I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 235: Weiyang Palace Assessment

Chen Mo stood up, patted the shoulders of a few little girls who focused on eating delicious food next to him, and said, "We should go now."


  Three little loli each took two big drumsticks, and then followed Chen Mo and Zhao Yingmeng out of the inn and out of the city!

  The densely packed players, nc rushed to Weiyang Palace.

   "Just... it\'s an exaggeration!"

  Zhao Yingmeng opened her mouth.

   "Isn’t it said that there may be twenty to thirty thousand new disciples? This is simply that we have to have five to six thousand around, and not only those who enter later, I am afraid it is not less than one hundred thousand?"

  Chen Mo nodded, "Well, after all, it is a super power. The number of these nc players is not less than ours. There will be one hundred thousand."

  Zhao Yingmeng is secretly speechless.

   "But it is said that it happens to be enrolling students today. Those who want to enter Weiyang Palace only have that day. After today, Weiyang Palace will stop enrolling students. It\'s a coincidence that we are here."

  Chen Mo shook his head and said, “It’s not a coincidence. If there was no such woman, we would probably be delayed in the Lingjian Pavilion, and Weiyang Palace would naturally not come.”

Lingjian Pavilion, when Chen Mo saw those people and saw that scene, Lingjian Pavilion had been eliminated from Chen Mo\'s heart, and he was inexplicably conflicted with the people in Lingjian Pavilion. He joined the sect just to be simple Learn some skills, and then learn some knowledge of starting a school. He doesn\'t want to join a school. When the time comes, he will be so tired to die, why ask for trouble? So Chen Mo came to Weiyang Palace without hesitation.

Weiyang Palace, the enrollment was only one day. The news came out seven days ago. I think those who have the ability will come here in advance from all over the mainland, waiting for the opening of Weiyang Palace today, so many people have already gathered in several nearby cities. Compared with the players, nc naturally pays more attention to them, the players...it\'s a little more casual.

   Tens of thousands of people gathered in front of the golden stairs in front of the Weiyang Palace leading to the void, and dozens of disciples stood guarding the place, temporarily unable to enter.

   "Everyone, be quiet!"

  A young disciple who seemed to have a good status in Weiyang Palace shouted. This voice had spiritual power and could spread far and wide.

  The commotion stopped immediately.

  He seems to enjoy this feeling of being watched by millions of people, and the corner of his mouth slightly tick.

   "Four brothers, the number of disciples who came to participate in the trial this time has more than doubled than before. This time..."

  A disciple walked to the fourth brother Ou Zhenjie\'s side, and then showed a meaningful smile.

   "Stare carefully, remember the beautiful one first."

   "Hey, great!"

  Ou Zhenjie\'s eyes radiated light.

  He is responsible for receiving ordinary enrollment. At this time, he will have contact with all the disciples who come. Of course, those girls can remember being beautiful! In the past few years, his simple identity has made him wonder how many female disciples have been harmed, but it is nothing, one willing to fight and one willing to endure, they are willing to enter Weiyang Palace, so he likes this job.

  Ou Zhenjie cleared his throat, and then said loudly, "I am Ou Zhenjie, the disciple of the Fourth Elder Weiyang Palace, and I will be some of you brothers in the future!"

He first revealed his identity. The elder disciples would naturally make these people envious. Although he is really better than those in Weiyang Palace, but for those who don’t understand, as long as they are elder disciples It has a high status!

  Sure enough, when he finished saying this sentence, he immediately evoked an exclaim, and he also enjoyed the scene of this exclaim.

   "What are you, Brother Chen Mo, look at his face, it\'s going to float." Zhao Yingmeng curled her mouth, her expression unhappy!

  I hate this kind of people most.

   "If you refuse to accept you, go and beat him."

  Chen Mo said lightly.

   "Hee hee, forget it. I definitely can\'t beat it. I don\'t want to cause trouble."

  Zhao Yingmeng moments.

Ou Zhenjie then continued, "Before this, let me remind you that what you will enter later is not the real Weiyang Palace, but a small world opened by the Weiyang Palace powerhouse. All of you will take a rest after entering. At this time, we wait for all the disciples participating in the assessment to enter, and the subsequent assessments are also carried out in the small world of Weiyang Palace. After three hours, no matter how many disciples there are, Weiyang Palace will close the gate and wait for the next enrollment in seven days, so this All of you within three hours will be a batch of disciples who have been assessed!"

Ou Zhenjie paused and then continued, "I am responsible for your first round of assessment, that is, qualification assessment. The qualification assessment is simple and simple, but difficult and difficult. It depends on the destiny. Those who pass the qualification can pass the assessment and enter the next stage. In one round, the total assessment is four rounds."

"Only disciples who pass the four rounds of assessments can truly become disciples of the Weiyang Palace. As for the outer disciple, the inner disciple, or the mentor disciple, the elder disciple, the suzerain disciple, or even the closed disciple, it depends on you. Your own qualifications and performance. During the assessment period, most of our mentors, elders, and strong people in Weiyang Palace will pay attention to each of you through special methods. Therefore, can you get their attention and stand out from the hundreds of thousands of disciples. , Then rely on you!"

   "Now everyone enters the small world of Weiyang Palace through the golden ladder in an orderly manner, waiting for the assessment to officially begin!"

  Following the surging of people, they walked up!

  Ou Zhenjie\'s eyes seemed to be looking at these people, but in fact, they were looking for beautiful women with good looks.

  He only dared to yy the women in Weiyang Palace, but these fledgling little girls are all very young. These are all easy to deceive! He likes this job!

  Chen Mo and several people walked past the crowd.

   "Hey, hey."

  Ou Zhenjie called out Chen Mo.


Ou Zhenjie’s eyes fell on Zhao Yingmeng~www.novelhall.com~ with a veil, but her figure and skin are very good, and wearing a veil, she should be a stunning beauty, but there are three beside him The enchanting little Lori is even more noticeable!

  "You brought them?"

  Ou Zhenjie scanned Chen Mo and pointed at the three little Lori.

  Chen Mo nodded.

   "No way?"

   "It\'s not impossible. At such a young age, what ability can they have to become Weiyang Palace disciples? I advise you not to waste time and take them away."

  Although he is beautiful, he is not good at it, because he is too young.

  "Then, is there a minimum age limit for disciples in Weiyang Palace?" Chen Mo asked.

   "This is not true."

  Ou Zhenjie shook his head truthfully.

   "Then don\'t bother with brother." After saying that, Chen Mo took them straight up! ,

  Ou Zhenjie’s eyes flashed with anger!

   "Four brothers, this man is so rampant!"

  Ou Zhenjie sneered, "It\'s very rampant, even to Ben Shao\'s tone, and even shamelessly wearing a cloak, and falling into Ben Shao\'s hands, I want to see if you can pass the first round of assessment!"