, is he the son of a big family?"

"Huh! If he is a son of a big family, he still needs to come to another school as a disciple? The real big family, its family power cannot be underestimated, it doesn\'t need to be so! However, he looks like an adventurer from another world, not heaven. It\'s strange to be near the mainland, which continent is this different world?" Ou Zhenjie sneered and then made a puzzled voice.


  Chen Mo finally took a few girls out of this group of players and couldn\'t stand it!

  Without eating for a day, Chen Mo was too lazy to go offline to eat, and so did Zhao Yingmeng. Players and nc came here constantly, and soon, the entire venue gathered as many as 100,000 players and nc! This is really exaggerated!

  Three hours later, Weiyang Palace is closed.

Ou Zhenjie stood at a passageway that didn’t know where it led to. There were a lot of Weiyang Palace disciples nearby. He took out a blue center spar and placed it on a half-person-high exquisite pillar. Got up one after another.

Ou Zhenjie then said, "The time has come and the Weiyang Palace is closed. All of you present are a group of disciples participating in the trial. Now we will begin the first round of trials, the aptitude trial, and you will first place your hands on this Jianxing Stone. On, release your spiritual power, Jian Xing Shi will appraise your aptitude according to your various circumstances. Jian Xing Shi will release a total of seven colors of red, orange, red, green, blue, and purple. The red color is the weakest, and the purple is the strongest. If your qualifications are even If you can’t even reach the red color, it’s a pity that you have already been eliminated from this qualification trial. Those who pass will start the second round of trials along this road! Now the qualification assessment begins!"

   Then everyone walked over.


  The first person gave a red door, and the big red light was directly lit.

   "Red, let\'s go!"

   Then the nc ran over excitedly!


  Swipe it----

   "Brother Chenmo, you said we players, how is this qualification calculated? Is it level?"

  Chen Mo shook his head "I don\'t know."

  He really doesn’t know that nc is naturally a normal aptitude, that is, a talent, but they are players. God knows whether they also identify talents or attributes? Chen Mo didn\'t know either.

  The first thousands of people were quickly identified. Some people are happy and some are worried. You can see the difficulty of this assessment! About two thousand people out of five hundred people can pass, and they are basically red qualifications, enough to see the difficulty!

  Soon, Chen Mo walked over.

  Ou Zhenjie saw Chen Mo and the others, his eyes flashed sharply, and the corners of his mouth sneered. He wanted to see that a few of these people could pass, and it is best that only this girl wearing a veil passes, and all the others are gone! I also want to bring three teenage girls to experience, what is his Weiyang Palace? Can children participate in the trial? This Weiyang Palace is a super power, with 100,000 people today, and I am afraid that only a few hundred people will eventually become disciples! This is the elimination rate, and 90 are all outer disciples!

  "I\'ll come first!"

  Zhao Yingmeng ran over, and then put her little hand on the Jianxing Stone!


  The three colors of red, orange and red surging directly and quickly.

  Green light masterpiece!

  Then the green slowly turns to cyan, and it stops when it reaches cyan!

  Everyone exclaimed!

  "Yes, the cyan qualification is considered a five-star qualification. If you can pass the assessment later, at least an inner disciple! If I can recommend it for you, I might have a chance to become a mentor disciple."

  Ou Zhenjie smiled at Zhao Yingmeng and nodded. He deliberately said that this recommendation is to make Zhao Yingmeng interested in him. It would be better to come over to talk to him about life. Of course he does not have this right!

  Zhao Yingmeng does not eat this set, just nodded in a symbolic sense, then walked over, waiting for Chen Mo in front.

   "Brother Chenmo, Xiaoyuan, Shui Shui, Xiao Rou, come on!"

  Zhao Yingmeng looked at them expectantly.

  Ou Zhenjie stared at Zhao Yingmeng’s words! Their relationship seems very good!

  What kind of thing is this named Chenmo?

  Chen Mo nodded, then walked forward and held Jian Xingshi!

  Those players pay special attention to Chen Mo. After all, this is a great master. If he can\'t pass it, it is a joke!

  Swipe it----

  Five colors of red, orange, red, green and green are directly and quickly converted! Then it becomes blue!

  At this moment, there are a group of powerful people sitting in a hall of Weiyang Palace, and there is also a person drinking wine there, with delicate jade feet dangling on the table...Xiao Ruhan! At this moment, she turned her beautiful eyes left and right to look at the strong people around, acting like a thief, then she lowered her legs, quietly stealing the delicious food on the table.

  There is a mirror image in front of them, which is the scene in the first round of assessment at this moment.


   Then a purple light flashed into her eyes, and then there were waves of discussion in the hall.

  "Full of talent, only a few thousand test students have already produced a talented disciple, it\'s gratifying!"

   "Yes, it\'s been ten years. Only seven talented Tianzong wizards appeared in Weiyang Palace! This kid is worth noting!"

Everyone nodded in satisfaction ~www.novelhall.com~ Then their eyes turned, and the style of painting also changed. Then Xiao Ruhan took advantage of these powerful people to pay attention to all of the delicious dishes. He dialed it in front of him and gobbled it up, holding a big drumstick in one hand! Mouthful of oil.

   "You... Seventh Elder! Pay attention to your image!"

  An old man with white hair and beard looked at Xiao Ruhan, looking like he hated iron but not steel.


  Everyone "..."

   "Hehe, six elders, what did you just say? Does this fairy have no image?" Xiao Ruhan smiled at the old man with white hair and beard.

   "Huh! You know it yourself!"

  The Sixth Elder snorted coldly.


  Xiao Ruhan stretched out, and then said, “It seems that this fairy is going to visit your alchemy pavilion of the sixth elder again. I don’t know if I can find any delicious pill.”

  There was a sly light in her big eyes.

  The heart of the six elders jumped wildly!

  This ancestor...

  He is the chief alchemist of Weiyang Palace. He is famous on the mainland. He is not afraid of the strong, because he is the strong, but he... is afraid of the ancestor of Xiao!