I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 238: It...exploded again?

"Little cute, so beautiful!"

  Xiao Ruhan then rubbed Long Xiaorou\'s face just like she rubbed Xiaoyuan\'s face before. She was also rubbed with a look of lovelessness, too cute, and she didn\'t want to let go.

   "Big...Big brother, help."

  Long Xiaorou looked at Chen Mo in fear.

  Chen Mo "……"

  Xiao Ruhan "……"

   "Sister is a good person, go and appraise."

   "Thank you, Auntie."

  Xiao Ruhan "……"

   There seems to be a heartbreaking voice...

  Chen Mo couldn\'t help laughing. This Xiao Ruhan is pretty good.

   Then Long Xiaorou timidly walked towards the Jianxing Stone in the eyes of everyone, and put her pink hand on it.

  Red orange red green blue blue purple...


  ... it exploded again! ?

  Chen Mo "……"

  Everyone "..."

  Xiao Ruhan "……"

   "Big...Big brother."

  Long Xiaorou also looked at Chen Mo with a bewildered expression, as if...had done something wrong.

   "Even... it turned out to be another celestial prodigy who exploded the Jianxing Stone, this..."

  The strong people in the hall stare!

   "My Weiyang Palace, I hope to rise up!"

  Xiao Ruhan was also stunned.

  It’s been a thousand years since this one appeared. Two consecutive appearances...she was stunned.

   "Come... over."

  Xiao Ruhan swallowed and said.

   "Girl, come on." Then she looked at Shui Shui, she took a step forward, Shui Shui quickly backed away.

  Xiao Ruhan "……"

   Is she so scary? She is a fairy recognized by the whole family.

  The major elders, disciples? ? ?

  Not scary, and very beautiful, that is...you squatted and rubbed the cheeks of two little loli, and the two little loli who rubbed doubted life, of course Shui Shui was afraid.

   "Go ahead."

  Xiao Ruhan also said helplessly, and then took out another Jianxing Stone and placed it on it. Shui Shui walked over and put his pink hand on it.

  Red orange red green blue blue purple——


  Everyone? ? ?


  The powerful people in the hall could not help standing up again!

   "What little monsters are these all?"

  "Could it be that...we bought fake and inferior Jianxing Stone?"

   "What about making trouble? Why do you think that the woman is as fake as Xiao Ruhan?"

   "Hush... Sixth elder, the old man knows that you have a lot of resentment towards Xiao Ruhan\'s woman, but you can\'t talk nonsense about this. If it reaches her ears, she will steal your alchemy pavilion."

  The sixth elder hurriedly shut up, "Yes, I can\'t let her hear it. Maybe she has put your sound transmission amulet for a thousand miles here again."

  They were scared by this woman.

   Xiao Ruhan outside scratched her head and hair. Did you buy fakes? Then can\'t three people burst in a row, right?

  Then she took out another star stone.

"come here."

  Xiao Ruhan waved to one of the male players, and the male player ran over flattered.

   "Fairy...Fairy sister, is there anything?"

"you try!"

  Then the player reached out and put his hand on it.

  Red color...elimination color.

   "It\'s not fake."

  Xiao Ruhan scratched his head again, and then suddenly remembered something, then looked at the male player with an idiotic face and said, "Oh, yes, you are eliminated."

  Male player? ? ?

  His smile gradually solidified, stiffening...

   Then Xiao Ruhan walked towards Shui Shui and said, "Little beauty, you try again."

  Then the sailor puts on it.

  Red orange red green blue blue purple——


  Everyone "..."

   "This prodigal girl! What is he doing?"

  Responsible for managing the resources of the sect, a strong man of money gritted his teeth when he saw this scene! They didn’t feel bad for ruining a few pieces before, because they found three Heaven-defying Wizards, but why are you trying again? Is it a fake or shoddy product? This is Jianxing Stone, can this thing be fake?

   "Well, you go to the second level of assessment! Good luck to you and love you."

   Then Xiao Ruhan blinked at the three little Lori "Bo Lin".

   "Thank you seniors!"

  Chen Mo gave a fist and several people walked forward.

  This scene horrified all the strong. Perhaps Chen Mo didn’t understand what it meant, but they knew it too well!

The two great emperor-level sects in the mainland, the Moon God Palace and the sage of the Xianzong, the Saint Son is the first and the second two top heavenly wizards, no one can surpass all the sects in the past few thousand years. Among the disciples, the two of them were able to detonate Jian Xingshi, and they had reached a sufficiently high level! Sect masters whose strength at a young age even surpasses certain first-rate strengths, they are the most promising existences! Now...there are three more inexplicably in their Weiyang Palace. Even if they fail the later assessment for some reason, they must not be let go, and they must become disciples and focus on training.

  Chen Mo may understand why they can burst the Jianxing Stone.

One is the existence of the holy light winged tiger clan. He does not know the legend of the holy light winged tiger, but he knows that every normal holy light winged tiger has only one type of holy light power, and there are nine kinds of water and water, all The power of the Holy Light is enough to make her extraordinary, and it is normal to burst!

  The other person, Shengyan Tianlonglong Xiaorou, the soft and weak little Lolita, the little princess of the Shengyang clan, she does not need to say more, the Shengyang clan has said that her power is the myth of the Shengyang clan!

  As for the cute little fate...

   People who don’t know think she is weak and weak, but Chen Mo knows too well that the strength in her body is terrifying to the extreme, and it is normal for her to explode this Jianxing Stone.

   Chen Mo is not sure about the next trial, but he knows that Shui Shui and Long Xiaorou may be okay, but if it involves fighting, Xiao Yuan will not work.

  There is no one in front, because Chen Mo and the others have delayed a lot of time, and the second round of assessment has already begun.

  This is similar to a rural road~www.novelhall.com~ with several disciples standing in front.

   "The one who is assessed enters a cave alone, followed by the second round of martial arts assessment."

  Chen Mo glanced at Xiao Yuan, then said to the disciple, "My sister is not strong."

"Is not strong? How can you pass the first round of assessment if you are not strong? Oh yes, the first round is talent, even if the talent is not strong enough, but you can rest assured that the martial arts assessment, the examiner inside will lower the realm to and You are in the same realm."

  Chen Mo touched the tip of his nose, "Then what if there is no realm?"

   "Don\'t laugh, go!"

  At this time, a mirror image appeared in front of them, with an old man on it.


  The disciples hurriedly saluted.

   "These three girls don\'t need to be assessed."


  Then the old man looked at Chen Mo and said, “Don’t worry, their old husband will let the Seventh Elder take them first. You can see them after you two pass the assessment, how about?”

  Chen Mo gave a fist, and Zhao Yingmeng followed Chen Mo with a fist.

   "Thank you seniors!"

  At this time, a beautiful figure rushed over.