I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 225: [Chen Mo] Niubi—(Poyin)

The favor of the Shengyang clan...

   Give him all his daughters, and later help him fight, help him work, help him beat his back and rub his legs, but also owe him personal feelings... Is he not going to lose money?

  Chen Mo thinks, can there be more such businesses? There is no loss at all, OK?

  No, there is a little loss, just to raise a little girl! But there is no problem at all.

  Chen Mo nodded and said, "If Senior is relieved, I will have no problem. It just so happens that there are two girls around me who happen to be her good friends."


  Chen Mo nodded, "There is another one that hasn’t come, but it just happens to be her good friend."

  Long Zhan nodded in satisfaction. He thought there was only one good friend of the Heavenly Winged Tiger beside him, but he did not expect that there was another one, so his daughter would be happier.

   "Well then, my daughter will leave it to you."

  Long Zhan patted Chen Mo on the shoulder, then he turned and walked towards the crowd, walked to his daughter and said a few words, Long Xiaorou’s mother was reluctant to walk over and hugged her daughter.

  Chen Mo walked to Qingcheng and the others.

   "Did Brother Chenmo want another beautiful little loli?" Zhao Yingmeng asked curiously.

  Chen Mo nodded awkwardly.

  To be honest, he didn’t know why he was a little embarrassed, it was because of little Lori? He is also a stranger now.


  Qingcheng said abruptly.

  Chen Mo "……"

   "Why am I perverted?"

   "No count?"

  Chen Mo "……"

  Well, it seems that there are some. There are three beautiful little loli by his side. The three little loli go around him every day, and one rides her. It seems a bit...

   "Wow wow wow!"

  At this time Shui Shui happily ran over from Long Xiaorou and the others, hugged Chen Mo’s arm, and said happily, “Big Brother, Da Shu has agreed to let Da Bailong follow Big Brother!”

  Chen Mo nodded.

   "Hehe, now the little bear, Shuishi, and the big white dragon can all be together, thank you, big brother."

   "No, I want to thank you."

  Chen Mo rubbed her little head and said.

   "Hee hee." Chen Mo felt very happy about Shui Shui. His big eyes were crescent-shaped, which was very cute.

At this time, Long Zhan came over, looked at Chen Mo and the others, handed Chen Mo a token in his hand, and said, "If you have trouble that can’t be solved and you need me, or if you need the Shengyang clan, crush this token. The cards are good!"

  Chen Mo nodded and took it!

  Now, he has become a friend of the Shengyang clan, and even the Shengyang clan can do him a favor in the future. This is a bit exaggerated. How about borrowing some money to let him establish a school?

  Think about it or forget it, vulgar.

  Following Long Zhan\'s hand waved, the scorching light enveloped Chen Mo and several others.

   "Ding...you have acquired the skill Holy Dragon Might."

  A system prompt came in everyone\'s mind.

  The power of the holy dragon The holy sun belongs to the dragon clan, and the dragon is the head of all things, possessing extremely strong majesty and power, releasing the power of the holy dragon and frightening creatures. The effect issued a dragon roar, stunned all units around 50 meters for three seconds. Consumes 1000 mana and has a cooling time of ten minutes.


  They all showed expressions of surprise and shock.

  This skill is so powerful! It turned out to be up to fifty meters high and lasted for three seconds with a wide range of control skills, even cooling down for only ten minutes!

  Imagine an assassin, she can stun all enemies in a large area, and then let her kill it? The most powerful thing in the assassin profession is the fastest speed in the entire profession, the highest single attack damage, and the ability to teleport later, but the assassin profession has no control skills! Obviously, this skill is a great harvest for Qingcheng and Zhao Yingmeng!

The same is true for Lin Kexin. In addition to the strong protection and healing ability, the Holy Angel class also has a strong combat power. It can be imagined as a combination of a magician and a priest, but even if it is a combination, it is just a simple magician. The most fearful thing is to get close, but if there is a range skill that allows him to control the enemy, it can stretch the distance first, and can take the opportunity to attack, wouldn\'t it be beautiful? Of course, the improvement to Chen Mo is also tremendous!

  This should be another reward, a lot of money!

  On the other side, Long Xiaorou\'s eyes are red, sobbing in her mother\'s arms.

"Well, you girl ran out to play without a word back then, and haven\'t seen you cry for so long, heartless, why can\'t you bear it now." Long Xiaorou\'s mother pampered and rubbed her baby. Head.

   "That...that\'s different."

  Long Xiaorou said softly.

"Okay, it’s not too early, it’s getting dark, and my mother won’t stay anymore. Go and play with your good friends. Let’s see you when we are free. Remember that besides playing, it’s more important to be there. With the help of a elder brother to improve her own strength." Long Xiaorou\'s mother reluctantly kissed her forehead, and said dozingly.

   "Um... Then... Xiao Rou is gone. Goodbye, my mother. Xiao Rou will let her elder brother bring you to see you often."

   "Go! Go! I went out for years and haven\'t come back and I haven\'t seen you talk about it, this girl."

  The woman smiled.

  Then Long Xiaorou walked to Chen Mo\'s side, took Shui Shui\'s little hand, and then Long Xiaorou bowed vigorously.

   "Big...Big brother."

  Chen Mo looked at her parents, looked at the strong people, and then nodded at her.

   "Go back, I\'m afraid I can\'t bear to leave this girl again!"

  Speaking ~www.novelhall.com~ Long Zhan waved his hand, and a teleportation formation appeared in front of them.

  "Farewell seniors!" Chen Mo gave a fist.

  "My father, my mother, goodbye! Xiao Rou will be very well-behaved and will work hard to improve her strength."

   Then they walked into the teleportation array one after another.

  Waiting for them to disappear completely, Long Xiaorou’s mother nestled in Long Zhan’s arms.

   "Brother Zhan, how long will it take for our daughter to leave?"

"I don\'t know, but don\'t worry, when you miss your daughter, I will take you to see her. When your daughter grows up, you must always let her choose the life she likes and choose a way more suitable for her to practice, that human teenager. , It’s not easy. I actually saw him release the Phoenix Clan’s ultimatum before. Perhaps he is not only related to the Holy Light Skywing Tiger Clan, and he should be relieved if his daughter gives it to him."


  Chen Mo and several others appeared outside Linfeng City.

"Ding...all players please pay attention to the cataclysm of the player Chen Mo (Poyin), the female heroine of the old mother, Coco Xinxin, and the hidden daughter of the Holy Sun after completing the mission. In addition... Chen Mo is awesome-(Poyin). "

  "Ding...all players please pay attention..."

  For a time, the system announcement swept again.