I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 224: Are you willing to let her follow you?

Chen Mo and the others watched the two little loli happily hugging each other and jumping around, the corners of their mouths did not feel upward!

  Even the strong men of the Shengyang clan are the same, maybe this scene is too beautiful.

  Chen Mo released a discovery technique. Sure enough, the little girl who was very powerful before is now level 0, but her grade... is still at the sky forbidden level!

  She didn\'t seem to be depressed because she lost her strength, but because she was particularly happy to see Shui Shui.

   "I haven\'t seen Xiao Rou so happy for so many years, even if she loses all her strength now, she is still so happy."

  The old man Chen Mo had seen before said to a handsome and dignified man.

  A very beautiful woman stood beside the man, who looked like a little girl.

  A hint of tenderness appeared in the majestic man\'s eyes.

"Yeah, I also knew that this girl had a few good friends out there who played especially good friends, this Holy Light Skywing Tiger girl should be one of them, if I didn\'t know that the Abyss Demon Dragon Emperor was treating me My daughter is so coveted and worried that something will happen to her. I don\'t want to call her back. Wouldn\'t it be better to have a few friends outside who can make her so happy?"

  Apparently this man is the father of Da Bailong.

"Brother Zhan, since our daughter is so happy with her, can we let her be with her?" The beautiful woman saw that her daughter was so happy, and she asked Xiang Shengyang with some expectation. The patriarch, the father of the Great White Dragon.

  "Don\'t you worry about not seeing your daughter and want to panic?"

  Long Xiaorou’s father asked with a smile.

   "Of course I do, but we live for hundreds of thousands of years, and I want to see my daughter happy."

The man looked at Shui Shui and said, "This girl has not only one kind of Holy Light power in her body, but also a very special existence in the Holy Light Skywing Tiger Clan, and she also seems to recognize that human man is the master, he may have a very special Where, let our daughter follow the human experience?" the man asked his wife.

   "If Xiaorou does not dislike her, I will not dislike it. If this human being is not good at nature, it will not be affirmed by the Holy Light Skywing Tiger Clan. I am more relieved, but the Abyss Demon Dragon Emperor..."

The man said, "Xiao Rou sacrificed the holy power in her body. Now what she special is only the power higher than the holy sun clan. The power that the Abyss Demon Dragon Emperor wants needs our daughter to grow to a certain level before it can be derived. So, before this, our daughter is also safe, at least, for such an important power to the Abyss Demon Dragon Emperor, he does not want to ruin our daughter, maybe, he has to protect our daughter well. "

   "Puff......It\'s miserable." The pretty woman couldn\'t help laughing.

   Shui Shui then took this beautiful and exquisite little loli to Chen Mo’s

   "Big Brother, this is the big white dragon Shui Shui told you about. It is Xiao Ling and Shui Shui\'s best friend. It was the three of us playing together back then."

  Shui Shui said happily.

   "Big... okay, big brother, big brother call me Xiaorou... just fine."

Long Xiaorou looked at Chen Mo timidly and could see that she should be the weakest of the three little Lori. Xiaoyuan is obedient, well-behaved, and crying, but she is very strong, and if she gets angry, That\'s terrifying!

  Shuishui, a more lively little girl, lively and cute, and possesses nine-color light at the same time, various powers, battles, amplification, judgments...

  Long Xiaorou, a little loli who speaks shyly and weakly, is the most violent one among them. Chen Mo just saw a little bit in the battle just now. It is really not that the difference between before and after is too big! Of course, her front and back difference is similar to Xiao Yuan, but she is weaker than Xiao Yuan.

  Normal, you can hardly imagine that the existence of air just now every second is this weak little girl.

  Three little girls, if the firepower is full...the world will be destroyed!

  Chen Mo didn\'t know what to say, just nodded slightly.

  Long Xiaorou worriedly took Shui Shui’s little hand, and asked in a soft voice, "Does the big brother dislike Xiaorou?"

   "No, the big brother is super super good, and the bunny baked by the big brother is delicious!"

   "Tutu? Is it delicious?"

  Long Xiaorou asked, tilting her head.

   "Hmm, it\'s delicious!"

  The corners of the strong men of the Shengyang clan twitched.

  Tutu? What is that? Are there any delicious ice silkworms? Is Wannian Ambergris delicious? Is there nine-star rainbow berries delicious? Is there a world where blood spirit flowers are delicious?

   "Xiao Rou will eat too."

  Long Xiaorou said softly expectantly.

   "Then... Then you can let the big brother take you to eat together!"


  Then Long Xiaorou raised her head, her large aura eyes looking at Chen Mo expectantly.

  Chen Mo "……"

  "Did Brother Chenmo kidnap Lori?"

  Zhao Yingmeng blinked her eyes.

   "No, it was Little Loli who helped Chen Mo...Big brother you kidnap another Little Loli." Lin Kexin added.

  Chen Mo didn’t know how to answer. At this time, the Shengyang clan, Long Xiaorou’s father, Long Zhan, came over, patted Chen Mo on the shoulder, and said, "Youth, come and say a few words with me!"

   Then Chen Mo followed him.

  Long Zhan turned to look at Chen Mo, and then said majesticly, “I am Xiaorou’s father and the current patriarch of the Shengyang clan, Long Zhan.”

  Chen Mo gave a fist, "I have met seniors."

Long Zhan waved his hand, and then said, "My daughter is now all at zero strength, and her good friend Shengguang Tianyihu is also by your side. I have discussed with Xiaorou’s mother, if possible, I might as well let you take care of it. My daughter."

  Chen Mo touched the tip of his nose.

  Be good, it’s amazing.

"The demons have many precedents for following the human race. For example, you have many dragon knights of the human race. They may follow the human race much better than the normal practice of a single person~www.novelhall.com~ I also look forward to my daughter. Follow you through more trials."

  "But...Senior, I heard that there are other races coveting her power, and I have no ability to protect her..."

  Long Zhandao "You don\'t need to worry too much about this, just leave it to us, you only need to answer, are you willing?"

  Chen Mo glanced at Long Xiaorou.

  Gosh! Does this need one more little loli? There are three! And there are three sisters, the three who have played together the best...



   Such an impressive existence will be of great help to him!

   "Okay! I do!"

Long Zhan nodded, then patted Chen Mo on the shoulder, and said, "I don\'t know you, but I know the Holy Light Skywing Tiger Clan. I can see that that girl is very happy to follow you. I hope my daughter will follow you. I can be very happy!"

   "Senior don\'t worry."

Long Zhan nodded, "Don’t worry, my Shengyang clan will not treat you badly. Take good care of my daughter. My Shengyang clan will be a close friend to you. I owe you a favor. Weak and not weak, one of the most peak races in the mainland, with the pure combat power of the Shengyang clan, can fight any one of the first three halls of the Demon Temple and stand invincible."