I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 223: The harder the fight, the harder the task?

After the old man rushed over, he happened to see a white flame rushing towards the huge Saint Miing Yan Jiao.

   bang bang bang,

  Sheng Mie Yan Jiao\'s body was penetrated, and within a short time, Sheng Mie Yan Jiao turned into a corpse and fell on the ground.

  Chen Mo "……"

   Then he saw a little loli burning milky white standing there above the void.

   "Little Princess!"

  The old man yelled in panic, and then in the sky, countless strong men of the holy sun clan flew over and surrounded her!


   Terrifying power erupted from her body, and then she rushed to the horizon!

  A few seconds later, Chen Mo on the horizon saw the sea area being directly shaken by a tsunami as high as a thousand meters, possibly ten thousand meters in height.

  Chen Mo "……"

  What power is this?

"damn it!"

  The old man gritted his teeth and cursed.

  Shuishui and Zhao Yingmeng ran over.

"Big brother!"

   "Senior, what\'s going on?"

   Chen Mo asked quickly.

The old man said, "The power in the little princess was forcibly detonated by her, and even tore the barrier. This power can only be detonated if she is sober and willing, but at the same time she will lose all her power afterwards!" Annoyed on his face!

  All the power of the Heavenly Forbidden Level is lost, that is really an extremely heavy price!

  On the horizon, little Lolita took advantage of the burst of power to easily wipe out all the invaders, and then entered the sea, the sea is a doomsday scene!

   "All the powerhouses of the Shengyang clan, follow me into the deep sea! Protect the little princess! If you encounter the abyssal dragon clan, you will kill me without mercy!"

  The old man shouted angrily.


   swish swish swish——

   Then they all rushed to the horizon!

  The little princess\'s holy power exploded. At this time, the abyssal dragon clan would probably retreat, because they were afraid.

  A few more people are left here.

   "We all blame water."

  Shuishui\'s big eyes are red.

  Chen Mo rubbed her hair and comforted, “That’s because Shui Shui has a good relationship with her.”

   "But... But the big white dragon that is damaged by water will lose all its strength by then."

   "That\'s also my reason." Chen Mo said.

   Shui Shui leaned against Chen Mo and looked at the horizon.

The friendship between them is really so simple and pure. Da Bailong was very anxious when she saw Shui Shui, and saw that she cared about the big brother in her mouth. He didn\'t even hesitate to explode all the sacred powers in his body without hesitation. Losing all of her power, although she happened to be able to use this power to eradicate the Sacred Flame Flood Dragon Clan, she also saw the purity of their feelings! It was as if Shui Shui was willing to abandon her whole body strength for Xiao Yuan to break the barrier she couldn\'t get out of!

  Chen Mo is very impressed.

  Now it’s dark and the players are dead, and they are the only ones left! At this moment, the outside world has begun to denounce Chen Mo, but Chen Mo doesn\'t care!

  Qingcheng was also helpless. It was the first time she did the mission to the extent that she was in the middle of the whole process, and there was no one. It is estimated that she would be willing to be a green leaf when she was also doing missions with him.

  "Brother Chenmo, did our mission fail?"

  Zhao Yingmeng asked weakly.

   "I don\'t know." Chen Mo shook his head.

  Because no one knows what this task is for, it\'s just the cataclysm of the Lady of the Holy Sun. The Lady of the Holy Sun is naturally the little Lolita just now. Does releasing her mean to complete the task? Nor will it? However, they didn\'t tell them how to complete the task. Could it be that the Saint Mie Yanjiao clan was gone? Chen Mo didn\'t know either.

However, there is no doubt that this task has to face a monster of the gods, and at the same time, it has to face the attack of the big white dragon like Zhao Yingmeng. It is impossible for a player to be able to withstand it. Forty thousand players are worth it. Zhao Yingmeng was destroyed like this, but fortunately they have the buff of guardian angels to get here!

  No, to be precise, it also depends on water! Fortunately, this big white dragon is a good friend of Shui Shui, so they can get here!

  About twenty minutes later, a few people were waiting there waiting for something, and suddenly a system prompt came in everyone\'s mind.

   "Ding...Congratulations on completing the mission of the cataclysm of the Lady of the Sun. You will receive a bonus reputation of +100,000, gold coins +100,000, and other unknown rewards may or may not exist."



  Everyone was taken aback, they...have completed the task?

  Zhao Yingmeng, Lin Kexin and the others have their small mouths slightly opened, and their faces are puzzled.

"It seems that the mission of the Sacred Suns is to eradicate races like the Sacred Flame Jiao. For the players, this is an impossible mission, and it does match the difficulty of this mission, but... water."

  Chen Mo rubbed the quiet watery hair in his arms!

  That’s right, it\'s precisely that the Great White Dragon is willing to release all his power for the sake of water and water, in order to save him, and at the same time use her to lead the entire Sacred Sun clan and destroy the Sacred Yanjiao clan!

This girl is a big killer of the Shengyang clan. The Shengyang clan is not willing to let her give up her strength to deal with this crisis, but if it really threatens the life and death of the entire Shengyang clan, then it is estimated that it will be for Shengyang. One family, this girl will also burst out real power! The power in her body is the highest in the holy sun, naturally beyond the normal power of the holy sun clan, a power that Chen Mo cannot understand! From the time when this girl rushed into the sea, the tsunami that was tens of thousands of meters high had already seen her power against the sky.

  Why is this world, the more cute and weak the little loli, but the more perverted?

   "It\'s done? Isn\'t this the hardest task? How do I feel easier than the second task?"

  Zhao Yingmeng asked stupidly.

   "It is probably because you were not beaten as hard as the previous one in this task, so you think the task is relatively simple."

   "Hmm, maybe." Zhao Yingmeng nodded.

  It’s wrong, why does this sentence sound so wrong?

  Is the task more difficult if she gets beaten up more, and the task easier if she gets beaten up less? When did she define the difficulty of the task based on how many beats she received? Wow! How miserable!

  She dignified Zhao Jia Qianjia Miss ~www.novelhall.com~ turned into a sub-a son, woo woo woo.

  But...it\'s still pretty good to complete the task.

   "That... Brother Chenmo, all my equipment was burned by the Great White Dragon Flame, a set of gold sets."

  Zhao Yingmeng said aggrieved.

Chen Mo threw Guixuan\'s dagger to Zhao Yingmeng and said, "Take this first. There will be no shortage of golden tools. As long as you walk around with me and spend a few hours on the task, you may be able to fight for you. set!"

  This girl\'s boss attraction is not just for fun.

   "Wow! Thank you Brother Chenmo!"

   Then Chen Mo gave Guixuan’s magic wand to Lin Kexin and said, “It’s fine if the level is up to the equipment.”


  At this time, a crowd of figures flew over from the horizon.

   "Little Bear!"

   A happy and joyful voice came, and then the cute and weak little loli ran to the water happily.

   "The Great White Dragon!"

  Shui Shui looked at her and then glowed, and ran over happily.